Episode 1

Be a Media Darling Podcast Introduction

There are thousands of media platforms—radio shows, newspapers, blogs, podcasts, columns—in the US alone. Hundreds of thousands of journalists, producers, and bloggers who are hunting, DAILY, for interesting people and ideas and stories that they can feature. These people who work in the media are looking for knowledgeable experts. They’re looking for heartwarming stories. They’re looking for you.

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3 Gifts Hidden Inside Every Pang of Jealousy

Sunita (name changed) walked into the dojo, confident, regal and self-possessed to begin practicing Aikido. For some people — including me — studying Aikido (The Japanese Martial Art, called The Way of Harmony that works as a way to polish the spirit, to turn lead into gold) is a slow, awkward, and arduous process. It…

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Subscriber Spotlight Shout Out

This is a monthly shout out to anyone who has taken action and reached a goal or made a shift. I will be searching through your comments every month to choose a new person to feature in the “Subscriber Spotlight Shout Out.” So post some success you’ve had that you’ve gleaned from a webinar, course,…

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