Carol Adrienne Ph.D.
Best-selling Author of The Purpose of Your Life

Dr. Adrianne Ahern, Ph.D.
Peak Performance Psychologist, Author of Snap Out of It Now

Eiman Al Zaabi
Spiritual teacher, facilitator, and transformational coach

Brian Alman MA PhD
World renowned self-help healer, Creator of The Last Row Perspective, is one of the world’s leading authorities in the field of mind-body health and wellness

Diane Altomare
Master Certified Integrative Coach and Author of Clarity: Ten Proven Strategies to Transform Your Life

Architects & Heroes/Cowboys & Angels
World Renowned Hair Salon and Art Gallery

Marcy Axness Ph.d
An early development specialist, popular international speaker, and author of Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers. She is a top blogger at Mothering.com

Dr. Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D.
Postpartum Depression Authority and Author of Postpartum Depression for Dummies

Dr. Rumeet Billan
Award-winning, internationally recognized entrepreneur, learning architect, speaker, author & humanitarian

Dr. Lionel Bissoon, M.D.
The Foremost Authority on Mesotherapy in the U.S. and Author of The Cellulite Cure

Patti Breitman
Author and agent for internationally acclaimed bestselling authors: Richard Carlson (Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff) & John Gray (Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus)

Martha Brettschneider
Writer and photographer with a passion for finding beauty and meaning through mindfulness practice

Rob Brezsny
Founder of Free Will Astrology. Called a “Culture Hero” by Utne Reader Magazine

Ali Brown
Named “The Entrepreneurial Guru for Women” by Business News Daily, Featured on the show Secret Millionaire

Kathrine Brown
North America’s leading weight loss coach, developer of the process Conscious Weight Loss®

Sasha Cagen
Writer, editor, Tango dancer, entrepreneur & originator of the quirkyalone movement.

Central Asia Institute & Greg Mortenson
Developer of Education & Literacy Programs for Pakistan & Afghanistan, New York Times best-selling Author of Three Cups of Tea

Dr. Shekhar Challa, M.D.
Gastroenterologist and creator of Probulin probiotics

Crown Point Press
The Premier Printing Press in the World

Jessica Jay Dee
Author, Speaker, Coach

Sarah Maria Dreisbach
Body Image Expert

Nancy Dreyfus Psy.D.
Psychotherapist and author of Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love

Amy Eilert
Cupcake Envy specializes in cakelets. Sculpted mini cakes to celebrate and honor the guest of honor with coordinating cupcakes for guests

Heather Estay
Speaker, Author of It’s Never Too Late to Look Hot

Elizabeth Falkner
Celebrity Chef, Finalist the Next Iron Chef, executive chef and owner of Orson, Citizen Cake, Crescendo, Corvo Bianco & Author of Demolition Desserts: Recipes From Citizen Cake

Rich Fettke
Personal Coach, Speaker Author of Extreme Success

Debbie Ford
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, TV Show Host

Laurie Forster
The Wine Coach®, Speaker, Sommelier,
Wine Tours of Italy

Kelli Fox
Vice President, iVillage and founder of astrology.com

Tel Franklin, M.D.
Leading Authority on Integrative Medicine
Author of Expect a Miracle

Susan Freinkel
Freelance writer and author of American Chestnut and Plastic: A Toxic Love Story

Daniel Friedland M.D.
Speaker, Evidence-Based Medicine Authority

Marty Friedman
Seminar Leader in Management & Communications, Speaker, Author of Straight Talk About Men in Marriage

Charles Gaudet
Business Coach, CEO of Predictable Profits and Author of The Predictable Profits Playbook

Stephen Goldmann
Principal The Culinary Edge. The Culinary Edge works across the food & beverage, restaurant, and hospitality industries to create the products and experiences that best showcase each of our clients’ unique values

Nicole Grace
Speaker, Author of Mastery at Work

Lee Glickstein
Founder of Speaking Circles International®, Author of Be Heard Now

Dr. Sara Gottfried
Harvard-trained MD, Integrative Physician, Board Certified Gynecologist + Yogini and Author of the New York Times Best-selling books, The Hormone Cure, The Hormone Reset Diet, Younger

Steven Halpern
New Age Superstar Musician

Christy Harrison
Intuitive Eating Dietician MPH, RD, CDN

Sasha Heinz
Harvard grad, Ph.D., MAPP, Developmental Psychologist, Life Coach, expert in Positive Psychology, lasting behavioral change & the science of getting unstuck

Miriam Hospodar
Culinary Historian, Ayurvedic Expert
Author of Heaven’s Banquet (cookbook)

Jeanne Hurlbert Ph.D.
Networking & Disaster Preparedness and Survey Expert

Lara Villarreal Hutner
Partner of Villarreal Hutner PC, represents Fortune 100 Companies, national retailers, manufacturers, financial institutions & insurance providers

Ava Kay Jones
#1 Voodoo Priestess in the World, Speaker

Matthew B. James
MA, Ph.D., is President of The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a master trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP),Huna Trainer, Seminar Leader

Sarah Kalil
Entrepreneur, Trailblazer archetypes

Deborah King
Wellness Expert, New York Times Best-selling Author of Truth Heals

Leslie Korn PhD MPH M.A.
Harvard Medical School trained traumatologist who specializes in using nutritional and herbal medicine for mental health and optimal brain function for people of all ages. Author of The Good Mood Kitchen

Tiana Laurence
Investor, Author, Co-founder of Factom, a company that provides blockchain-based solutions for many business uses, including enhanced security for IoT

Kevin Layton
CEO Data Dynamics, Digital Marketing Experts

Serenella Leoni
Live Like a Tuscan Tours

Alicia Lowe
Health & Wellness Program Manager, Western Health Advantage

Corrin Madden
Founder of Little Love Jar, a jar overflowing with personal, heartfelt messages for any occasion, or loved one

Larry Magid
CBS News Computer Commentator, Internationally Syndicated Technology Columnist and Author

Mary Jane Mapes
Leadership Keynote Speaker

Ky-Mani Marley
Jamaican reggae and hip-hop artist. Bob Marley’s son

Krista Mashore
Top 1% of Realtors in the Country

Mary Jane McKittrick
Speaker, Consultant

Lisa Earle McLeod
Speaker, Syndicated Columnist,
Author of Forget Perfect

Jehangir Mehta
Runner up for the Next Iron Chef, the executive chef and owner of New York City restaurants Graffiti, Me and You and Mehtaphor

Laurel Mellin
Director of The Institute for Health Solutions, Developer of The Solution Method, Author of the New York Times Best-seller, The Pathway

Shar Melwanie
Cookies by Shar

David Montesano
College Admission Strategist and Founder of the Montesano Method

Victoria Moran
International Speaker on Wellness & Growth, Author of Main Street Vegan

Enrico Moretti
The Michael Peevey and Donald Vial Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley and author of The New Geography of Jobs

Isabelle Morton
Author, Speaker, Master Gemstone Therapy Practitioner

Sarah Newton
Reality TV Star, Author of Help! My Teenager is an Alien

Crosby Noricks
Fashion Marketing Strategist & Founder, PR Couture


Kitty & Jennifer O’Neil
Authors of Decorating with Funky Shui

Josephine Oria
Founder LaDorita, Argentinian artisanal food maker, culinary incubator — Pittsburgh’s first commercial, shared-space kitchen, Author

Patti Parisi
Director of Passionfish,
Sustainable Seafood

Dr. Jasmina Paul
Director, The Aesthetics GLOW Clinic — Luxury Beauty, Rejuvenation, Medi-SPA & Wellness practice

Executive Coaching and Team Building for over 60,000 leaders

Katrina Phillips
Proprietor 99 Portobello Road, London, interior designer

Genevieve Piturro
Founder of the Pajama Program, Consultant & Speaker

Pivotal Impressions
Mathematical Measurements for Your Perfect Fit

Vince Poscente
Olympic Athlete, Speaker, Author of The Age of Speed

Vicki Rackner M.D.
Board Certified Surgeon, Speaker, Patient Advocate, Expert Witness

James Ray
Star in the Movie The Secret, Speaker

Jennifer Reese
Cookbook author of Make the Bread, Buy the Butter Cookbook

Patience Reich
Physician, Musician, humanitarian. Healing and hope through medicine & music

Donna Richards
Spokesperson for Autism,
Author of My Brother’s Keeper

Jocelyn Ring
Brand strategist for CEOs, solopreneurs, coaches and consultants

Mike Robbins
Speaker, Author of Focus on the Good Stuff

Ed Rosenthal
Ganja Guru, Medical Marijuana Advocate

Deborah Santana
Wife of Carlos Santana, author of Space Between the Stars

Creative Spirit, Speaker,
Best-selling Author of Over a Dozen Books


David Sheff
Journalist who started the movement against decriminalizing addiction, and New York Times bestselling author of Clean + Beautiful boy, also adapted into a film

Julia Flynn Siler
New York Times Best-selling Author of The House of Mondavi, Wall Street Journal Reporter

Jane Swigart Ph.D.
Therapist, Author of The Myth of the Perfect Mother

Alayna Van Dervort
Thought Leader, Evangelist and International Speaker on Artificial Intelligence for Good at Amazon

Spencer Watson
Millennial Energy Coach, Founder of Millennial Wellness Center and BodyTalk practitioner