Episode 11

PR Tips to Make Your Movement Go Viral

PR Tips to Make Your Movement Go Viral – Interview by Erica Mandy – News Worthy Podcast By Guest Blogger Alison Luterman (Plus a poem!) – with my video commentary on how to make a movement go viral — from Erica Mandy’s Show, The News Worthy I was walking up the street minding my own…

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Episode 41

How to Use Storytelling For Leadership and PR With Dave Ursillo

According to Dave Ursillo It’s not what you say that matters it’s what people hear. You’ll learn how to tell your story to bridge from what you’re saying to what your audience is hearing. We talked about ways to “follow your heart but bring your head with you.” Dave shares how to examine and excavate your past and pull those threads into the present — and the future you want to create for yourself.

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episode 37

Take The Perfect Picture For O Magazine With Lori A. Cheung

Photographer Lori A. Cheung reveals that the perfect picture can mean the difference between getting into O Magazine, or not. Oprah’s editors place a high value on beauty – and that goes for images as well as for inner transformations. Lori shares her secrets of how to take and Oprah-worthy photo — which she’s done. So you can have your picture splashed in the pages of O.

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Episode 35

Make Your Sound Bites Steal-able With One-Liners

If you think sound bites are just for the salesy, sleazy or slick, think again. They are your core messages that convey the most important things you want your audience to know. I take you through some steal-able examples that you can model —and show you how to make your sound bites steal-worthy.

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