Free PR Training Videos

Here are some quick mini media training videos. You'll find publicity tips that will help you get booked as a guest on TV, get free publicity, get local publicity, get national publicity, communication skills training, and strategies on how to promote yourself without selling your soul. Enjoy!

How to Look and Sound Your Best
in The Media

Onstage Oversights - How Successful Women Trip Up in Media + Speaking

Successfully Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Legal Professionals + More

Unlock the Power of Media Coaching and Publicity For Founders

Beyond the Mask: Learn How to Lose Imposter Syndrome

Podcast to Broadcast: How to Use Media to Grow Your Business + Brand

Let Go of Imposter Syndrome +
Shine in the Media Spotlight

The Ultimate Guide to Shine in the Media Spotlight

Habits and Strategies to Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Create Excellency

How to Maximize Your Media Visibility and Brand Recognition

Shine in the Media Spotlight

How Health And Wellness Coaches Can Shine In The Media Spotlight

How Do You Go from International Spy to The “Go To Girl” for Getting Booked on Oprah

How to Prepare For Any Media Or Podcast

Let Go of Imposter Syndrome and Shine in the Media Spotlight in a Flash

How to Successfully Navigate the Media Landscape

How to Increase Brand Recognition Through Media Appearances

Make Wrong Decisions – Media Training Tips

Effective PR Tips for Business Promotion

Banish Imposter Syndrome, Embody Self-Worth and Shine in the Media Spotlight

What the Scoop Geico Commercial with Rapper DC Glenn Can Teach You About Public Relations

Daily Ad Brief - Interview with Susan Harrow

CEO Media Training: How To Speak Your Stories

5 Ways to Deal With Mansplaining During a Media Interview

Martial Arts + Media Training—Turn lead into gold

What Holds People Back Most From Doing Media Appearances

Practice On Video For Your Media Appearance – Media Training Tips

How to Use Media Appearances Successfully to Promote Your Book

How Not to be Overly Critical of Your Media Appearance – Media Training Tips

Should You Use Botox + Filler For My Media Appearances

Should You Package Your Vulnerability?

3 Executive Leadership Presence Tips for Women During
Media Appearances

Publicity Can Make Your Big Dream Possible

10 Steps To Getting On National TV

Prepare For Your Media Interviews
Like JLo

7 Steps To Become A Thought Leader

How To Make The Media + Your Audience Love You

Keep The Media Conversation On
Track With These Bridges

The Best Jewelry for Media Appearances

How to Get into O, the Oprah Magazine

Is there green stuff in your teeth?

Founders, Don’t Wing It – How to Pitch to Investors Successfully

How to Publicize Yourself During COVID or
Any Disaster or Pandemic

1 Transition That Can Save Your Skin
During A Media Appearance

Why You Need A Signature Story

How to Pitch a Podcast and Be a Great Guest

Mastering Your Media Messages for CEOs, Executives, and Entrepreneurs

3 Minor Media Appearance Mistakes Women Make

The Best Public Speaking Strategies to Stay Calm

Start Ups - Practice Your Pitch 100 Times!

Embracing your red jacket moment

Make Memorable Soundbites for Media Interviews

Mastering The Media

3 Executive Leadership Qualities Women Need to Make the Most of Their Media Appearances

Musk, Walton, Reich! What Kind of Thought Leader Do You Want to Be?

The Value of Media Training

The 5 Media Appearance Mistakes Men Make

How Your Presence Inspires Clients to Love & Buy from You!

Don't Practice in Front of the Mirror!

Media Training and Martial Arts: Secrets
to Becoming a Media Star

Flip Bragging into Connecting During Media Appearances

How To Let Go Of Imposter Syndrome + Wildly Love Yourself

Make Mistakes - Media Training Tips

3 Best Ways to Avoid Burning Your Brand During a Media Appearance

3 Biggest Media Appearance Mistakes Women Make That Dilute Their Power—and How Not To

Should You Read from a Script OR
Speak from The Heart?

Media SoundBites and
Nailing the Interview

Be Yourself - Everyone Else is Already Taken!

Super Power Up Kids Podcast
with Neva Lee Recla

Win Any Political Election By Virtual Door Knocking

Susan Harrow's: Yo,
Your Tone Tells It All

How to Double Your
Business From TV

3 Superstar Secrets to
Getting Results From
Your Media Appearances

How To Get Into Oprah: Tips From
The Go-To Girl with Susan Harrow

Selling Yourself without Selling Your Soul

Cooking it Up in the
Gluten -Free Kitchen

9 Steps to Being a Thought Leader
and a Media Darling

How to Get PR for Your Dance Studio
or Any Other Business

Winning Strategies to Get Your Business Media Ready

Getting Booked on Oprah, from
CNBC: The Oprah Effect

Make Your Movement Go Viral

21 Sound Bites In 21 Minutes

How to Prepare for a TV Interview

Sound Bite Story of Origin

5 Make up Secrets to Make You
More Trustworthy

5 Things to do Before a Loved One Dies

Why I Can't Stand The Cult
of Fake Authenticity

Sound Bite Transition to
save your skin

Sound bite Types One liners