5 Ways To Gracefully Deal With Internet Trolls

SUMMARY: Learn to handle internet trolls with advice from Asian women entrepreneurs: Use humor to deflect trolls. Remove insults and deepen discussions. Engage with diverse voices for education. Respond respectfully to trolls. Ignore negativity to protect your online space. Having protocols in place is crucial, including considering the source, learning from criticism, and addressing unresolved…

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PR tactics of Donald Trump

8 Things Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Courting Publicity

Guest Post By Victoria Greene It’s fair to say that America is a fairly divided place right now, with wildly differing ideas about what’s right and wrong. Whatever your views, our blundering, boastful President does seem to have mastered one thing, and that’s showmanship. As he appoints more than a few questionable characters to office, many…

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Verbal Aikido Skills

I Was Hit in Aikido—and it was an honor

I was hit repeatedly at an Aikido training over the weekend. And it was an honor. When I told a friend about this she said, “At the first hit, I’d be out of there. Off to get a latte and shopping for shoes.” Of course a part of me wanted out of there. The other part welcomed the opportunity to polish my spirit. As Rumi says, “Criticism polishes my mirror.” My work will be done when nothing can annoy, irritate, anger, or ruffle me. That is a long way off.

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Media training

Be a Media Darling [My New Podcast]

This is why my Podcast took 3 years to launch: I got waylaid. Over and over again. I think I resisted it because talking came so natural to me. And I did lots of other harder things first. I created webinars, special reports, ebooks, courses. I trained to get my black belt in Aikido. I got…

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