Episode 33

How You Can Get a 6 Figure Book Advance

Sell your book idea BEFORE you write your book. By…. writing a book proposal. I share with you the key elements necessary to get the right literary agent for you. You’ll also discover what you must include (and what NOT to include) in your book proposal to get a book deal with a top New York publishing house. Even if you’re not ready yet you’ll find out what it takes to get that big book deal so you can start prepping now.

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Episode 29

Leverage Your Glamability Before a TV Show Even Airs With Shannon Walbran

Shannon Walbran, known as South Africa’s top psychic, got booked on a reality TV show in a different language in the Ukraine, that she ended up not shooting – but still got publicity that skyrocketed her career. You’ll be privy to how she did it and why she refuses to let clients hire her for more than one session—and yet has a full practice and a spot on a weekly radio show. Plus hear her give me a reading…

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