Publicity is still the #1 fastest way to grow your business. One media mention can be enough to set your career in motion or to catapult you to the next level. Consistent media can put you in front of audiences who want to hire you to speak, buy your products and services or donate to your cause. You'll find everything you need to create a publicity campaign that suits your style to keep you front and center in the media and the minds of your tribe, find a literary agent you love (and who loves you), get a book deal, get local and national publicity, get booked as a guest on TV, radio, the Internet, and into magazines and print.

Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®
A Woman's Guide to Promoting Herself, Her Business, Her Product or Her Cause With Integrity & Spirit.

Hire Your Next Boss & Get Your Dream Job
How to get your dream job – and stop living in poverty or your parent's basement.
It’s a rough landscape for new college grads, but there’s always room at the top for savvy grads who know how to communicate their value, and who aren’t willing to settle for a lackluster career.