Overnight you can go from being unknown to a household name ....
Have you ever wondered why some people skyrocket to stardom after appearing in O, The Oprah Magazine?
You're about to discover their secrets.
People and businesses just like you have found that one single mention in Oprah's magazine can blast off their business from earth to the stratosphere. And remarkably that is often just the beginning. They frequently find that being in O The Oprah Magazine sparks a series of other media mentions that transforms their business into one that's in a never-ending growth cycle that often experiences delightful and surprising results.

Take Lesley Hatfield whose company NiteSweatz Inc. was featured twice in O. Today Hatfield is a regular contributor to CNBC's TV show "The Big Idea" hosted by Donny Deutsch. Entrepreneur Magazine featured a major two-page spread on NiteSweatz. And while Hatfield's company made $1 million in sales that year they were on track to double that to $2 million the next year.
From: Susan Harrow Dear Friend, Would you like to follow in the footsteps of Lesley Hatfield and others like her who have taken their appearance in Oprah's magazine and leveraged it to become respected and well known, not to mention wealthy? Most likely, if you haven't yet thought of connecting with Oprah, you’re trying grow your business, like everyone else on the Internet and offline, but it’s been so slow and agonizing so much of the time. It seems to take forever to get people into your store, on your Etsy page, to your website, to follow you on social media, subscribe to your email list, make an offer, convince them to buy, make sure they don’t return what they’ve purchased. And then buy some more. It’s enough to make you want to tear your hair out! There are so many “experts” telling you how to do it right and you don’t know who to believe. You want to stay true to yourself and follow your bliss, (like Oprah says) but the advice is often confusing and contradictory. Maybe you’ve tried… blogging—spending hours and hours toiling over topics to write and post. And few people find it or read it or comment. Maybe you’ve tried…podcasting—and had to find guests and plan interview questions, then hire an editor and a tech person to get it all up and running smoothly week after week and you still have a flimsy following and meagre reviews. Maybe you’ve tried…posting daily on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn—spending hours developing content and copy, ferreting out photos, racking your brain about what to post that will grow your brand instead of just popping up a pic of your breakfast burrito. Maybe you’ve tried…filming Youtube videos—scheduling your videos to acquire subscribers, driving people to your channel. Yet your views are still in the single or low double digits. And only a friendly few click through to any of your opt-ins or offers. Maybe you’ve tried…Facebook ads—and lost hundreds or thousands of dollars and gotten just lookey loos who just want freebies and waste your precious pocketbook. It’s all so much work with so little result. What to do? Stop. Step out of the fray, leap over your competition, and into the quick path to get featured in the most powerful place on the planet for products, services and causes for women.O Magazine.You know you’ve got something great. If just more people knew about it everything would all work out, and you’d be set for life. Now, you could also be someone who has tried all of the above AND you've ALSO begun to attempt to get into Oprah's magazine without success. If so, you're not alone. Thousands of people like you have emailed, faxed or snail mailed numerous press releases, lots of ideas, plump packages packed with materials, and dozens of products-to no avail. But the problem is most of these ideas and things are not properly packaged to appeal to Oprah's editors. And since people don't know it, they just keep blindly sending in stuff thinking that one day, some day, someone will take notice. Wrong. It's not your fault that you don't understand what the editors want. How could you know unless you've studied the magazine thoroughly, have the brilliant mind of a publicist and developed the right story, product, business or cause that the Oprah editors are looking for? Thousands of people want to get their products chosen as one of Oprah's favorite things in that special section of the magazine. Entrepreneurs who run a business understand that they can double or triple it's size by getting mentioned in the magazine. People who sell products know that a photo with a blurb can mean tens of thousands of dollars in orders in an instant. Charities, non-profits and causes believe that Oprah would love what they stand for and want to be a part of their mission. Authors think that their book is right for Oprah. Others have a life story or experience they think is perfect for Oprah. If you've been thinking that it would be one of the best things that could happen to you to get into O, you're right. I'm Susan Harrow, media coach, marketing strategist, author of the bestselling book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul™ (HarperCollins), and CEO of Harrow Communications Inc.. I've taught hundreds of people the secrets and strategies to get the attention of the editors at O magazine in my seminars. In addition, I'm featured on the CNBC The Oprah Effect and I've worked with a number of clients personally to get them prepared for The Oprah Show and to get them featured in O, The Oprah Magazine. But for this O Magazine submissions System for Success which includes a course in a "book," plus bonuses to help speed your progress, I've gone beyond sharing what I, or my clients know about getting into the magazine, and have interviewed over a dozen people did it. Some were already successful in their own right, others were struggling entrepreneurs, and the rest were growing their businesses gradually and wanted to see a big jump in sales. But regardless of their business status or success-ratio all of them would agree that Oprah "put them on the map." What's more, I've also interviewed publicists who have literally cracked the code, and gotten their clients in the magazine not just once, but multiple times. I'm committed to sharing all of those tips, techniques and strategies with you-no holding back. So if you dream of getting into O, The Oprah Magazine and want to see your product, service or cause pictured right there in color, radiantly standing out, in the next edition of the magazine, read on. |
Is This You?
Do you:
- Dream of getting your product chosen as one of Oprah's favorite things?
- Run a business that you'd like to double or triple it's size?
- Have a charity, non-profit, or cause that you think Oprah would love?
- Have a book that you believe is right for Oprah?
- Believe that you have an Oprah worthy story?
- Have a different perspective on some adversity that made you stronger?
- Have a book proposal and want to get an top literary agent?
- Have a dramatic life story that you want told?
- Want to be able to double your speaking fees overnight?
Are you:
- An expert in your field and have a unique perspective on a subject that is meaningful to women?
- An experienced writer who wants to get a story, article or essay in the magazine?
- Someone who aspires to be a guest on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Show?
- Someone who desperately wanted to be interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey Show but who has failed to get a response back from producers?

If This Sounds Like You, Continue On
Whether you are an author, entrepreneur, expert, maker, product creator, philanthropist, community activist, non-profit, aspiring author, or person with an amazing story to tell, O The Oprah Magazine could put you, your business, product or cause on the proverbial map....
If you know what the editors want, how to approach them, and how to package your story, your writing or your product properly.
Sell Yourself Effectively
Whether you know it or not, you are selling yourself, your story or your product. Many of the successful products and people that are featured in O are coupled with great stories that sell themselves. It could be an event that comes alive in the telling, a fascinating world view, a moving incident, an unusual series of experiences, a success story fraught with trouble, a product that inspires, a life story of overcoming great odds to triumph in the end.
You're not just selling a thing or idea you're selling a feeling, a lifestyle, a way of looking at the world, a life worth living. But whatever you are selling it needs to be in alignment with is important to Oprah. Period. In the Get Into O Magazine system for success I'll show you how to make sure that whatever it is you have is packaged in such a way that shows you understand what's close to Oprah's heart.

Synergy Between Super Soul Sunday and
O, The Oprah Magazine
What many people don't realize is that getting into O, The Oprah Magazine, or chosen for Oprah's favorite things, could be the first step to getting on Super Soul Sunday. While the staff of the magazine and the TV show have different themes those themes and subject matters often overlap and complement each other.
I'm going to tell you a secret that most people don't know...There is a synergy between O Magazine and Oprah's show. Getting featured in the magazine may be the very thing you need to get invited to be on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday. It can be a simple stepping stone to get on the show. Sometimes a person gets on the show first and then is featured in the magazine and vice versa. Sometimes this happens over a period of a few months or years. That part is a mystery.
What is not a mystery is the fact that getting into Oprah's Magazine can mean publicity on a grand scale. Not only is the magazine read by 2.65 million people, (mostly women), it's estimated that 6 people read every issue so you're actually reaching over 18 million potential clients.
Are You Registering This?
In addition to an enormous and loyal readership it's a magazine that doesn't get thrown away. So you don't just get a mad rush of business once, but for many months. The people we interviewed verified this when sales rushed in month after month after month, sometimes creating a geyser of sales for years.
Get Calls and Orders From All Over the World
There are many areas of the magazine where you might be featured, profiled, quoted or reviewed. One woman, participating in a teleclass I gave, reported that although she had been interviewed almost a year before, the story had just appeared in the magazine that month. She received calls for her services from all over the world and her phone was ringing off the hook. And she was just one of many people interviewed for the story, not even the central figure.
Like Winning The Academy Award
A woman entrepreneur we profiled, whose product was featured in O The Oprah Magazine, noted that getting in O "is sort of like winning the Academy Award. It's definitely a distinction that validates your product like no other publication."
She would know. Getting in the magazine not only brought her 60% more business in thirty days, but brought much needed awareness to a cause close to her heart.
Her company pledged $100,000 to her beloved cause, and then gave $1,000,000 over three years to grant patients' wishes and to sponsor a nationwide online resource site. Being in O made the issue visible on a grand scale. I'll show you how you, too, can enjoy the big rush of new business and get more than enough money from your profits to donate generously to the charity of your choice.

Set Yourself Apart From Your Competition
Knowing how valuable it is to get in O, consider your competition and understand that, like Super Soul Sunday, the standards at the magazine are some of the toughest in the industry. O, The Oprah Magazine prides itself in being a publication that values beauty, courage, attention to the finer points of relationships, and people doing amazing things in the world. I'll show you how you can embody the qualities that are important to Oprah and her editors and set you apart from your formidable competition.
Get into O, Make it To Oprah's Favorite Things Round-Up
According to an article on a popular blog, "For 14 years, Oprah’s Favorite Things was the hottest ticket in television. The sun may have set on The Oprah Winfrey Show, but Oprah’s Favorite Things list lives on in O, The Oprah Magazine. Every year, Adam Glassman, the magazine’s creative director, and his team gather items in a top secret style closet for Oprah’s consideration.
'I have the greatest job in the world,' he says. 'We spend so many months hunting, gathering, looking, searching, trying to find things (a) that Oprah will like and (b) try to find things that maybe Oprah hasn’t seen yet.'”

Did you know that one way to get chosen for Oprah's Favorite Things is to get your product first in the magazine?
It's one of the first places Oprah's producers look when they are culling through hundreds of possible products. After all, these items have already passed through a very tough screening process to make it to the magazine in the first place.
But even then, it's not easy. And it's no guarantee. In fact, one source told me that, when was on the air, The Oprah Winfrey Show got over 15,000 products a day. That's per day! And those are people who, in the past, hoped that their products would just make it to any Oprah show. Your product has to be pretty special to get on the most anticipated round-up of the year. And one more thing. Oprah really does have to LOVE it for it to be selected.
But let's think of that as icing on the cake. For now your goal is to get into the magazine that could then lead to being selected for the creme de la creme, the Oprah's Favorite Things End-of-Year Round-Up.
Keep Reading So You Know What Could Be Possible For You.
![]() The impact for the company once we were in O was that it legitimized us. And that's important for a one-product company.
After appearing in O The Oprah Magazine, Genevieve was on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah challenged the 300 person audience to bring in as many pjs as they could – with a catch. They were only allowed to buy one pair per person. Collectively the audience brought in over 32,000 pajamas for her charity. In addition to appearing on the Oprah Show Genevieve was a guest on Oprah & Friends XM radio. So Genevieve got into O magazine, on the Oprah show and then on Oprah's radio station.
What Would it Be Like if this Happened to You?
Here's What You'll Learn in The O Magazine System For Success That Most of Your Competitors Don't Know:
- Strategies that prestigious publicists have used over and over to get their clients in O, The Oprah Magazine.
- How over a dozen people got into O and how you can too.
- Techniques to package your product or idea so that it's Oprah ready.
- Creative and unique ways that landed many budding entrepreneurs a coveted spot in Oprah's favorite things.
- Oprah's 10 hot buttons—topics that the editors are looking for.
- What a "look book" is and how to create yours.
- Mistakes you can't afford to make.
- Behind the scenes secrets.
- Angles that have worked for unknowns.
You'll Also Discover:
- Ways to prepare for the phenomenal success of being seen in O, The Oprah Magazine.
- Why it's essential to understand Oprah Winfrey before you attempt to get in the magazine.
- How to parlay your success into big deals and more media.
- What not to pitch—under any circumstances.
- An in depth exploration of what it takes to qualify as Oprah Winfrey material.
Want to Know More?
The One and Only System That Shows You
How to Get Into O, The Oprah Magazine
There's no book or course like this one on the market. You won't find another product or program that shares the advice of publicists who regularly get their clients in O, or the ordinary people like you or me, who made it into the exclusive pages of the magazine that has THE most impact on your bottom line of any other women's magazine. O is the gold standard for anyone wanting to become a household name.
I didn't just regurgitate published articles, or lift quotes from other books (there were no others to even read!). The interviews that you'll find in this book are original material from my exclusive contacts. Most people don't have access to the kind of insider information I'm about to share until now.
So whether you're someone who has dreamed of seeing yourself on the pages of O Magazine—I want to help you. You deserve to know what it takes to get featured, profiled, quoted or have your product chosen for Oprah's magazine, and I'm going to show you how, within these 216 pages packed with the exact information that you need to be one of the chosen few selected. You'll soon be able to bask in abundance and good fortune when you join the exclusive group of people who can say, "Did you see me in O The Oprah Magazine?"
Here Is Your O Magazine System for Success
PLUS All Your Bonuses to Help Speed Your Progress

Get Into O Magazine: 10 steps to getting you, your business, book, product, service or cause featured in Oprah’s magazine ($997)
This is the system for success that includes secrets, stories and strategies of a dozen + people who made it into O Magazine.

Consult with Susan for 27 minutes (Value $1,000)
You can use your time any way you like! On a scale of 1-10 many people have valued this
consult at 100!

We Edit Your Pitch Letter ($500+ PRICELESS)
Following our guidance in the Get Into O Magazine System for Success, you write up a pitch letter to the O editor who is the best fit for your offer. We’ll edit it for you so it’s ready to send!

10 Proven press releases: 10 Real-World Press Releases that got BIG TIME publicity paired with fill-in-the-blank templates to create your own ($197)
These 10 formats are ones that have succeeded hundreds of times so they are time-tested and the media LOVES them — so they are guaranteed winners.
Each one of these was given to me by a publicist or I found during my intensive research.
They are not what you typically find or are taught. Instead they “concepts" like the "celebrity hook" or the "watch out for danger” formulas.
They’ll inspire you to help shape your story to fit what the media want. You can choose which template fits the natural flow of your information and just fill in the blanks.
When an O editor asks you for more information you simply follow up with one of these 10 templates. You have it at the ready so you’re prepared to succeed.

The 100 Word Email That Can Get The Media to Call You ($47)
Discover how to pitch in a paragraph - the way journalists and producers prefer. You’ll get 5 fabulous fill-in-the-blank templates that work for any business, topic or niche.

7 Tips to write email subject lines, opening lines and headlines the media can’t ignore ($47)
Inside you’ll you’ll read real subject lines from real people just like you that got producers and editors to open up their email and book them for a TV, radio or magazine interview.
We give you the 5 templates that consistently work coupled with fill in the blank formulas — so it’s all done for you. This works to get your emails opened—and read. Just plug in your information and click send. Voila!

7 Tips To Get Your Business, Book, Product, Service or Cause Into O, The Oprah Magazine ($47)
These 7 stories of people who have made it into O have some innovative pitching and packaging ideas that will help spark your imagination. They'll inspire you to create an irresistible offer so you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed by O editors and edge out your competitors.

The 15 Best Places For Products, Services & Books To Be Featured In O Magazine-Included in the E-book ($47)
I’ve identified 15 big and small opportunities throughout the magazine where you can be featured. I've also described what the O editors are looking for so you can fit the bill.

How to Make it to Oprah’s Favorite Things List ($197)
I’ve collected people whose lives were profoundly affected by having their product selected to be on Oprah's Favorite Things list. You'll find their stories and strategies in here so you can apply them in a jiffy—with your own twist.
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