Your Signature Sound Bites Detail
Module 1: Understanding Sound Bites
Learn the 3 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE you begin a publicity campaign or contact the media that form the foundation for everything you say.
Discover the 3 Ps and why they are critical to your success.
Internalize the most effective sound bite forms that have a proven history of success with the media and your intended audience.
Use forms, formulas and templates that you can apply to any knowledge, topic, advice or story so you’ll sound fascinating, smart, skillful, entertaining and endearing.
Make sure that everything you do, say, are and think is in alignment so your brand is completely congruent so you get what you want.
Understand the principle of delight and how to apply it to your media appearances and life.
Work most effectively with your sound bite buddy to accelerate your learning.
Module 2: Making Your Sound Bites Sizzle
Construct questions that lead you into your prepared answers and make the interviewer sound smart so you give an organized and coherent interview every time.
Use the 3 Qs to create a biography that establishes respect and credibility instantly.
Craft a mesmerizing message in 30 seconds.
Learn the proven formula for developing stellar stories everyone loves.
Discover the 5 Ms to creating memorable sound bites – standards that make your sound bites sizzle.
Practice more sound bite forms, formulas and templates that you can apply to any knowledge, topic, advice or story so you’ll be fascinating, smart, skillful, entertaining and endearing.
Apply guidelines to create your 6 expandable and collapsible sound bites from 10-45 seconds each so you’re prepared for an interview of any length.
Module 3: Avoiding Crititcal Messaging Mistakes
Learn how to set up a media interview for success by handling producers and editors so you become their media darling.
Understand proper etiquette that will turn you into a dream media guest and keep you “top of mind” whenever the media needs an expert on your topic.
Discover how to avoid major mistakes that even the pros make.
Circumvent embarrassment, ridicule, degradation, shame or disdain.
Employ transitions, bridges & segues to consistently tell ONLY what you want your audience to know so you resonate with your chosen tribe.
Avoid getting tricked into saying something you’ll regret forever – and preserve your precious reputation.
Use a secret relaxation technique that will allow you to access your memory under extreme stress.
Module 4: Short Cuts to Becoming an Expert, Authority or Thought Leader
Learn shortcuts to becoming an expert, authority or thought leader in any field.
Discover strategies to speak so your audience will like, respect, support and buy, or buy into what you have to offer.
Establish a consistent look, feel and sound for everything you say so you are considered a trusted expert.
Employ techniques to tailor your sound bites to different audiences so you always touch the hearts and minds of your audience connect deeply and sincerely.
Use strategies to bring in the kind of business, partnerships, opportunities, and experiences you want, both personally and professionally that enrich and enliven your life.
Module 5: Mastering The Interview Process
Master the interview to get your message out under any circumstance.
Prepare for the nice, uninformed, rambler, interrupter, or hostile interviewer while you calmly and collectedly speak your truth.
Parlay even the most challenging situations into positive “press” for your business, book, product, service or cause.
Learn how to think small in order to think big.
Use techniques to give an ‘ask you back’ interview.
I’ve loved your classes and you are brilliant! I learned so much and my confidence has made great leaps-—all because of you and amazing Alison. The sound bite course will really get you to think, speak and write in sound bites; you begin to understand and appreciate the power your words and learn very practical ways to engage your audience. I learned how to maximize my impact by being creative, relevant and riveting.
This is exciting and confidence enhancing work! I know I can create sound bites now that will sizzle and boost my business big time. Susan is a brilliant teacher. It’s so good to learn from someone who is so authentic, personable–and values excellence.
The Sound Bite course is an amazing combination of live expert coaching with media specialists, one-on-one practice calls with peers, and truly helpful self-guided programs. The course has helped me hone my message; gain confidence; and create specific stories I can use in interviews, on my website, and on my blog. It was not only informative, but also really fun. I had a radio interview this week and I felt so prepared for it! I knew the questions to send the interviewer, and I was prepared with some great stories and angles! Susan and Alison are not only experts in this field, but they also are both wonderful listeners and women with big hearts. For me, these qualities make them stand out above other folks teaching the same material. The presence and personal attention is almost unheard of these days.
Module 1:
Understanding Sound Bites.
Module 2:
Making Your Sound Bites Sizzle.
Module 3:
Avoiding Critical Messaging Mistakes.
Module 4:
Short Cuts to Becoming an Expert, Authority or Thought Leader.
Module 5:
Mastering The Interview Process.
Bonus #1:
Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®—Self Esteem from the Inside Out P3 audio and PDF transcript.
Bonus #2:
Why Can’t Women Be More Like Men? MP3 audio and PDF transcript.
Bonus #3:
Get Booked on Top Radio Shows PDF transcript.
Bonus #4:
Get Yourself on TV Any Time, Any Where MP3 audio and PDF transcript.
Bonus #5:
Social Media Mania A comprehensive mini-program.
Bonus #6:
Meet, greet and sell templates Fill in the blank templates.
Bonus #7:
Fill in the blank sound bite and press kit templates More fill in the blank templates.
Bonus #8:
Abolish fear A powerful mini-program.
Total Bonus Extras Including the Course and
the $500 Free Consult (we hope you get it!)
= More Than $3,000!
Option 11-Pay $497 |
Option 22-Pay $269/mo |
If you have ANY QUESTIONS at all or wish to place your order by phone, call one of our knowledgeable customer service agents who will help you RIGHT NOW. Leave a message or call back if the number is busy and we’ll call you back ASAP! Toll Free: 888.839.4190 |