Be a Possibilian

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Be a Possibilian
For my first podcast I want to say to you to be a possibilian. To imagine that anything is possible. My parents raised me to go after what I wanted until I got it and it wasn’t always easy. In fact most of the time like things like loving a man, getting a book deal, getting my black belt in Aikido, those things came equal part heartache, hard work, and joyful effortlessness. And rarely is something I think purely pleasurable over an extended period of time.
So I think there’s a myth that when you get something, whether it be an award or whatever that it is for you, you think that it’s going to like suddenly the bird of blue bird of happiness is going to come and land on your shoulder and that will be the end of it. I just don’t think it works like that.
However one way that it does work is what I saw in an episode of scandal. I’m a little bit behind on the episodes. But it was the show where Olivia Pope tells Edison why she won’t marry him. She says, “I don’t want normal, and easy and simple. I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing extraordinary love.”
What I think she’s really saying there too is that she wants the relationship to be interesting. I thought that their relationship was so boring. The relationship that she has with the president is interesting. It’s also fraught.
But going back to being a possibilian. I heard on the radio a story about a man named Dr. David Eagleman. He’s a neuroscientist and he thought that the definition of religion was just too narrow. That the Atheists on one side and the religious right on the other monopolized the conversation. And that there was a lot more room on the spectrum for different ideas. He talks about that there are lots of different types of beliefs and thoughts that describe the world.
So he called himself a possibilian on an NPR show. I just made little notes to for this particular episode that you hear. I didn’t know that they would be crinkling so loudly.
But anyway in his lab after the show he went back to his computer and his email box was bursting with hundreds of emails from people saying claiming that they too are possibilians. That they too embrace this word, this new way of thinking, this expanded way of thinking.
David Eagleman did three things that you might want to consider — and this is part of being a thought leader — and you don’t even have to be a thought leader to do this. But just think about these three things.
1. He expressed his heartfelt hope for a better world.
This is something that thought leaders do. They don’t necessarily solve problems as much as they suggest possibilities. They challenge the status quo.
2. He found a way to bring people together and to get them talking.
He began a movement. When people are moved into action they find other people of like minds and suddenly there’s a massive amount of people who want to be a part of the same thing. This is the most effective kind of PR on the planet when something happens because it’s organic. Or because it gets us thinking and it resonates with it resonates with people. It just happens naturally.
3. He bought the domain.
This is your practical side. He bought the domain possibilian even though he had no idea what he was going to do with it. But when an idea has legs and people respond to it you need to act fast and do whatever you need to do to jump into action. I call this following your gypsy spirit. When you’re moved into action you want to go with it and take action, boop! like right away.
So be a possibilian. And when in a media interview or giving a talk feel free to state the future dream of yours. Express what it is you feel strongly about. Don’t hold back. Don’t hesitate to discuss what moves you.
You’re already a possibilian and I can’t wait to hear all of the other ways that you are going to be a possibilian
Feel free to use my speak pipe and tell me how you’re a possibilian. I’d love to hear about it.
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Are you enjoying the Podcast? Then I invite you to hop on over to iTunes to subscribe, rate + review it. Here’s a quick video on how to do a podcast review on iTunes. (It’s simple if you follow these directions). Note: It can take up to 24 hours to show up on my Podcast. You're welcome to send this to anyone you think it would delight. May good fortune always follow you!
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Want to be a guest on my Podcast? Jet me an email with your topic and a link to your bio here.
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