Communication Training For Women
for women who feel oppressed by Imposter Syndrome, have lost or lack confidence—and want to shine in a presentation, meeting or in the media spotlight with ease while keeping their grace and femininity intact

Mansplaining, trolls, aggression, and imposter syndrome can be major deterrents in establishing executive presence, standing strong in your innate power and handling media interviews.
Likewise, the media can help or hurt a woman on the verge of fame and acclaim by belittling, minimizing or acting aggressively toward them during media interviews and drive women into imposter syndrome and shame and blame during their moment in the spotlight.
Our thorough media training for women focuses shifting imposter syndrome into standing strong in self-worth. We use rehearsal and role-play to reinforce mastering themselves, their behavior, words and actions to ensure that they are intentional, centered and comfortable in any meeting, performance review or public appearance.
The result is that their executive presence and natural authority is unquestioned. Imposter syndrome fades. They are portrayed in a positive light and can promote their project or objective with integrity and spirit.
Develop Your Command Presence
We work together on your presence so anyone you're speaking to “gets” and respects you before you’ve even spoken a word.
In the big picture we help you build your professional and personal presence in a conscious, consistent way that inspires confidence and buy-in from any stakeholder to get the outcomes you desire.
After our personalized attention and media training both new and established CEOs, founders, executives or entrepreneurs will be able to deliver their messages in a clear, conversational style while expressing their engaging personality and style. In short, imposter syndrome will recede or vanish. You will be centered, strong and persuasive under any circumstance—and get the results you want.
Whether you are conducting a meeting, asking for a raise or promotion, starring on stage, or shining in a media interview, our media training will prepare you for the best and worst interviewers, naysayers and conditions.

Your Path To Fast Results
"It’s been a tremendous self-discovery journey for me—more than even getting ready for the camera. I feel super confident + comfortable + I have Susan to thank for it."
~ Prachee Kale, Co-Founder of Think.Design.Cyber
"You have this beautiful authority over a room. But it’s not masculine. It’s so feminine."
~ Chelsea Banks Rodriguez, Independent Consultant Cutco
"You're like a magician... you get into things that very few people get + I noticed a change in my perspective of life after working with you."
~ Raluca Kannan, Founder Parzival Academy
"Susan gave me solid strategies to feel prepared for every interview—a repeatable methodology + the tools to work through the emotional baggage + turmoil."
~ Stephanie Heath, CEO Soulwork & Six-Figures
"I was able to take all of my ideas + get them down to the DNA"
~ Kay Allison, Entrepreneur, Author + Leader of an alcohol-free community
According to one study, 75% of women in leadership positions have experienced imposter syndrome throughout their professional journeys, and in woman of color, that feeling is amplified. Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga and Sheryl Sandberg have all admitted to experiencing imposter syndrome.
I’ve helped hundreds of talented, driven, high-performing women work through this painful experience, which is literally stealing their joy, their life, and even their livelihood.
In my three decades of experience preparing women for some of the biggest media and stages in the world, I know that nothing affects us more than the drama playing out on the inner stage of our minds.
We begin with the premise that you already have everything that you need inside you - thus you - like every other human being on the planet - are simply working toward what you want to become.
It’s a fallacy to think you must always be “confident.” Imposter syndrome is a natural outcome when you challenge yourself to the next level of being. One that you can let go of quickly on-the-spot. Once we shift the focus to competence, you ground yourself anew in this practice. You become centered, able, assured, and can take your one seat at any “table.”
Susan is a beautiful light and incredible force.
Susan is a beautiful light and incredible force. She specializes in coaching people to shine their best as they step into the spotlight. I have been to one of her trainings and participated in a small breakout group with her. She not only is a master of helping you fine tune your outward projection, but also by digging deep into your power, harnessing it and setting it free to the audience at hand. Oh, and she does this with a huge smile, such grace…and confidence!
~ Torrey T. Benson, Investor, Marker Buoy Commercial Real Estate Investments

Embody Self-Worth
Our comprehensive media training for women CEOs, women executives, women founders, women in tech, and women entrepreneurs, covers how to:
- Expertly handle media interviews, panels, pitch fests, public speaking engagements, performance reviews, media interviews, and meetings with ease and grace.
- Embody your principles and values in everything you do, say, are and think™.
- Master mindset using techniques from martial arts, meditation and the newest, proven scientific neuroscience studies for consistent calm and focus.
- Avert getting caught in surprise questions, sticky situations, and embarrassing moments that can ruin your reputation or destroy your business or brand in an instant.
- Become charismatic, persuasive and engaging while keeping your originality and quirks.
- Avoid reacting, oversharing, stumbling, bumbling or freezing to sustain and maintain your pristine name.
- Deliver your key messages under any circumstance with any type of personality to advance your stature and status in your communities and worldwide.
- Manage your time, energy and enthusiasm while delivering story variations on podcasts, panels and in presentations to entrance different audiences.
- Deftly enlist mentors and sponsors to increase your status, currency and buy-in.
- Subtly share positive stories about your team and accomplishments without activating schadenfreude.
- Use body, facial, verbal language and vocal variety to keep audiences enthralled and enthused.
- Relax and enjoy your time to shine in any spotlight without worrying about scathing scrutiny or tall poppy syndrome.

Your Media Trainer
Susan Harrow is a beloved media trainer, marketing strategist, martial artist and author of the bestselling book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® (HarperCollins).
As CEO of Harrow Communications Inc., a worldwide media training consultancy, she has been media training women CEOs, executives and entrepreneurs for over 33 years. She specializes in helping women let go of imposter syndrome.
Before she became a media trainer Susan was a publicist and booked clients on hundreds of radio, TV, and print outlets including Oprah, CBS’ 60 Minutes, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, Larry King Live, The Food Network, Extra!, New Attitudes, E! The Entertainment Channel, Bloomberg Radio Network, Net Cafe, The Lifetime Channel, Howard Stern, CNN, C-SPAN, PBS, National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, NPR Fresh Air, Marketplace, and CBS This Morning . . . and dozens of print + online publications, including TIME, WIRED, USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Forbes, Parade, People, O, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Bazaar, Self, Mademoiselle, Redbook, Seventeen and more.
Before that she worked at several high-tech start-ups, one that got acquired for almost 200 million, consulted in HR for a Fortune 500 company for 9+ years, and put over 3000 customer service to C-Suite candidates through role-play to asses them for the job.
She understands how women can navigate both the corporate and media landscape while holding their own, cultivating respect and taking their one seat in any room.
As a black belt in Aikido (Japanese Martial Arts) and a former teaching tennis pro at prestigious resorts and tennis camps, she’s also been personally trained by national tennis coaches who work with the top players on the circuit today. She has an athlete’s mental focus and mindset that she translates to her clients.
She's also worked with renowned spiritual and transformational leaders and has training in several advanced modalities that she employs to help her clients maintain their equanimity, concentration and calm in stressful and high-stakes situations.
Susan has media trained the innovative "crazies," divergents, rock stars, reality TV finalists, and celebrity chefs as well as New York Times bestselling authors, start-ups, and thought leaders who are changing the way we think of the world today.