how to generate passive income

Your Passive Profit Pyramid to Prepare for PR

By Guest Blogger Christina Jandali (with a few PR comments from me). SUSAN’S INSIGHTS RE: PR + Passive Profits: Publicity is a vehicle to help you generate passive income as it drives organic traffic to your website through radio, TV, print, podcast and blog interviews / articles. Publicity is a vehicle to help you generate…

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giving thanks

Thank You For The Sh_tty Lesson

A quick note to say how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Some of you have been connected since my days teaching at the Learning Annex where my first product was a cassette tape that I duplicated, a cover/case that I hand-glued onto a piece of paper then printed from my computer.…

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Feng Shui Your Mind For Media Interviews

I’ve had so many conversations this month that end up being about mind-set. Feng Shui-ing your mind is more than just clearing clutter. It’s about discovering and then organizing what the heck is in there in the first place. Mind-set is about how our conscious and unconscious minds work together well – or not. One…

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