How to Be a Fabulous Public Speaker: 7 Inspiring Tips

SUMMARY: Becoming a standout public speaker involves more than just crafting speeches—it requires media exposure, enthusiastic delivery, and effective branding strategies. From captivating your audience to booking dream speaking engagements, these seven articles offer invaluable tips and insights for speakers at any level. By mastering communication skills, managing nerves, and honing storytelling abilities, you can…

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be a guest on national TV

Create a TV Pitch Letter and Get on National TV

Lots of people call me who want to get on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, The View, MSNBC and more. Most don’t know that if they create the entire segment they have a better chance of becoming a guest on a national TV show. If they can envision the show, map…

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Why I love Lady Gaga – and You – Unfiltered 

I was walking down our tree lined street yesterday when a boy popped his head out of a car window parked in his driveway. “Hi!” he yelled. “Hi!” I yelled back. “What cha doin?” “Washing my car,” he said. “Oh, don’t mind him,” his father chimed in. “He is only three and doesn’t have a…

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winning radio pitch letter templates

3 Radio Pitch Letter Templates Guaranteed to Get a Producer’s Attention (And get you booked!)

The following are 3 radio pitch letter templates courtesy Steve Harrison and Alex Carroll. (Thank you guys!)

Steve shared these brilliant radio pitch letter email templates and Alex created the amazing examples. You can just copy these and fill-in-the blanks with your topic or subject matter.

Also, if it isn’t obvious, all of these fabulous formulas double as as story headlines for pitching TV, magazines, newspapers and online to feature you or whatever you’re promoting.

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