Media Training

for celebrities & athletes

Media training for celebrities
Media training for athletes and media training for sports person

For celebrities, athletes, sports stars, personalities, and public figures the media
can either elevate or devastate a career—in a single interview.

Likewise, the media can help or hurt a rising star on the verge of fame and acclaim.

Our thorough media training for celebrities uses rehearsal and roleplay reinforces strong message discipline and ensures that our clients are intentional, centered, comfortable and calm in any public appearance, media interview or press situation.

The result is that they are portrayed in a positive light and promote their personality and/or project with integrity and spirit.

Develop Your Star Presence

We work together on their presence so the media and their audience “get” them before they’ve even spoken a word.

In the big picture we help them build their professional and personal business and brand in a conscious, consistent way that inspires confidence and buy-in from the people that matter most to them for the outcomes they desire.

After our personalized attention and media training both new and established celebrities, athletes and sports stars will be able to deliver their messages in a clear, conversational style while expressing their unique, genuine personality and style. In short, they will thrive in the spotlight under any circumstance—and get the results they want.

Whether they are promoting a charity or cause close to their heart, creating interest for a new film, tapped to talk on the red carpet, or keeping fans tuned into their every word during a game for the season, our media training will prepare them for the best and worst interviewers and conditions.


Your Path To Fast Results

Our comprehensive media training for celebrities, athletes, sports stars,
personalities, and public figures covers how to:

celebrity media training
media training for sports people
athlete media training

Expertly handle press interviews, panels, public speaking engagements, media interviews, after game commentaries, junkets, acceptance speeches, award ceremonies, fundraisers, red carpet appearances, and congressional debates and testimony with ease and grace.
Embody their values and principles in everything they do, say, are and think™.
Master mindset using techniques from martial arts, meditation and the newest, proven scientific neuroscience studies for consistent calm and focus.
• Avert getting trapped in trick questions or sticky situations that can ruin their reputation or destroy their brand in an instant.
Become charismatic and engaging in way that suits their natural skills, abilities and quirks—to sustain and grow their following and popularity.
• Avoid reacting, oversharing, stumbling or choking to maintain their pristine name.
Deliver their key messages under any circumstance with any type of personality to advance their stature and status in their communities and worldwide.
Manage their time, energy and enthusiasm during junkets while delivering story variations to entrance different audiences.
Deftly promote sponsors to increase their current contracts and attract new sponsors.
Subtly share positive stories about donors to secure funding from existing and new donors.
Use body, facial and verbal language and vocal variety to keep audiences enthralled and enthused.
Relax and enjoy their time to shine in the media spotlight.

Media Trainer for Celebrities

Your Media COach

Susan Harrow is a beloved media trainer, marketing strategist, martial artist and author of the bestselling book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® (HarperCollins).

As CEO of Harrow Communications Inc., a worldwide media training consultancy, she has been media training celebrities, athletes, sports stars, personalities and public figures for over 35 years.

Before she became a media trainer Susan was a publicist and booked clients on hundreds of radio, TV and print outlets including CNN, GMA, Oprah, 60 minutes and 100s more.

As a black belt in Aikido (Japanese Martial Arts) and a former teaching tennis pro at prestigious resorts and tennis camps, she’s also been personally trained by national tennis coaches who train the top players on the circuit today. She has an athlete’s mental focus and mindset that she translates to her clients. Susan has media trained rock stars, reality TV finalists, and celebrity chefs as well as New York Times bestselling authors and thought leaders who are changing the way we think of the world today.