Expert Media Coaching
During media interview coaching we use proven neuroscience, martial arts + mindfulness-based practices to speed your comfort + confidence for media interviews
We work together during our media coaching training to make sure that: Everything you do, say, are, and think, is in alignment – from your words to your website™.
We focus on how to bring in the kind of business you want. Not looky-loos who waste your time and energy, but the business, partnerships, experiences, opportunities, connections, and sales that you most want so you can grow your business in the direction you want.
This applies to media coaching services for TV, radio, print, podcast, presentations, panels, TED, summits, social media lives and personalized virtual coaching. You'll receive expert media training on how to master virtual events, and Zoom conferences with confidence and calm.
As your media training coach I take you through a series of interviews from “the nice,” to “the rambler,” “the interrupter,” “the uninformed,” and finally, “the hostile.”
We work at a pace that is comfortable for you at first and then we ramp up to the fevered pitch that top media requires. With media coaching training I get you ready for anything that possibly can (and most likely will) happen during a media interview.
One of my favorite sayings is from Gandhi: "My life is my message." When the look, feel and substance of you and your business are congruent everything comes together so your offer is positively received by the perfect clients, customers, donors, or funders who are ready to engage.

Let's just see if we ignite together.
Expert media training agenda for media interviews
- Understand how the media work – their rules, agendas and objectives. (It’s like a schoolbook under your arm).
- Confidently handle any media interview for print, podcast, radio, TV, Internet, and social media.
- Develop the key messages that the media love that also entice your audience to buy or buy into your business, book, product, service or cause.
- Gracefully bridge from any question a reporter or host asks to your answers. (No more sweating through your clothes)
- Avoid the most common pitfalls and mistakes that media interview guests/experts make.
- Identify and avoid a reporter or host’s tricks or surprise agenda. (Don’t fall into the well-laid traps)
- Answer worst-case scenario questions with composure. (No way! They found that out from my mother?)
- Embrace and use nervousness. (I have techniques learned from meditation masters and scientists)
- Handle hostile interviews. (You may learn to love these)
- Get quoted accurately. (You know what you said, do they?)
- Control yourself to effectively manage any person or circumstance.
- Speak directly to the needs of your ideal audience. (Yes, they want to buy).
- Handle hostile interviews. (You may learn to love these)
- Use clothes and make-up to enhance your natural charm and verve.
- Speak directly to the needs of your ideal audience, customer or client. (Yes, they want to buy).
In short, our media coaching training prepares you for anything and everything that can happen during any type of media interview.
You'll build the courage, confidence and ability to deal with discomfort and fear of the new in record time—while delighting in the process.

I Went From No Publicity to National Publicity In 3 months
Susan Harrow changed my life. I went from “geek speak” to "media speak." After working with Susan just a few short months I landed media placements in outlets that included the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The LA Times, USA Today, Oprah and Friends,,,, US News and World Report, Radio-TV Interview Report, Health, Smart Money, The Christian Science Monitor, CNN, National Public Radio, The History Channel, ABC News Now, and more. Susan taught me how to “do media,” on my own. I got lucrative consulting contracts with nationally recognized companies. The long litany of media accomplishments she facilitated serves as instant credibility that I could not purchase with a million-dollar advertising budget.
Whether you purchase one of Susan Harrow's publicity books, participate in her media training & coaching seminars, or are fortunate enough to become one of her media coaching clients, count yourself lucky to learn from this rare and wonderful gem.
~ Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert, Director of Research CEG Worldwide & CEO of Hurlbert Consulting
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe Made $200,000 From One Speaking Engagement Course enrollment jumped from 100 to 700 In less than 8 weeks
On a lot of levels Susan helped me work out the messaging of the university and then bring that message out in a consistent way to the world. Our course enrollment jumped from 100 to 700 people. I got a standing ovation and two checks for $100,000 each from people who believed in my vision.
~ Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, President, University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism and Director, Dr. Jaffe MD Seminars International
I’ve worked with some of the top presentation coaches, and you are an amazing standout.
I’ve worked with some of the top presentation coaches, and you are an amazing standout. Your insights and perceptions are pure gold.
~ Maddy Dychtwald, author of the national bestseller, Ageless Aging, and co-founder of Age Wave, a consulting firm/think tank focused on aging, longevity and retirement
Susan is a beautiful light and incredible force.
Susan Harrow is a beautiful light and incredible force. She specializes in media coaching people to shine their best as they step into the spotlight. I have been to one of her trainings and participated in a small breakout group with her. She not only is a master of helping you fine tune your outward projection, but also by digging deep into your power, harnessing it and setting it free to the audience at hand. Oh, and she does this with a huge smile, such grace…and confidence!
~ Torrey T. Benson, Investor, Marker Buoy Commercial Real Estate Investments

Let's just see if we ignite together.
The Media Coaching Training Process
During media interview coaching angles and ideas typically emerge and can be shaped into stories, pitches and segment ideas.
As a media training coach I listen to the way you speak naturally and how you frame your material. From that we develop your 6 critical sound bites or talking points, your essential stories. We also create “modular sound bites”, stories that can be modified to suit very particular audiences and angles. Your sound bites are also designed to bring you the kind of business you want. You will not be just an entertaining guest. You will be able to use your media opportunities to grow your business to the next level.
Lastly, during media training, we move through any of the fears you might have of being asked difficult or inappropriate questions or of becoming a public person.
Thank you for leading me to the top of the charts and ensuring my poise and confidence along the way.
Since my first book in 2008 you have been an inspiration. I just want to reach out and thank you for leading me to the top of the charts and ensuring my poise and confidence along the way. What's funny is I've worked with a number of people in the past 2 decades, and bought a bazillion products. I still have yours. And one of the most valuable things you ever taught me, the one that has led to the most success, was how to speak in soundbites. So simple once you master it, but so rarely used that you instantly become the producer's favorite.
~ Adryenn Ashley, CEO / Founder, Wow Is Me, Inc. at - NFT Design Agency
I am so much better prepared now for my upcoming TV appearances.
Susan Harrow could turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. And it was so much fun at the same time. Her media coaching work is simply stupendous. I had an absolutely fabulous time, learned a ton and thought she was just so warm and kind. I am so much better prepared now for my upcoming TV appearances. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
~ Deborah King, New York Times-bestselling author, renowned spiritual leader, and the world’s leading authority on energy healing
I feel more confident with how to use communication techniques like pacing, pausing, rhythm, and vocal variety
I’m much more aware of my communication style and when the stories I tell land. I now know how to leave out details that don’t connect. You’ve continued to challenge me during role-plays of difficult scenarios so I can refine my responses and get a better outcome from various people and interactions.
During our media training I’ve refined several stories of origin so they are more powerful and impactful. I feel more confident with how to use communication techniques like pacing, pausing, rhythm, and vocal variety to frame, headline, and deliver content that holds the interest of my diverse audience during long presentations. We’ve also delved into the nuances of some behaviors and habits which I wasn’t aware of that I’ve refined in short order. Thank you for your guidance.
~ Nate Reid, VP of film programming + analytics at AMC Theatres
Working with Susan for media appearances has been incredibly beneficial.
Working with media training coach Susan Harrow has been incredibly beneficial. It’s impacted the way I talk to my kids as well as in my business and other communications. There are always a lot of “ahas” and “takeaways" during my process. Susan was patient and non-judgmental. I’m excited about all the progress we’ve been making together. I’m very pleased with the way things are going.
~ Matthew E. Harmon - Commercial Real Estate Broker and Developer, and Hemp Historian, author of Marijuana Haters Guide to Making a Billion Dollars from Hemp
"I feel super confident + comfortable + I have Susan to thank for it."
~ Prachee Kale, Co-
Founder of Think.Design.Cyber
"Susan Harrow was able to give each of us the exact guidance we needed."
~ Kay Allison, Entrepreneur, Author + Leader of an alcohol-free community
~ Stephanie Heath,
CEO Soulwork &
~ Tom Kirkham,
CEO IronTech Security + Kirkham.IT
"I was able to take all of my ideas + get them down to the DNA."
~ Kay Allison, Entrepreneur, Author + Leader of an alcohol-free community

Let's just see if we ignite together.
What is Media Coaching Training?
“The point of speaking to the public and the media isn’t to tell all. It’s to tell all of what you want to tell.”
Susan Harrow has developed a five-step media interview coaching process to expand your fifteen minutes of fame to a lifetime of publicity. She works with you one-on-one or in a group by role-playing different interviewers or interviewing styles, (corporate audiences, Human Resource managers, talk show hosts, news anchors, producers, or editors) to prepare you for any presentation or media appearance.
- Convey a positive impression in the first 3 seconds.
- Gain audience buy-in.
- Sell yourself, your business, book, product or cause with grace and subtlety.
- Impart your message during any circumstance.
- Handle “difficult” people.
- Be perceived as an expert or poised professional.
- Communicate confidence.
- Use your natural abilities to their fullest.
Create sound bites — Your key messaging strategy
- Develop 6 expandable and collapsible word pictures, stories or phrases.
- Practice telling your sound bites in 10 seconds to 2 minutes to fit into any TV, radio or producer or editor’s time frame.
- Become a person who can inform, entertain, persuade, or provoke with moving and memorable anecdotes.
- Blueprint original stories that create a compelling “history” of you, your product, or your business and will inspire immediate action on the part of your audience.

- Analyze the energy and impression you give to your audience.
- Explore the most compelling ways you can serve as a guide for your audience and incite them to buy your book, product, service or cause.
- Support ways to touch the hopes, fears, needs and desires of people by using specific examples to move your audience at an emotional or gut level.
Print Interview
- Establish rapport with editors or journalists.
- Develop a theme.
- Control your photo opportunities.
- Speak on the record with confidence.
Radio Interview
Establish rapport with the host and audience.
Develop a strong voice through:
- Openness and honing your stories.
- Inflection and tone.
- Speed and articutation.
- Word choice and pictures.
- Appearance.
- Body language.
- Facial expression.
- Hone your stories.
Video Interview
- Appearance.
- Body language.
- Facial expression.
- Hone your stories.
- Appearance.
- Body language and movement.
- Voice.
- Story.

- Stay on message.
Print interview
- Develop a theme.
Radio interview.
- Communicate succinctly.
- Fine tune your language to eliminate any undermining words, statements, or tone.
TV interview.
- Align verbal and body language. (Video taped.)
- Analyze your movements and facial expressions for distraction and power loss.
- Fine tune your language to eliminate any undermining words, statements, or tone.

You taught me about the power of sincerity and being your real self.
You taught me about the power of sincerity and being your real self. Yes you taught me about sound bites, and the technical parts of how to handle an effective interview, but you also taught me the foundation.The foundation is, your gift is your message, and it must be passionate and authentic.
You are a blessing.
~ Dr. Kathleen Hall, Founder, The Stress Institute, Author, A Life in Balance, Nourishing the Four Roots of True Happiness
Susan shared a lot of great advice, skills, techniques, and feedback on each of us personally.
Susan Harrow shared a lot of great advice, skills, techniques, and feedback on each of us personally during our media coaching. I think the two sessions were valuable for me (having not done any media training before) as an introduction to some basic ideas about delivering talking points, having good sound bites and getting my point across, and presenting myself on TV.
~ ACLU Attorney
Susan Harrow is a great media coach. Highly recommended!
Susan Harrow is a great media coach. In fact, what I learned from her, including how to project a relaxed but professional style, improved my effectiveness tremendously. Highly recommended!
~ Laurel Mellin, M.A., R.D., Founder of Emotional Brain Training (EBT) Associate clinical professor of family and community medicine and pediatrics at UC San Francisco School of Medicine & New York Times bestselling author of The Pathway
Susan Harrow is a course-changer. I’m thankful to have her on my team and suggest you add her to yours.
Susan Harrow is a course-changer: she profoundly alters the way I approach my online presence, new book, and virtual medical practice. I feel supercharged and empowered every time we talk. Susan’s course on sound bites provided laser-sharp focus for my book (content and launch), blog posts and interacting with my clients — and as you know, there’s a lot of noise in the online world about honing your message.
Susan helps me clarify and put into action my new integrative medicine packages efficiently and effectively. Her framework makes me think differently about what I do and how to expand my place in the world as an integrative physician, thought leader and hormone specialist.
While she calls herself a media coach, her influence is far more broad and deep. Her guidance and attunement are unparalleled in the industry. In short, Susan Harrow is a genius and her influence on me is nothing short of miraculous. I’m thankful to have her on my team and suggest you add her to yours.
~ Sara Gottfried MD, Harvard-Trained Integrative Physician and Author of The New York Times-bestselling books, The Hormone Cure & The Hormone Reset Diet, Younger
Susan is a master of the media.
Susan Harrow is a master of the media. She can take any answer and turn it into a logical sound bite. She's extremely enthusiastic and thoughtful.
~ Jennifer O'Neil, Film Producer & Director & Author of Decorating with Funky Shui
A great distiller.
Susan is sharp. She was able to take any topic and form the memorable sound bite. A great distiller.
~ Kitty O'Neil, Product Designer for Mattel & Lego & Author of Decorating with Funky Shui
- The nice.
- The uninformed.
- The interrupter.
- The rambler.
- The hostile.
Develop your connection with the host and viewers through natural charisma and ingenuousness. Examine rapport and composure.
Brainstorm the next steps for your marketing and publicity campaign. Market yourself, business or products on the Internet. (Includes website evaluation.)
Working Together - Media Training Programs Are Customized For Your Particular Needs, Time And Energy.
I would pay just to hear you talk on a weekly basis.
You were, as always, a pro. I would pay just to hear you talk on a weekly basis. You always have great insight and advice.
~ Carole Martin, former Interview Expert & CEO of
You have just been a total Godsend to me.
You’ve been wonderful. You have just been a total Godsend to me. I have to tell you that I am immensely grateful to you. I must say I really was feeling very insecure about the whole thing (being interviewed on Oprah for the entire hour) and just being able to have your knowledge and your support and your comments … I think you’ve just done a fabulous job.
Thanks for your help. I found myself putting what you taught me into practice during some pretty crazy moments on the set. Many, many thanks.
~ Three-time Oprah guest who who signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) so must remain anonymous
Susan is masterful at knowing exactly what each individual needs to hear to hone their sound bites.
Susan Harrow is masterful at knowing exactly what each individual needs to hear to hone their sound bites. You are like a laser that hones in on what each person needs to improve as well as highlighting each person’s natural strengths.
~ Selma Lewis, Ph.D.
Worth the price of admission.
Worth the price of admission. Susan’s training was concrete and her insights illuminating.
~ Carl Rebstock, Lead for Tribal Outreach for
Susan is wonderful, genuine, fun and very knowledgeable.
Susan Harrow is wonderful, genuine, fun and very knowledgeable. She gets right to the point and delivers exactly what she promises. An excellent workshop!
~ Marty Friedman, Corporate Trainer & Consultant

Let's just see if we ignite together.