Susan Harrow is THE go-to media coach for any woman entrepreneur who wants to have a strong media presence. After working with her, I felt MUCH more prepared to skillfully navigate my appearances, ranging from everything from morning lifestyle shows to hard-news segments on Fox Business. I recommend Susan to all my clients who are ready to rock the media. If you have the chance to work with Susan, jump on it.
Susan's guidance and attunement are unparalleled in the industry. Susan Harrow is a course-changer: she profoundly alters the way I approach my online presence, new book, and virtual medical practice. I feel supercharged and empowered every time we talk. Susan’s course on sound bites provided laser-sharp focus for my book (content and launch), blog posts and interacting with my clients — and as you know, there’s a lot of noise in the online world about honing your message. Susan helps me clarify and put into action my new integrative medicine packages efficiently and effectively. Her framework makes me think differently about what I do and how to expand my place in the world as an integrative physician, thought leader and hormone specialist. While she calls herself a media coach, her influence is far more broad and deep. Her guidance and attunement are unparalleled in the industry. In short, Susan Harrow is a genius and her influence on me is nothing short of miraculous. I’m thankful to have her on my team and suggest you add her to yours.
I’ve worked with some of the top presentation coaches, and you are an amazing standout. I’ve worked with some of the top presentation coaches, and you are an amazing standout. Your insights and perceptions are pure gold.
![]() Because of Susan's media coaching I’m much more aware of my communication style and when the stories I tell land. I now know how to leave out details that don’t connect. You’ve continued to challenge me during role-plays of difficult scenarios so I can refine my responses and get a better outcome from various people and interactions. I’ve refined several stories of origin so they are more powerful and impactful. I feel more confident with how to use communication techniques like pacing, pausing, rhythm, and vocal variety to frame, headline, and deliver content that holds the interest of my diverse audience during long presentations. We’ve also delved into the nuances of some behaviors and habits which I wasn’t aware of that I’ve refined in short order. Thank you for your guidance.
![]() Definitely very useful to practice talking about issues and cases in the interview chair. Susan Harrow's media coaching definitely helped me to see how I come across on camera. I liked Susan a lot, she has a great personality and is very disarming.
~ Prachee Kale,
Co-Founder of
~ JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Performing Edge Coach
~ Mary Jane Mapes,
CSP, Professional
~ Tom Kirkham,
CEO IronTech Security + Kirkham.IT
~ Kay Allison, Entrepreneur, Author + Leader of an alcohol-free community
Thank you for leading me to the top of the charts and ensuring my poise and confidence along the way.
Since my first book in 2008 you have been an inspiration. I just want to reach out and thank you for leading me to the top of the charts and ensuring my poise and confidence along the way. What's funny is I've worked with a number of people in the past 2 decades, and bought a bazillion products. I still have yours. And one of the most valuable things you ever taught me, the one that has led to the most success, was how to speak in soundbites. So simple once you master it, but so rarely used that you instantly become the producer's favorite.
~ Adryenn Ashley, CEO / Founder, Wow Is Me, Inc. at - NFT Design Agency
Working with Susan for media appearances has been incredibly beneficial.
Susan Harrow's media coaching impacted the way I talk to my kids as well as in my business and other communications. There are always a lot of “ahas” and “takeaways" during my process. Susan was patient and non-judgmental. I’m excited about all the progress we’ve been making together. I’m very pleased with the way things are going.
~ Matthew E. Harmon - Commercial Real Estate Broker and Developer, and Hemp Historian, author of Marijuana Haters Guide to Making a Billion Dollars from Hemp
You're a godsend!
You're a godsend! Just sitting here listening to our call from Wednesday as I'm working on my book and I just wanted to thank you for everything you are helping me with! I am so thrilled to be guided by you! You're SIMPLY Awesome and I'm grateful to have you as support with the book, marketing, media, etc. You are amazing!
~ Diane Altomare, Master Certified Integrative Coach and Author of Clarity: Ten Proven Strategies to Transform Your Life
You are a great teacher.
Thank you for all that you have done. You are a great teacher.
~ Dr. Matt James, MA, Phd, President of an accredited university, one of the largest training organizations in the world, Huna and NLP trainer
Susan is a beautiful light and incredible force.
Susan is a beautiful light and incredible force. She specializes in coaching people to shine their best as they step into the spotlight. I have been to one of her trainings and participated in a small breakout group with her. She not only is a master of helping you fine tune your outward projection, but also by digging deep into your power, harnessing it and setting it free to the audience at hand. Oh, and she does this with a huge smile, such grace…and confidence!
~ Torrey T. Benson, Investor, Marker Buoy Commercial Real Estate Investments
Susan shared a lot of great advice, skills, techniques, and feedback on each of us personally.
Susan shared a lot of great advice, skills, techniques, and feedback on each of us personally. I think the two media coaching sessions were valuable for me (having not done any media training before) as an introduction to some basic ideas about delivering talking points, having good sound bites and getting my point across, and presenting myself on TV.
~ ACLU Attorney
Susan has a superhuman capacity for distilling big, complex ideas into TV- and radio-friendly nibbles.
I had a media training session with Susan Harrow, who has mastered the art of soundbite-sized storytelling. She has a superhuman capacity for distilling big, complex ideas into TV- and radio-friendly nibbles. Consolidating your thoughts into short and sweet soundbites isn’t “cheesy” or “superficial.” It’s actually an exquisite art form. And like any art form, it takes disciplined practice to master. As a professional wordsmith myself, I’m a little bit smitten.
~ Alexandra Franzen, Ghostwriter for Motivational Speakers, TV Personalities, Entrepreneurs, Physicians and Big Corporations Run by Beople with Big Hearts
Susan is able to really explain things and put things together in a way that makes it feel deceptively simple.
You just have that wisdom and vast expertise that streamlines everything and gets to the point.
I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m learning so much. You just have that wisdom and vast expertise that streamlines everything and gets to the point. I trust what you say because of your experience. Other people claim to do the same thing but don’t have the same level of experience as you. I appreciate your even-keeledness and that you’re so detail oriented. Thank you for your support and truth telling.
~ Suzan Pelfrey, Project Manager, CLEAR Center of Health, LLC
Each time we talk, I get at least one actionable point (and soundbite!) for making a dramatic shift in my ability to not only get more media attention, but to present myself more powerfully.
I love our conversations - specifically, each time we talk, I get at least one actionable point (and soundbite!) for making a dramatic shift in my ability to not only get more media attention, but to present myself more powerfully. I take a lot of pride in surrounding myself with brilliant people and you are one person I want to keep close to. Thanks for everything!
~ Charles Gaudet, Author of The Predictable Profits Playbook and CEO of Predictable Profits
Your sound bites really work! I won the company contest and will be going to Vegas!
I wanted to share an exciting experience that was a great success for me with your sound bite course. I bought the course for my business, but you mentioned that sound bites can be used in every aspect of your life - and you were right! For my day job, I work with Hewlett Packard in HR. They recently announced a contest for HR professionals to win an invitation to HP Discover which is a large, yearly conference held in Vegas. I put together a video presentation and used your sound bite techniques to get my message across. The instructions for the pitch was to keep things concise, creative, and impactful. A sound bite was the perfect solution.
I want you to know that it was announced today that I won the contest and will be going to Vegas! I'm thrilled at the results of the project and I owe it to you for your sound bite advice. You're amazing! I used the first technique you taught in the course - headline, 3 points, and epiphany.
Your sound bites really work! I love this course and am very excited to use your media coaching to achieve my goals! Thank you so much!
~ Joe Peck, Hewlett Packard Staffing Advisor
Susan was hired and the result was an immediate rash of great publicity which was the primary force that catapulted my book, The Little PC Book, to the best-seller list. Susan is truly a gem.
~ Larry Magid, CBS News Computer Commentator, Internationally Syndicated Technology Columnist and Author
Every time I’m quoted in a national publication, I say to myself, “Thank you Susan Harrow!”
Every time I’m quoted in a national publication, I say to myself, “Thank you Susan Harrow!” I was not born with a silver tongue; I am constantly refining my skill at talking so people will listen. Susan offered me a template that will serve me for a lifetime. Besides breaking down the fine art of sound bite creation into pieces anyone can master, Susan helped me create sound bites that sound like me. Thank you, Susan.
~ Dr. Vicki Rackner, Board-certified Surgeon and Founder of The Caregiver Club
I tripled my speaking fees in 4 months as a direct result of Susan Harrow’s Signature Sound Bites course.
I got a $15,000 speaking engagement as a direct result of Susan Harrow’s Signature Sound Bites course. I tripled my speaking fees because of what I learned in Susan’s course. This is absolutely the best investment I’ve ever made. You are life changing for me!
Susan Harrow is the premiere expert marketing strategist and media coach that I trust to help me create and design my Olympic peak performance coaching programs, national media appearances, and entrepreneurial goals. She is one of the most phenomenal strategic planners and consultants I have ever had the opportunity to work with.
As an NBC-TV Olympics expert guest, Your Performing Edge best-selling author, Stanford trained sports psychologist, professional speaker, coach to Olympic Gold Medallists, and San Francisco Marathon winner, I look to Susan Harrow as one of the leading, most up-to-date experts, whom I depend upon for creating the professional image I need for my speaking engagements, media appearances and product launches. Susan Harrow is a tremendous support and inspiration for me in my professional development, speaking, coaching, national media expert interviews, and athletic career.
If you have a chance to work with appearances do it. I have received tremendous value from her consulting. She takes each business relationship seriously, she teaches you how to communicate extremely well to your target audience, and build a very profitable business as a result of your marketing.
I'm now taking Susan's Sound bite course, and just one single consultation in one of Susan's Q and A sessions is worth the entire price of the Sound bite course for me.
I cannot say enough great things about Susan Harrow- highly recommended!!
~ Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Performing Edge Coach and Stanford University Medical Center Trained Sports Psychologist
You have been awesome and extremely professional.
~ Marshall Smith MD, Veteran, Colonel, Forensic Psychiatrist, author of She Said He Said
~ Kay Allison, Entrepreneur, Author + Leader of an alcohol-free community
~ Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, President University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism
~ Sarah Jenkins, Co-Founder + CEO of Genesis Digital LLC
~ Maggie Marshall, Author +
CEO, The Party Whisperer
Her insights about our web site helped to shape a redesign that we have gotten tons of compliments on and fit in much better with our company message.
Susan is a powerhouse of savvy advice. She knows what she can do to help and she is honest and unflinching as well as understanding. Her insights about our web site helped to shape a redesign that we have gotten tons of compliments on and fit in much better with our company message. Susan is sharp, dedicated to your best interests, and a great asset to have in your back pocket! I can't wait to work with her again!
~ Halle Eavelyn, Owner, Spirit Quest Tours
I have to tell you that to enroll was the best decision I have made this year.
I have to tell you that to enroll was the best decision I have made this year. You have a wonderful way of getting to the point without brushing the seeker aside. I also like your sound bites, such as “Say less, mean more!”
~ Silvia Zsoldos, Ph.D. President of Success Programs, Inc., and Author of What Planet is Your Team From?
You have moved me forward more in 4 hours than the thousands I’ve spent on courses and consulting.
Thanks so VERY MUCH for the guidance you're giving me!
You have moved me forward more in 4 hours than the thousands I’ve spent on courses and consulting. You’ve got me on target.
You're giving me the directions through the tunnel of activities that I like to wallow in — but nothing's for SALE, thus no income for my expertise!! You're changing that!
~ Beverly Jensen, Ph.D. Self-Care Maven Health Coach
The Your Signature Sound Bites™ program turned around my entire business.
Steve Jobs talked about 'connecting the dots" in his famous Stanford College commencement speech. The Sound Bites program did just that, it connected the dots of my life experience, education and career in a way that attracts attention like a magnet. Since then my book, The Renegade Leader, has been picked up by a major publisher and after hearing my sound bites they committed to a global marketing campaign. I've been selected for radio shows and interviews and given the opportunity to write a column for my ideal clients. All of this was within two months of completing the program.
In addition I can confidently present my offerings in a manner that attracts clients and justifies high value fees. Now I have a compelling audio logo, a core signature speech and a list of services that only I can uniquely provide. The Signature Sound Bites class not only gave me words and clarity, it identified my unique finger print helping me to take the top lead in my industry. I am on track to more than double my earning for this next year. If you are looking to really take your place in the world, start by taking the Signature Sound Bites program.
~ Debora McLaughlin, Executive Coach, Author of The Renegade Leader and Running in High Heels
You do good work.
You do good work. Carry on.
~ Kent Youngstrom, Artist, but not the tortured kind
Susan Harrow and the Sound Bite course helped me professionally, as well as personally in 7 specific ways:
- Become a finalist for a project with the US Government.
- To remain confident when my “worse case scenario” question was asked during a radio interview.
- To remain calm, confident and quickly transition when asked a question during a live interview that I was not prepared to answer.
- Create professional materials such as a bio, and press releases that were essential in opening doors for me.
- Prepare for an interview with a major publicity firm.
- Review my career achievements and relate them to my current goals.
- Realize that that I can count on Susan Harrow for additional expertise when needed throughout my career.
~ Darlene Batrowny, Early Childhood Specialist and Author of The Artt of Early Learning Series of children's books smartartt.com
I would not have been prepared without you:)
I just wanted to give to a big thanks! My interview went well and landed me on the front page of the newspaper. I was also contacted by another newspaper. I would not have been prepared without you:)
~ Ann Marie Bryant
Vickroy: High School Librarian Shares Her Bootstraps Story
I've not written a fan "thank you" letter since meeting Bono and his family years ago.
I've not written a fan "thank you" letter since meeting Bono and his family years ago. Thank you for providing the services and information. I recently applied the ideas from your spokesperson training of connecting youthful past with present conditions to be VERY helpful in a training event I spoke at last week. There was a little "a-ha" moment when I read it, then "sparks" when I practiced it, and finally "fireworks" when I applied the connective tissue during my presentation. Thank you so much for your insights and I hope our paths can cross someday, it would be a welcome chance to thank you in person.
~ Todd Guenther, CSP, Training Specialist/Managing Partner, training & compliance to educate, motivate, inspire and beyond
When Susan presents you can tell it's coming from so much experience and it's been tested and it's the real stuff.
Your materials are amazing.
I read your website and book and your way of giving out that information is incredible. I feel you have a lot to offer. I’ve never seen such an informative website that’s really well written. Your materials are amazing.
~ Marisa Hamamoto, Professional ballroom dancer, Founder & Artistic Director of Infinite Flow, America’s first professional wheelchair ballroom dance company
You helped me get unstuck in the one thing I have the most trouble in - my messaging.
After so many years of indirect connection, taking your original sound bite course and following your blogs, it was an absolute privilege and pleasure to connect with you one-on-one the way we did.
Our call changed MANY things. You helped me get unstuck in the one thing I have the most trouble in - my messaging. It's so frustrating for a writer to be stuck here. And I mean, you REALLY helped me get unstuck.
You know, there is something really attractive about a person who does what they do extremely well. An actor, an artist, a cook, a martial arts expert … it doesn't matter what they do or what they are like, it's an extremely attractive and fascinating quality. That's what it was like with you on that call. You do what you do extremely well, like a maestro.
Not only that but you explained it in such a way that I could then take off running with it. I felt like someone who is in a dark windowless room batting their hand around trying to find the light switch - and you put my hand on the switch! (I still need to work on getting higher wattage bulbs in … but the light is on.) I've been using the wording we came up with since our call and it works. I'm actually changing the structure of my site based on the light bulb moments during our call and it's so much better, so much clearer.
What a relief to know that I can just use bite-sized concepts in my work instead of trying to pin the totality of my super organic, fuzzy, galaxy-wide, universe-deep process and benefits into 7 words. And funnily it feels MORE tangible and deep now that I can do that.
I also deeply appreciate that you sensed that I am a journey/process-driven kind of person and spent the time needed walking it. Seriously, thank you. And as a bonus you 'get me'.
~ Christianna Caeliss, Romance Expert, Mentor and Coach
I was on TV for 4 series. My consultations are booked out and I now have a waiting list. My seminars participants doubled. I sold 3 times more of my healing paintings.
I was on TV for 4 series... really great... and what happened was... that my e-mail inbox exploded.... I sold 3 times more of my healing paintings. I also sold many more books. My consultations are booked out and I now have a waiting list. I needed to hire a secretary. My seminars participants doubled. And many people know about the importance of the heart! That is really great.... thank you Susan for helping me getting self-confidence and courage to do that!
~ Lena Giger, Empathic Coach
I can't tell you how many times I've reread your interview tips especially prior to interviews giving me strength and confidence.
Your influence the past few years and your free resources has been life changing. I'm purchasing your books & audios. I'm placing your web link on my web pages for my patrons, and future clients, and today asking permission. I can't tell you how many times I've reread your interview tips especially prior to interviews giving me strength and confidence. You've really blessed my life. Thank you again Susan! I'm forever grateful to you.
~ Brenda Ervin, Author & Americana Photographer, Rural America Heritage Documentarian, and founder/owner of Barn Door Publishing LLC
The calls I do show up for, and often don't speak, are often just what I need.
The calls I do show up for, and often don't speak, are often just what I need. 2 or 3 weeks ago was phenomenal!! My goal is to use what I have learned from you to have a thriving biz that transcends "Cliche" horse art.
~ Susan Williams, Equine Artist, Photographer, Author, Speaker, Equine Creativity Coach and Founder and Chief Creative Officer of windhorseOne
I deeply appreciate your combination of skills, techniques and "zen" approach with the spiritual view.
Thank you for such a valuable course. My Sound Bite Buddy and I continue to meet each week. I deeply appreciate your combination of skills, techniques and "zen" approach with the spiritual view.
~ Margo Covington, Big Vision Entrepreneur
Susan Harrow is always fresh and authentic.
Susan Harrow is always fresh and authentic. Her webinars are full of great information and the Q and As allow participants to receive individual help for their own sound bites. It's a bonus to be able to hear Susan's advice to other class members, which the students may apply to their own projects.
Susan's instruction has been invaluable. The Group Media Coaching with Allison has also been a godsend. I am thrilled with the result. Thumbs up for The Zen of Fame!!!
~ Mary Payne, author of Adoption's Hidden History
My big media win out of this was I got a company to sponsor 10 radio shows for me.
I just want to tell you how happy I am with your program. It's VERY professional and I feel like I'm getting good value for my investment already.
Thank you so much.
I've had so many wins from your course. It was just the right thing for me at the right time. It really made me focus on communicating what I am about, which lead me to rethink that entirely...not changing my basic essential purpose, but seeing it in a new way and being able to articulate that thread that has been running through my life, and then see how I can clear the leaves off that path and move with more confidence anew in that direction. So it has been, all in all, quite a transformation.
My big media win out of this was I got a company to sponsor 10 radio shows for me. They are paying the publicist to book me and I am promoting their product as well as my book and website (and I got the idea I could do this with other products I know too). I am working on my sound bites for those interviews.
A lot of changes are happening in different parts of my life after doing your course. It really helped me see myself in a new way and now changes are following.
And I've been loving working with Margo. You picked a perfect match for both of us. I knew this course was right for me, but I didn't know how RIGHT it would be. Looking forward to more…
~ Debra Lynn Dadd, Consumer Advocate, Speaker, Consultant, and Author of the first book on toxic chemicals in consumer products, Toxic Free
One of the things that really stood out for me is the thoughtfulness and how Susan approaches the subject.
Susan Harrow’s refined consciousness, naturalness and stunning decency, turns media coaching into a path of enlightenment.
Working with you feels like I am paying for talent, quick-wittedness and an enormous amount of generosity. So worth it…!
~ Nancy Dreyfus Psy.D, Psychotherapist, Author of Talk To Me Like I'm Someone You Love
Thank you for the amazing ideas and feedback you gave me on our consult. Just the sheer act of talking with you opened up so much.
Thank you for the amazing ideas and feedback you gave me on our consult. Just the sheer act of talking with you opened up so much. thank you for who you are and the god given talents you so beautifully use! Love & Gratitude.
~ Nancy Marmolejo, Online Visibility Expert, Speaker, Mentor and Author
You’re freaking brilliant!
I didn’t know you really respond back to emails—just wanted to let you know I read your book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul in the library over a weekend and went to Amazon and purchased it. Now I am a branding consultant. I quit my day job as an account executive in TV.
You’re freaking brilliant! My favorite line “Doing Publicity says that you are willing and able to handle public scrutiny. That you have the confidence and ability to withstand the judgment of others no matter how harsh. You have guts”. Your books are a staple to young woman progressing in Public Relations and maintaining virtue and integrity. I’ll be speaking positives about your name along my career.
~ Pamela Rosara Jones, Founder/Branding Strategist, The Iconic Group LLC
Every time I hear you I am struck by how you make the arcane and intimidating world of sound bites accessible and meaningful to Accidental Entrepreneurs.
You were terrific on the teleseminar this morning for the Self Employment Tele-summit. Every time I hear you I am struck by how you make the arcane and intimidating world of sound bites accessible and meaningful to Accidental Entrepreneurs.
~ Molly Gordon, Business Sage and Trickster for the spiritually and psychologically savvy
The show went really well! The TV crew were here for 4 hours and loved the sound bites.
The show went really well! The TV crew were here for 4 hours and loved the sound bites. I couldn't have done it so effectively without you—thanks—it made a world of difference.
~ Kelli Fox, Vice President, iVillage
Working personally with Susan Harrow is an exhilarating process because she is so good at what she does–which is to inspire, expand, and tell us exactly how to make the most of the fascinating world of media.
Working personally with Susan Harrow is an exhilarating process because she is so good at what she does–which is to inspire, expand, and tell us exactly how to make the most of the fascinating world of media.
Sell Yourself is a treasure house of fabulous practical ideas for anyone who is building credibility, name recognition, and sharing his or her passion with the world.... Do not pass up this book if you know what's good for you!
~ Carol Adrienne, Best-selling Author of The Purpose of Your Life
I've taken the advice in your Sound Bites Course and use it in everything from media pitches, on air talks, to dialogue in the tv shows I'm producing. Everything, quotable.
Susan put me on a whole new path and changed my world. I'll always be grateful to you for that!! Susan was my very first professional coach. I purchased her program on book pitching when I was ramping up my publicity for my documentary. That movie turned into a book and the work that I did with Susan is what directly led to that book becoming an award winning best seller. Her advice is rock solid. She's more than knowledgeable, she's passionate and cares about her clients. I've referred many would be authors to her programs, so they get it right the first time. The other program that she offers that is invaluable is the Soundbite System, teaching you to speak in quotable bites. I've taken that advice, and use it in everything from media pitches, on air talks, to dialogue in the tv shows I'm producing. Everything, quotable. That's the key to success and Susan has it all wrapped up in a nice bow for you!"
~ Adryenn Ashley, Founder of Red Carpet Results
I couldn't be happier with the Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul Membership Club program.
I wasn't on the call last month, but I did listen to the replay and it was very useful. I met with my buddy last month and we are a fabulous match. I couldn't be happier with the program. Looking forward to the next call.
~ Elizabeth Jackson, The Projects Angel, Intuitive VA for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
You poured so much knowledge in our session with me and I'm forever thankful.
Thank you for the sage advice to help me make my book a reality.
I just wanted to say thanks for the useful information provided in your newsletters which I subscribe to. As a result I completed my book and now you can buy it online. Again thank you for the sage advice to help me make my book a reality.
~ Simon Sultana, Author of A Wog Abroad
Thank you SO much, Susan! I see you as a gift from SPIRIT!
~ Kyra Bobinet, MD MPH, CEO, engagedIN
After implementing several of Susan's suggestions I was shocked to discover that I had more than doubled my average monthly income in July, exceeding what I had been making prior to leaving my full-time job that February.
I gave myself six months to try running PR Couture full-time before looking for another job, and I had budgeted accordingly. But I was still freaked out and operating from a total ramen-for-dinner mentality in preparation for what I assumed would be a bumpy transition. After implementing several of Susan's suggestions, as one of her private consulting clients, (and working my tail off!), I was shocked to discover that I had more than doubled my average monthly income in July, exceeding what I had been making prior to leaving my full-time job that February. While working with Susan it became quickly apparent that by giving my business attention and focus, it's completely possible to do this work full-time. It's now a year later and I haven't dusted off my resume once.
~ Crosby Noricks, Fashion Marketing Strategist & Founder, PR Couture
What I'm finding specifically in your sound bite course is that you believe we can do it.
Thank you so much. What I'm finding specifically in your sound bite course is that you believe we can do it. So when I'm not sure I can, I'm banking on that. You do that by the way you answer everybody's questions by being totally accepting of the questions. And totally helping them see that they have the answers. You allow each person you speak with to own what they have. You're coming and shining the flashlight on that instead of dispensing wisdom from above. So thank you I really appreciate that.
~ Suze Casey, Author of Belief Re-patterning, The Amazing Technique for "Flipping the Switch" to Positive Thoughts
I can't thank you enough for providing the tools and encouraging and supporting along the way and making me feel that I had just as much reason to be here as everyone else.
I just want to thank you for providing some really valuable tools. I am really working on expressing myself in a better, more effective way. When I first joined your course I was really intimidated at the beginning because of all the big business owners and successful authors and people in the course I felt a little less than zero at points. But I have some good news to share. While I was in your course I was at the same time a candidate for a really wonderful career position and I also was also working on starting my own consulting business and training business. During the course I used your techniques and the lessons that you provided along the way alot from this Q&As. and the great thing that happened is that I will be starting this new position. I was successful in my final interview. The new position interview was in person, via video conference and via audio conference. So communication was so critical for me to be able to be as succinct as possible and to use those sound bites which I prepared, prepared prepared. And also I have a first contract consulting about to be signed this week. So I can't thank you enough for providing the tools and encouraging and supporting along the way and making me feel that I had just as much reason to be here as everyone else.
~ Jill Dotts, Executive Vice President at Barbara Bush Foundation, Award-winning Frontline Fundraiser, Non-profit Leader and Coach
My income has doubled!
I have learned so much from Susan Harrow's courses and individual coaching. It was very helpful to get specific with her about the offers on my website and how to create packages that will sell. All of it was juicy. I love how she understands how to distill the entrepreneurial mind and put it into practical words and actions. I was left with actionable steps to implement with clarity. Other coaches might have great information, but it’s too complex to implement. They leave you wanting and needing more, and keep you hooked on buying more to get results. With Susan it’s so clear what she is offering and how she can help. She teaches in a way that I can hear it. She empowers people. She makes it easy to do, and I am seeing the evidence of our work in my business everyday. My income has doubled!
~ Cathy Towle, Spirit Medium and Intuitive Healer, Reader's Choice 2013 Best Psychic Medium Finalist about.com
You’re creating an awareness as to what I’m missing the target on. I feel much more secure. It shifted my beliefs.
Your information is invaluable. I knew from the webinar and now from the courses that you know what you’re doing. The courses are focused and targeted. You’re creating an awareness as to what I’m missing the target on. I feel much more secure. It shifted my beliefs. I can do this now that I know how to do it in the right way. It’s just what the doctor ordered.
~ Thelma Jones, MD, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Nutritional Counseling and Energy Psychology
My interview went well and landed me on the front page of the newspaper.
I just wanted to give you a big thanks! My interview went well and landed me on the front page of the newspaper. I was also contacted by another newspaper. I would not have been prepared without you:)
~ Ann Marie Bryant, Author of Releasing Your Story action guide and Look What I Got on Sale!
You have so much knowledge, experience, expertise, and intuition to share and that very much permeated the environment you created.
"I'm SO GLAD I bought this program!!!"
I bought your program really kind of compulsively and kicked myself afterwards. A thousand dollars!! Am I crazy??? And then as I went through your classes... and then going through Alison's support calls... I said, "I'm SO GLAD I bought this program!!!" I LOVED your Sound Bites course. I learned a lot and am already putting what I learned into action, too.
~ Angela Treat Lyon, Peak Performance Success Coach
Susan Harrow's Signature Sound Bites course is a "must take" course for anyone who wants to clearly communicate their message to increase sales, gain followers, give effective media interviews or wow a crowd!
~ Tom Treanor, Director of Content Marketing & Social Media for Wrike
This is an investment that I am glad I made and stuck with.
Susan, after listening to your presentation on sound bites I signed up right away for the two courses "Your Signature Sound Bites" and the "Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul" e-course. However, I started to feel like maybe I jumped in too soon as I was just starting my business and probably didn’t need to focus on this right away. As a result, I was ready to withdraw from the program and revisit it in a few months...
Boy that would have been a HUGE mistake... that was a very close call.
I actually decided to stick with it anyway and can't believe all of the valuable information I am receiving throughout the two courses that I NEED and would have missed out on had I not continued. What I like most is the opportunity to work with a partner, that I can go at my own pace; and that the resources are available to me always.
Thanks Susan for all of the great information from sound bites to building my own press kit, and so much more. This is an investment that I am glad I made and stuck with. I am looking forward to using all my new tools over the next several weeks, months and years to come.
~ Alisa Charles, Founder & CEO, Style Your Career
Doing your course helped me LEVERAGE all the opportunities that came my way and helped spread my message to the world about Autism Healing and Thriving with Autism.
I'm happy to inform you that I had my own radio show on Voiceamerica.com for 13 weeks after completing your wonderful sound bite course. This was the First radio show on VoiceAmerica's 7th wave channel, by an Indian from India.
My producer Randall Libero gave me this feedback : "You had an fantastic first month. One of the highest premiere shows ever on 7th Wave. I am not surprised though, because you are an amazing talk show host!"
Although I had been featured on CNN-IBN earlier, your tips on interacting with producers helped me a lot in my interview for this show. I learnt a lot from your course that helped me not just with the show, but also in the way I present my thoughts about Autism Healing these days.
My audience is able to "get it" when I do this. Thank you so much!
While I was doing your sound bite course I got interviewed on "Living Energy Day" Teleseminar and did a one hour program on the local Big F.M Radio in Chennai, India, titled "Big Boss"
Doing your course helped me LEVERAGE all the opportunities that came my way and helped spread my message to the world about Autism Healing and Thriving with Autism.
Thank you so much for making a difference in my life through your sound bite Course
~ Dr. K. Rajalakshmi, Autism Expert and Healer, Author of How To Heal Autism And ADHD In 30 Days
I've loved your classes and you are brilliant! I learned so much and my confidence has made great leaps.
I've loved your classes and you are brilliant! I learned so much and my confidence has made great leaps-—all because of you and amazing Alison. The sound bite course will really get you to think, speak and write in sound bites; you begin to understand and appreciate the power your words and learn very practical ways to engage your audience. I learned how to maximize my impact by being creative, relevant and riveting.
This is exciting and confidence enhancing work! I know I can create sound bites now that will sizzle and boost my business big time. Susan is a brilliant teacher. It's so good to learn from someone who is so authentic, personable--and values excellence.
~ Judith Hasselblad, MS CHHC, Inner Wisdom Weight Release Coach, Nourishment Expert
You "got me" in so many ways and expressed it in your signature style of sophisticated distinct flair and brilliant effectiveness!
Thank you so much for the consultation yesterday. It was highly productive and valuable. You "got me" in so many ways and expressed it in your signature style of sophisticated distinct flair and brilliant effectiveness! The more I ponder and take in what you suggested, the more I stand in AWE of its worth.
~ Gayle Elise Fitzgerald, Catalyst of Divine Potential, Healing, & Transformation
I’m surprised at how you’ve swum through the muck of mind in an hour to get to action steps I can do today to get moving forward toward getting my own radio and TV show.
~ Terri Hardin Jackson, Former Disney Sculptor and Disney Imagineer, Professional Artist, Actress and Puppeteer
You grasped and understood even some of the more nuanced features of my “Communicate Without Limits” Method more quickly and deeply than any other coach or brainstorming partner.
In our coaching session we covered so much in a short timeframe! I was amazed at how quickly you zeroed in to identify key points regarding my brand, my book and the work that I do. You grasped and understood even some of the more nuanced features of my “Communicate Without Limits” Method more quickly and deeply than any other coach or brainstorming partner. I also appreciate that even when I wasn’t very clear – YOU were. You helped me develop sound bites that beautifully tie my book, my method for communication skill-building, and my brand together. And your sound bite course is helping me as I work to build the courage and expertise needed to take a more public stance with my business. Thank you!
~ Gloria Thomas, Business Communication Consultant, Wizard Workforce Development and Author of the upcoming book, A WIMP, a Warrior and a Wizard Walk Into a Bar: 14 Communication Skills That Help You Move Up, Be Heard and Own Your Power
You are very wise and your thoughts were presented in a nice flow and very clear and understandable.
In two media training sessions you got it, packaged it and put it into a form that I could use not only for media interviews, but in my podcasts, webinars, on my website, and to define my new brand.
I've worked with a number of high-level coaches for years and none of them could capture the essence of what I did. In two media training sessions you got it, packaged it and put it into a form that I could use not only for media interviews, but in my podcasts, webinars, on my website, and to define my new brand.
~ Kris Gilbertson, iTunes + Podcast Expert & Trainer, Founder, Podcasting Pro System Author, Why NOW is the Right Time to Podcast
60 minutes later when I put down the phone I had a clear game plan, a set of actionable suggestions, and some brilliant monetization ideas I hadn't even considered.
Spending an hour with Susan Harrow is a bit like walking into the bright sunlight after an hour in an unlit tunnel. I came to Susan with so many ideas and goals I couldn't even define what I needed from her. When she asked me what my goal was for our hour together, I panicked. Yet 60 minutes later when I put down the phone I had a clear game plan, a set of actionable suggestions, and some brilliant monetization ideas I hadn't even considered. I know what my next steps are, and I know they will play to my strengths. And boost my income significantly. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'll give Susan an 11.
~ Leyla Giray Alyanak Editor-in-Chief of Women on the Road
I got on TV!!
I got on TV!! And I used your advice to speak in "sound bites" that I got from your seminar on the Transformational Author Series by Christine Kloser! Thanks for helping me feel prepared and confident to step up and go on TV at a moment's notice!
~ Laura Dent, Technical Communicator, Creative Writer, Editor and Writing Consultant
Everything I do in my business is better because of what I've learned from you. You are like my media mother!
I love your programs! They're so full of juicy nuggets that I come back again and again. I always learn something new or a little bit different. Everything I do in my business is better because of what I've learned from you.
My writing is much more succinct and I actually find that as I edit my own copy I am putting into play your principles of sound bites all the time. I even hear people differently now also, which is kind of funny. Sometimes when people get lost in their story, I want to tell them to "make it a sound bite already!"
I love your calming and grounding spirit. Not only is your voice incredibly warm and kind, but I feel from you an energy that you genuinely believe that success can be ours, and that we're fully capable of greatness. You are like my media mother!
Thank you so much for being a fantastic mentor and for a fantastic session together that gave me probably the best feedback and instruction I've had yet.
~ Lily Gold, Certified Holistic Health Coach
Susan Harrow is the best in the business.
I've worked with a lot of PR people and I have to say, just based on the results alone — Susan Harrow is the best in the business. Combine that with her easy to work with personality and her street smarts, it's a WINNING combination.
~ Paul Jarvis, Web Designer
I found Susan’s pointers helpful.
I found Susan’s pointers helpful. I’m definitely going to incorporate [her suggestions] into my interviews going forward.
~ ACLU Attorney
It was a really useful training
It was helpful to see the points that Susan pointed out. It made me more mindful of ways to fix those issues after seeing it. I really liked when we practiced with her one on one. It was a really useful training.
~ ACLU Attorney
[I learned] how to handle different kinds of interviewers
[I learned] 1) how to handle different kinds of interviewers; 2) How to transition; 3) How to prepare. [As a result] I’ve become more aware of how people speak in TV interviews.
~ ACLU Attorney
I am awed by Susan's passion for helping people because it takes a lot to create your public image.
You are a marketing genius!
I was blessed by God to have taken your course at this time. It was divine timing. You are a marketing genius! Steve Harrison told us about trend stories but I always related it to unclaimed property, never to the individual topics within unclaimed property that really need to be covered. You have rocked my world! This will cause the ripple effect to thousands, if not millions, of others. I will report back from the Publicity Summit!! My goal is The Today Show. Blessings!
~ Mary Pitman, "The Missing Money Lady," Author of The Little Book of Missing Money: A Quick & Easy Guide to Finding Money that is Rightfully Yours
I am so much better prepared now for the upcoming TV appearances.
Susan could turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. And it was so much fun at the same time. Her media coaching work is simply stupendous. I had an absolutely fabulous time, learned a ton and thought she was just so warm and kind. I am so much better prepared now for the upcoming TV appearances. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
~ Deborah King, New York Times-bestselling author, renowned spiritual leader, and the world’s leading authority on energy healing
She becomes your partner, your cheering section, your coach, your mentor. As she gives unstintingly of her energy and expertise, you gain the tools you need to succeed.
Susan Harrow changed my life. I went from “geek speak” to “media speak.” After working with Susan just a few short months (3) I landed media placements in outlets that included the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The LA Times, USA Today, Oprah and Friends, SmallBiz.com, Forbes.com, Monster.com, US News and World Report, Radio-TV Interview Report, Health, Smart Money, The Christian Science Monitor, CNN, National Public Radio, The History Channel, ABC News Now, and more. Susan taught me how to “do media,” on my own.
When I first contacted Susan Harrow, I fully expected to find myself among the 60% of applicants whom she rejects. But I got lucky. At the time, I had no idea how lucky. Susan selects her clients carefully because she commits to them totally. She becomes your partner, your cheering section, your coach, your mentor. As she gives unstintingly of her energy and expertise, you gain the tools you need to succeed. And each success along the road—no matter how small—delights her. Her integrity, her vision, her devotion to her clients is unequalled. Whether you purchase one of her publicity books, participate in her media training seminars, or are fortunate enough to become one of her media coaching clients, count yourself lucky to learn from this rare and wonderful gem.
~ Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert, Director of Research CEG Worldwide & CEO of My Survey Expert
Susan is a master of the media.
Susan is a master of the media. She can take any answer and turn it into a logical sound bite. She’s extremely enthusiastic and thoughtful.
~ Jennifer O'Neil, Film Producer & Director & Author of Decorating with Funky Shui
Susan is sharp. She was able to take any topic and form the memorable sound bite. A great distiller.
~ Kitty O'Neil, Product Designer for Mattel & Lego & Author of Decorating with Funky Shui
I hear myself saying things differently even in the talks that I give.
I would pay just to hear you talk on a weekly basis. You always have great insight and advice.I thought the content was great. I hear myself saying things differently even in the talks that I give. You were, as always, a pro.
~ Carole Martin, former Monster.com Interview Expert & CEO of Interviewcoach.com
Susan Harrow is a great media coach.
Susan Harrow is a great media coach. In fact, what I learned from her, including how to project a relaxed but professional style, improved my effectiveness tremendously. Highly recommended!
~ Laurel Mellin, M.A., R.D., Founder of Emotional Brain Training (EBT) Associate clinical professor of family and community medicine and pediatrics at UC San Francisco School of Medicine & New York Times bestselling author of The Pathway
Susan gets right to the point and delivers exactly what she promises.
Susan is wonderful, genuine, fun and very knowledgeable. She gets right to the point and delivers exactly what she promises. An excellent workshop!
~ Marty Friedman, Corporate Trainer & Consultant
You have given me a lot of things to think about, homework, a lots and lots of introspection work and I am very excited to put some of that in use.
Susan is masterful at knowing exactly what each individual needs to hear to hone their sound bites.
Susan is masterful at knowing exactly what each individual needs to hear to hone their sound bites. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. You are a gifted group leader. You embody generosity of spirit in giving your participants so much effective general information and so much personal fine tuning of their sound bites. You are like a laser that hones in on what each person needs to improve as well as highlighting each person's natural strengths.
~ Selma Lewis, Ph.D.
The workshop has given me lots to think of and broadened my awareness in the world of public relations.
Thank you so much for spending the day with us. You were also a role model of professionalism, presentation, being prepared, connecting with everyone, all of that was a joy for me to be around. One of the coaches that I speak with often really enjoyed the whole day and got so much out of the exercise of sharing our sound bites... she found that in the process of creating the sound bite, she was clarifying her niche and passion. Then the step of sharing it was a big deal too. I personally always find doing exercises in a room with listening ears and a guiding professional can in fact change you. The workshop has given me lots to think of and broadened my awareness in the world of public relations.
~ Maria Cristini, CPCC Executive Coach - President Bay Area Chapter of the ICF
Worth the price of admission. Susan's training was concrete and her insights illuminating.
~ Carl Rebstock, Lead for Tribal Outreach for Firstnet.gov
I heartily recommend Susan Harrow to anyone in need of promotional and publicity services. Harrow has the rare ability to both create and implement great concepts – and to generate stunning results.
~ John Grimes, Cartoonist, Author, Entrepreneur, and Former Publicity Director, Peachpit Press
Clear, practical, and professional. If you buy just one publicity and marketing book, make this the one.
~ Valerie Salembier, Publisher of Esquire Magazine
You have made a substantial difference in this book experience for me.
I completely appreciate all you have done, so far, to help me prepare myself mentally and physically for ALL these interviews! You have made a substantial difference in this book experience for me. I want to tell you how fortunate I feel to have you as my coach and effective nudge."
~ Bonnie Bernell, Ed. D., Psychologist and Author of Bountiful Women: Large Women’s Secrets for Living the Life They Desire
I did my first on camera interview this past Saturday, and I was more at ease by just the fact that I had been reading your book.
I haven't read all of your book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® yet--but I couldn't wait to write you and tell how much it has helped me already and to say thank you! Thank you!!! I did my first on camera interview this past Saturday, and I was more at ease by just the fact that I had been reading your book. I have recommended it to several people as well. Thank you again.
~ Anna Mkhitarian, Annatarian Designs, designers of eco-couture evening and bridal gowns
Thanks for your help. I found myself putting some of it into practice during some pretty crazy moments on the set [of the Oprah Winfrey Show]. Many, many thanks.
You've been wonderful. You have just been a total Godsend to me. I have to tell you that I am immensely grateful to you. I must say I really was feeling very insecure about the whole thing and just being able to have your knowledge and your support and your comments...I think you've just done a fabulous job. Thanks for your help. I found myself putting some of it into practice during some pretty crazy moments on the set. Many, many thanks.
~ Three-time Oprah guest who signed a non-disclosure so must remain anonymous
Your poised, quiet wisdom that wants to see the world get to their next level, especially women.
Harrow's book eminently practical; the fact that she's put her soul into it makes it priceless.
Working in a highly competitive film industry where communication is everything--where ideas are "pitched" and opinions bought and sold—I've found Ms. Harrow's executive communication training helped me get my message across with clarity and integrity and was an extraordinary aid. The deftly covered range of public relations situations and examples makes Harrow's book eminently practical; the fact that she's put her soul into it makes it priceless.
~ Will Csaklos, Senior Creative Executive, Pixar Animation Studios
I actually got an NBC affiliate to do a story on me within a week, which ran in 12 markets 20 times in one month!
I bought your book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®, and only had time to skim it, but you inspired me to do some PR locally and I actually got an NBC affiliate to do a story on me within a week, which ran in 12 markets 20 times in one month! I've gotten my local newspaper to do stories or news briefs on me almost monthly. You're GREAT! I really thank you for all the fabulous resources you put on your website and your GREAT newsletter. You're the best I've ever seen!
~ Kim Lavine, Author of Mommy Millionaire and Mommy Manifesto
Practical, encouraging, written from the heart. Makes the daunting seem possible.
~ Lee Glickstein, Founder of Speaking Circles™, Author, Be Heard Now! Tap Into Your Inner Speaker and Communicate with Ease
Reading this book is like getting a degree in promotional savvy. It teaches you how to be such a polished interviewee that you'll be invited back again and again.
~ Victoria Moran, speaker, author of 12 best-selling books, including Lit from Within and Creating a Charmed Life
Harrow is a pioneer in the PR profession.
Harrow is a pioneer in the PR profession. Her book is a revelation: that you can promote yourself or anything else without sacrificing your integrity to get the media attention you want. This is a must read for anyone who has ever had a doubt that marketing and publicity can provide a path to fame and fortune while maintaining peace of mind.
~ Susan RoAne, national keynote speaker and author of the classic best-seller, How To Work a Room & The Secret of Savvy Networking
What a great book! Susan Harrow has done a marvelous job of sharing the knowledge any businessperson, author, or community leader needs in order to get major media attention.
~ Jennifer Basye Sander, co-author, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published
You are the best! I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for your encouragement, presence and friendship. What a joy to be working with you!
~ Patti Breitman, Literary Agent for John Gray and Richard Carlson
Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® is a valuable resource for those who believe in their products and services—and whose idea of "the big picture" includes more than just the bottom line.
With integrity, intelligence, grace, humor, and a considerable amount of expertise, Susan Harrow leads her readers up the slippery slope of self-promotion to discover the places where they can serve their audiences and their spirits. Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® is a valuable resource for those who believe in their products and services—and whose idea of "the big picture" includes more than just the bottom line.
~ Maggie Oman Shannon, Author, The Way We Pray and editor of Prayers for Healing
I have had several radio interviews and I want you to know that these two chapters (8 &11) have directly contributed to my success with those interviews.
I have read Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® from cover to cover and am now doing a second reading. Chapters eight and eleven have been an invaluable asset to me. I have had several radio interviews and I want you to know that these two chapters have directly contributed to my success with those interviews.
I know, from reading your materials, the information you provide appeals to people like myself, people who desire useful and relevant information for all areas of their life whether it be work, play, politics, social, or spiritual, people who want useful information on how to be more successful.
The information you provide is all about faith and empowerment. You see, I took off from working on my $50 thousand dollar a year job as a public high school teacher last year to do what I have always wanted to do, write. I stepped out on faith, marched into my director's office and requested a leave of absence for the 2004-2005 school year. Well, this school year has ended and I have two books for sale on Amazon.com, but that took a lot of faith in my potential and the gift that God has given me. I found this same theme of faith buried in the pages of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®, and I found myself empowered. Your book empowers the reader with the tools (knowledge) that are needed to bring about success. I am so grateful for discovering you and your wonderful resources to help me in accomplishing my goals, and I would love to be instrumental in introducing others to you and your powerful products.
~ Sherrie Rita Marshall, keynote speaker, author, Invisible Chains: Chained To A Lie
Your book was very helpful to me in getting that message out!
I wanted to write to let you know how much I enjoyed your book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®. Your tips were very helpful in placing an article with the Wall Street Journal.
I have the triple distinction of:
- being in the World Trade Center on the morning of 9-11 when the planes struck the towers,
- living in the immediate impact zone of the World Trade Center and being evacuated while my neighborhood was closed by civil authority for months after the attacks and
- owning a small business in the area.
Many small businesses in Lower Manhattan ceased operations as a consequence of 9-11. I was one of the lucky ones. I had a comprehensive and cost-effective contingency plan in place, which saved my business. I credit this foresight to my previous work experience. I lived and worked in Zurich, Switzerland where I was a senior executive of the Swiss Reinsurance Company and an expert on business risk management. I provided significant pro bono assistance to Lower Manhattan small businesses in the months after 9-11. Then to scale our outreach and provide more proactive assistance, my IT expert and I wrote Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery: A Small Business Guide (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). It is the only book in print dealing with the unique needs of small businesses in this respect. I assigned my share of the author's royalties to endow an academic program in my dad's name, such that two groups would benefit from the book: needy students and under-resourced small business owners.
I am committed to helping small businesses across the country with the benefit of our hard-earned experience. Your book was very helpful to me in getting that message out! Thank you again.
~ Donna Childs, President & CEO Childs Capital, former senior executive of the world’s largest reinsurance company, author, Prepare for the Worst, Plan for the Best