Too Introverted to Appear on TV? Why the Media Craves People Like YOU

Summary: In America, loud and extroverted personalities dominate the media, but introverts excel in deep interactions and interviews. Studies show introverts may make successful CEOs due to their thoughtful nature. Even shy individuals like author J.K. Rowling and actress Emma Watson have found success in the media by staying true to themselves. Businessman Guy Kawasaki…

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Failure, Faith and Perseverance

I’m in a tizzy right now. I have an unknown, itchy red rash under my arm. My stomach is upset and bloated. And my office has a giant pile of clothes on a chair I’ve been meaning to take to the consignment store, but haven’t. When I want to shift something, I clean out. But…

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Verbal Aikido Skills

I Was Hit in Aikido—and it was an honor

I was hit repeatedly at an Aikido training over the weekend. And it was an honor. When I told a friend about this she said, “At the first hit, I’d be out of there. Off to get a latte and shopping for shoes.” Of course a part of me wanted out of there. The other part welcomed the opportunity to polish my spirit. As Rumi says, “Criticism polishes my mirror.” My work will be done when nothing can annoy, irritate, anger, or ruffle me. That is a long way off.

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