The Zen of Fame: Your Genius Gone Viral® Masterclass
Share your mission, message and offer with the world using my strategies for getting interviewed by the media to showcase yourself, business and brand with Susan Harrow top media coach + marketing strategist

Can you relate to any of these?

I get it. Many of my thousands of clients and course participants have been there—but we shifted all that!
Here are a few places they have been featured
When I was a publicist I had great success getting prestigious national media placements for my clients:
But after they were interviewed something surprising happened.
They didn’t know what to say when the media called or during a media interview. So I started media training them so their media appearances would have results.
And then something miraculous happened.
They got business, sales, speaking engagements, high-paying, long-lasting coaching and consulting gigs, and a reputation for being the best in their industry.
Their programs and products sold out, books became bestsellers. They enjoyed lucrative sponsorships, contracts and clients, became regular commentators on national news shows.
That’s the big dream.
And while you may not think that’s possible for you (yet)…
Know that others started small and grew fast by appearing on local TV, podcasts, winning company contests, and gaining great leaps of confidence.

When I was a publicist I had great success getting prestigious national media placements for my clients:
But after they were interviewed something surprising happened.
They didn’t know what to say when the media called or during a media interview. So I started media training them so their media appearances would have results.
And then something miraculous happened.
They got business, sales, speaking engagements, high-paying, long-lasting coaching and consulting gigs, and a reputation for being the best in their industry.
Their programs and products sold out, books became bestsellers. They enjoyed lucrative sponsorships, contracts and clients, became regular commentators on national news shows.
That’s the big dream.
And while you may not think that’s possible for you (yet)…
Know that others started small and grew fast by appearing on local TV, podcasts, winning company contests, and gaining great leaps of confidence.
Just some of the ways that I have helped my course participants succeed!
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe Made $200,000 From One Speaking Engagement. Course enrollment jumped from 100 to 700 In less than 8 weeks
On a lot of levels Susan helped me work out the messaging of the university and then bring that message out in a consistent way to the world. Our course enrollment jumped from 100 to 700 people. I got a standing ovation and two checks for $100,000 each from people who believed in my vision.
~ Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, President, University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism and Director, Dr. Jaffe MD Seminars International
Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter Tripled Her Speaking Fees — from $5,000 to $15,000 In 4 months
I got a $15,000 speaking engagement as a direct result of Susan Harrow's Signature Sound Bites course. I tripled my speaking fees because of what I learned in Susan's course. This is absolutely the best investment I've ever made. You are life changing for me!
~ Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Performance Coach, Best-selling author, Your Performing Edge
Debora McLaughlin Got a Major Book Deal, Column, and Doubled Her Income in 3 months
This program turned around my entire business. My book, The Renegade Leader has been picked up by a major publisher and after hearing my sound bites they committed to a global marketing campaign. I'm on track to more than doubling my income next year. If you are looking to really take your place in the world, start by taking this program.
~ Debora McLaughlin, Executive Coach, CEO, The Renegade Leader
Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert Went from No Publicity to National Publicity in 3 months
Susan Harrow changed my life. I went from “geek speak” to "media speak." After working with Susan just a few short months I landed media placements in outlets that included the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The LA Times, USA Today, Oprah and Friends,,,, US News and World Report, Radio-TV Interview Report, Health, Smart Money, The Christian Science Monitor, CNN, National Public Radio, The History Channel, ABC News Now, and more. Susan taught me how to “do media,” on my own. I got lucrative consulting contracts with nationally recognized companies. The long litany of media accomplishments she facilitated serves as instant credibility that I could not purchase with a million-dollar advertising budget.
~ Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert, Director of Research CEG Worldwide & CEO of My Survey Expert
Annette Tersigni #1 on Amazon Kindle ABOVE Millionaire Mentor T. Harv Eker and beating Suze Orman in 4 months!
My book is full of sound bites plus the front and back cover were also inspired by your program. Our phone consult sent me to the moon and gave me the momentum and drive to get myself and my book out there!
~ Annette Tersigni RN, Founder of Yoga Nursing®, #1 Bestselling Author, The Richest Woman In Babylon & Manhattan: Stylish parables for financial + spiritual health
Most importantly...
They did it by being themselves and staying true to their values.
Whatever you want for yourself….is possible with publicity.
Whether you want to:
- Make your book a best seller
- Become a world-renowned speaker
- Create an innovative product or service that changes lives
- Gain attention and funding for your cause
- Become a thought leader
- Make a difference for millions
- Start a movement
- Or just want to get more customers, clients, sales and sell more products and programs
I’m committed to working with you to share your vision, mission, message on a big scale using the same exact methods I’ve used for the thousands of people who’ve worked with me personally or through my live and virtual courses.

Part 1: Create your key media messages
When the media calls, do you know what to say? Most people don’t. They rush to pitch a producer or reporter and then when the call comes in they ramble, rush fumble or forget to share their most important points—if they even know what they are.
In Part 1 - You’ll learn how to discover your most important messages and how to deliver them with confidence and ease. You’ll find out what your values and future dreams are and how to speak in such a way that you connect with your perfect partners, audience and connections.
Part 2: Set up your systems
You may have heard people say that publicity doesn’t work. But here is the rub. Publicity brings people to your “door” and you need to usher them in.
In Part 2: You will learn everything that you need to convert visitors to buyers. Your website, social media, press kit, and opt-ins all need to be set up to usher in the media. Along with any of your other systems. So when people land on your website, call you or visit your store it’s easy for them to “buy.”
Part 3: Develop a publicity campaign
Based on decades of PR & media coaching with thousands of clients I know that it is possible to secure meaningful media attention without comprising what matters most.
In Part 3: You’ll learn how to set up a publicity campaign that suits your style, pacing and energy in just 25 days. You’ll be totally prepared for the kind of success that publicity can give you. This section provides the keys to your media kingdom.
Part 1: Create Your Key Media Messages
Try this self-test right now. Imagine you're about to get a call from Oprah, Good Morning America or MSNBC. What would you say about your book, business, product, service or cause? Go ahead. Try it out loud right now.
Is what you said your best effort at representing yourself to millions? Remember, most people will not get a second chance at passing the producer's audition. You might not know it but every call from the media is an audition. And if you don't pass they move on to the next person—your competition.
Module 1: Understanding Sound Bites.
Module 2: Making Your Sound Bites Sizzle.
Module 3: Avoiding Critical Messaging Mistakes.
Module 4: Short Cuts to Becoming an Expert, Authority or Thought Leader.
Module 5: Mastering The Interview Process.
Part 2: Set Up Your Systems
Right now, there are over ... 44,000 radio stations, 8,000 TV stations, 7,000 magazines ... in the United States alone.
And over ... 4.9 million podcasts. And! 600 million blogs ... in the world.
You can look at this two ways:
Oh my God, there’s so much competition. How will I ever be found, known, seen? It’s impossible!
Oh my God, there are more opportunities than ever before to get media exposure for me, my message and my business. There is a place for me. I’m on it!
And you do NOT have to sell your soul to do it. But you DO need to be thoughtful and deliberate with your media strategy. It doesn't make sense to pitch yourself willy-nilly.
Module 1: Define your audience and offer
Module 2: Revamp your website to sell
Module 3: Write a bionic bio
Module 4: Create your amazing opt-in and offer
Module 5: Give “ask me back” media interviews
Module 6: Promote your work gracefully
Module 7: Find your rockin’ rhythm + get way more done
Module 8: Be a one-of a kind authority
Module 9: Warm up to media interviews gently
Module 10: Explore Joint Ventures (JVs)
Module 11: Create your own webinar
Module 12: Rev up your revenue streams

Part 3: Develop A Publicity Campaign
This part is based on my bestselling book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul™ because I believe it’s possible to secure meaningful media attention without compromising what matters most. (I believe it because I’ve witnessed it — with hundreds of clients, thousands of times.)
We’re living in the noisiest, most cluttered & media-saturated era in history.
It’s harder than ever to be seen, heard & beloved — online, in business, and even at home.
Now, more than ever, it’s vital to master the science of self-promotion, rediscover the lost art of conversation, and learn how to inspire immediate action around the causes & projects that matter to you.
Now, more than ever, it’s time for a PR, media & sales philosophy that puts your integrity first — not last.
Get the keys to your media kingdom.
Module 1: Solidify your value to the media
Module 2: Get crisp clarity on your 6 key messages
Module 3: Set Yourself Up for a Successful Publicity Campaign
Module 4: Create an Online Press Kit That the Media Love
Module 5: Get the Inside Scoop on How Traditional Publicity Works
Module 6: Get the Inside Scoop on How Social Media Publicity Works
Module 7: Market Yourself and Your Message Like a Professional Publicist
Here is what you’ll receive:
1. VIDEO INTRODUCTIONS to every course segment so you can maximize your time, energy and attention and focus on the fastest, most productive way to move through the modules. It’s like having me hold your hand and cheer you on every step of the way. I’m almost with you in person!
2. 100 MEDIA CONTACT LIST so you can get started sending your pitch letter or press release to your most wanted list.
3. PRE-RECORDED MP3 RECORDINGS with me walking you through each module so you can implement all of your learnings for immediate results in the media, in your business and in your personal life. Calls are 60-minutes each, and they are already recorded for you, so don’t worry about scheduling conflicts! You can listen to them repeatedly on your computer, iPod, or other MP3 player. You receive ALL modules instantly, as soon as you register, so you can learn at your own pace.
4. PDF TRANSCRIPTS of every call so you can read along as you listen so you don’t miss a word, or if you want search a point fast.
5. PRESS KIT CREATION PLUG N’ PLAY SOFTWARE where you just pop in your information and voila! It’s formatted exactly how the media want it with no effort on your part. It’s done and ready to send ASAP and put on your website. [this is EXCLUSIVE software that no one else has].
6. FILL-IN-THE-BLANK TEMPLATES that are nearly done for you in formats that the media love.
7. DETAILED DOWNLOADABLE WORKSHEETS including real-life examples that have brought dramatic results for real entrepreneurs today.
8. RECORDED GROUP COACHING CALLS where you’ll hear tips, techniques and strategies to hone your sound bites, messaging, and pitching the media and lots of other topics relating to publicity and growing your business. There is a vast amount of information here on everything how to prepare for publicity to how to title your course or book!
9. BONUS BONANZA of calls with experts who have booked themselves on top national shows + lots more goodies.
10. VIP OPTION—HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TWO 1:1 CALLS with Susan for anything you’d like where you’ll make GINORMOUS progress in record time. [SAVE $1000!] That's half off!
Are you afraid of "selling yourself?" Are you afraid you'll embarrass yourself or come across in a way you don't want?
You're not alone. I have years of success helping people just like you craft media-friendly messages without compromising their authentic selves.
There's no denying people's attention spans are shrinking. This is where my experience comes in comes in. I’ve devoted thousands of hours working with everyone from CEOs to celebrity chefs, reality TV and rock stars to dot com millionaires to craft small, succinct phrases that catch and keep audience interest with an essential piece of your message.
How do you fit the essence of what you do into ten seconds or less, in a way that brings in the business you want?
The proven methodologies in this masterclass have helped hundreds of—entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, leaders and visionaries—create sizzling tidbits and harness media appearances for business success.
Here’s why you should follow the advice of Susan to the letter.
Susan has been featured, quoted, profiled or has appeared in dozens of media venues such as The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor,, CNN, Advertising Age, Woman’s Day, Ladies’ Home Journal, Women’s Wear Daily, Entrepreneur, Salon Magazine, Pink, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Orlando Sentinel, and Investor’s Business Daily, and on CNBC, NPR, national/syndicated TV and radio.
She was also featured on the CNBC special documentary, The Oprah Effect discussing the secrets of getting on Oprah.
Publisher’s Weekly called her highly acclaimed book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®: A Woman’s Guide to Promoting Herself, Her Business, Her Product, or Her Cause with Integrity and Spirit (HarperCollins) a “Rumi-meets-Seth Godin public relations handbook.” Hundreds of readers call it their “Publicity Bible.”
Susan Harrow’s clients include everyone from Fortune 500 CEOs to celebrity chefs, Internet millionaires, to best-selling authors and successful entrepreneurs, rock stars and reality TV contestants. Her diverse clientele includes iVillage, Design Within Reach, Yoga Journal, Debbie Ford, Pacific Bell Directory/The Yellow Pages, Bill Graham Presents, Gillette/Oral B, the North Face, and Random House. Susan has media coached people for their appearances on Oprah, CBS’s 60 Minutes, Good Morning America, The Today Show, CNN, and more.
Susan media coached a client for Oprah who then got invited back for a second time. Her client got a 7-figure book advance and the business grew so fast it was named to Inc. Magazine’s coveted Inc. 500 list of America’s fastest-growing private companies in 2009.
Susan has also media coached a woman-owned multi-million dollar business to prepare for a national tour for a new product launch. That company was also named The Inc. 500 list of America’s fastest-growing private companies in 2009.
YOU can learn how to get these results too – and for less than the cost of one month of a publicist’s retainer or a major national press release blast campaign.
In short, you’ll be golden when everything you do, say, are and think is in alignment – from your words to your website™. When you are positioned strategically to appeal to the audiences that are right for your business, book, product, service or cause, and you understand what to say in order to move them into action, you’ll be unstoppable. You’ll find that you’ll automatically attract the business, clients, customer, people, partnerships, opportunities and experiences you want — both professionally and personally.
While I can’t guarantee you’ll always or immediately have the same results as I been able to create during my 35 years in the PR business, ask yourself if you…
Could stand to learn a few things about becoming a recognizable name, a household brand or a leading expert like my clients who have appeared on the major national TV shows, in the most prestigious magazines, radio shows and Internet sites … and have helped sell millions of dollars worth of my clients’ books, products, professional services, and promoted causes that have changed the world for the better, using popular media to tell their stories for over three decades?
A highlight reel of some of the great results clients have recieved after taking
this course.
I got a standing ovation and two checks for $100,000 each from people who believed in my vision.
I’ve increased the sales of my book and business by thousands
of dollars in the first month!

Worth $1500!
Enjoy two 57-minute 1:1 consults with Susan any time you need them for just $2000 $1000.
That’s a 50% savings! That's half off!
Susan works on a project or retainer basis with clients so you can’t purchase her time any other way.
On a scale of 1-10 many past course participants have rated these calls 100! They say that they are invaluable.
“I had too many ideas and was all over the place. Within one hour of coaching with Susan I came to terms with what I really wanted to do which was blog to get my message out and create community. This was a huge AHA for me. I highly recommend you take Susan’s course—like now. It’s fabulous!”
Cheryl Gilman, Communications Coach + author of Doing Work You Love
"Just saying thanks SO much for our amazing consult yesterday. I got everything I wanted, very specific direction, and so much more. I give you a rating of 15, on your scale of 1-10. You are off the charts! You are EXTRAORDINARY!"
Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Performance Coach, Best-selling author, Your Performing Edge
Choose the VIP option at checkout to claim your 2 consults.

Warning! Taking this course will help you get you REAL publicity.
You’ve seen the logos everywhere on people’s websites and LinkedIn profiles that all look the same? That’s because their press release has been posted to an online news hub (which is just like tacking up a poster on a pole). It does NOT MEAN that they were interviewed by that media. This is FAKE NEWS. That has zero value to building your brand, business or reputation and to getting real earned media. This course is for people who want actual media placements on TV, radio, podcasts, print, blogs and social media that will help grow their credibility, company or practice.
Isn’t it time for you to shine in the spotlight?
The Zen of Fame: Your Genius Gone Viral®
PLUS all your bonuses delivered instantly

My Personal Happiness Guarantee
The Zen of Fame: Your Genius Gone Viral™
I want to make sure that this program is going to work for you and that you're THRILLED with what you're learning and implementing.
WHAT TO DO: If after you have done a minimum of the work which entails: meeting with your sound bite buddy twice, written a pitch letter or press release and sent it in to the editor or producer of your choice, written out your 6 sound bites (key messages), and sent it all to me before 30 days from your purchase date in ONE MS word document to: we will send your money back ASAP. And, we really hope you’ll complete the assignments! As you can see from the numerous testimonials those who went through the system and did the work got amazing and substantial results. And I know that you can too!