Elevate Your Media Presence: Expert Tips to Avoid Soundbite Blunders

Elevate Your Media Presence: Expert Tips to Avoid Soundbite Blunders SUMMARY: Learn expert tips to avoid soundbite blunders and improve your media presence. Craft a concise, tailored introduction to control your bio and the narrative before stepping in front of the camera or microphone. Ensure your message is concise and precise, focusing on six essential…

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matchmaking video coaching

Media (Love) Coaching for Matchmaking

I was talking to my neighbor next door who works for a famous matchmaking firm. She’s a warm and cozy person who people feel comfortable with right away. She has a knack for putting people at ease — including celebrities, princesses and the rich beyond imagination, who are her clients.  Want to listen to this…

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Media Appearances: Your Guide to PR Professional Dress

Guest Blog post As a PR professional, knowing how to dress for media appearances is of utmost importance. There are few departments who represent a company more directly then the PR team themselves. Though preparing yourself for an appearance with the media can be a bit stressful in the beginning, creating your wardrobe is essential.…

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be a guest on national TV

Create a TV Pitch Letter and Get on National TV

Lots of people call me who want to get on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, The View, MSNBC and more. Most don’t know that if they create the entire segment they have a better chance of becoming a guest on a national TV show. If they can envision the show, map…

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