Sound Bites: 8 Things You Need to Know for Your Next Media Interview

SUMMARY: In today’s fast-paced world, captivating media interviews rely on concise, memorable sound bites. Crafting these messages is critical for entrepreneurs to connect with their audience effectively. Preparation is key to making a quick, impactful connection, whether in a formal interview, podcast or casual encounter in line for coffee. Sound bites distill complex messages into…

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5 Media Interview Mistakes: That Could Crucify Your Career

SUMMARY: Learn the critical media interview mistakes to avoid to safeguard your career. From waffling during interviews to neglecting to share how you’ve helped others, these errors can tarnish your reputation. Ensure you’re prepared with concise messaging, quotes from industry leaders, and compelling stories of impact. Transform your wounds into wisdom and have well-formed opinions…

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Subscriber Spotlight Shout Out

This is a monthly shout out to anyone who has taken action and reached a goal or made a shift. I will be searching through your comments every month to choose a new person to feature in the “Subscriber Spotlight Shout Out.” So post some success you’ve had that you’ve gleaned from a webinar, course,…

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Subscriber Spotlight Shout Out

This is a monthly shout out to anyone who has taken action and reached a goal or made a shift. I will be searching through your comments every month to choose a new person to feature in the “Subscriber Spotlight Shout Out.” So post some success you’ve had that you’ve gleaned from a webinar, course,…

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