Episode 17

Astounding Ideas to Get Corporations to Pay for Your Publicity With Kent Youngstrom

Kent Youngstrom shares his methods for finding and collaborating with big name creative corporations that do the publicity for him. Listen for how his work appeared on TV and what you can expect when yours does too. You’ll get his word-for-word pitch letter that he sent out for his latest venture that gets him gigs and develops relationships for future work together. FYI Kent is an artist – but not the tortured kind. And you can apply his brilliance to any industry, not just creatives and makers.

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Episode 14

The Single Best Way to Set Yourself Apart From Every Other Speaker or Interview Guest With Nancy Juetten

Nancy Juetten has worked with hundreds of authors, entrepreneurs, speakers, and Internet millionaires on their bios, business and speaker sheet. She shares how you can sound unique even in a sea of competitors vying for the same business. Her perspective on publicity has informed the way she works today and you’ll see how you can show that you’re the one to choose—whether it’s to be interviewed on radio, TV or print, or to get that speaking gig

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Episode 13

How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business With Integrity + Beauty With Melissa Camilleri

Melissa Camilleri is the goddess of good. Her feel-good jewelry (shopcompliment) uplifts and engages her audience and Instagram does much of the selling for her. Melissa is THE go-to girl for teaching Instagram with passion and heart. She shares how participating in one fun contest increased her followers and how you can follow suit. Find out how to build a beautiful brand, use simple strategies to connect with others to grow your fans, sell your stuff, and bring your offerings to life with images.

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Episode 11

Surprise! Stay Cool During Media Interviews That Are Whack-a-Doodle With Diane Altomare

Diane Altomare shows us how to deal with surprise attack questions that have nothing to do with you or your topic. Diane’s first radio interview was a doozy! You’ll discover her media training tips to keep your equanimity no matter what the host says or does and still get your message across to your ideal audience. Diane also talks about how to stay grounded and enjoy the kooky radio interview ride.

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Episode 5

My Dr. Oz Experience With Laurie Forster

Listen in while Laurie Forster and I talk about the behind the scenes scoop at Dr. Oz. You’ll discover how she prepped for the show, what it takes to be a guest and how she rocked it live. Laurie got invited back 2 more times (kudos!) which allowed her to raise her speaking fees and get more media appearances.

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