Make $150,000 From Your Book Before It’s Written
By John Eggen
The moment you decide to write a book you can begin to leverage that fact to attract new clients and revenue. All you need to start is a good working title.
The methods to do it cost little or nothing, and take only minutes or seconds to use. I’ve developed and tested them over many years. Authors I’ve shared them with have reported using them and generating $22,000 to $150,000 in new revenues from their book, before even completing a first draft.
Here are four of the simple ways to do it:
Photo Credit: Erin Leigh McConnell
1. Turn Every Email You Send into a Client Magnet
The first easy technique to attract new clients is to create an email signature line that announces you are authoring a book.
To do this effectively, create a good working book title and subtitle using a time-tested formula to get the attention of your target market.
Then place the title in the signature line for your emails using these exact words: “Author of the forthcoming book, “_______________________.” (That simple!)
Fill in the blank with your working title and subtitle, and put them in italics. Those words are a publishing industry-standard term and they give you instant credibility.
It takes only a few minutes to create this kind of signature line for your emails. And it works.
Independent professional Jeanna Pool, tried it after writing her book title. She reported, “I got two new clients and $25,000.00 in income, all within 30 days of starting my book. It took just three minutes to use one of John Eggen’s simple techniques.”
Photo Credit:
2. Turn All Your Introductions into Business Magnets
Another proven way to attract new business is to simply announce the title and subtitle of your forthcoming book in all the prepared introductions about you.
This includes introductions made by others, or you, in all your public presentations, your marketing materials, on your Web site, in your bio, in your media kit, etc.
This only takes a few minutes to do. Does it work?
Kathleen Holland came to me while she was writing the first draft of her book. She told me she wanted to get new speaking engagements with audiences in her target market. She tried it and reported, “In just the first four months, I booked an extra $48,000 in fees to me. Now I have more inquiries for my coaching programs than I can handle.”
Photo Credit: djwtwo
3. Put Your Audio Logo or Elevator Speech on Steroids
You can also add news about your forthcoming book into your audio logo or elevator speech and automatically attract more business.
An audio logo and an elevator speech are statements you create to describe what you do in such a way that a genuine business prospect will ask you for more information.
It’s most effective if they’re short and precise — just one or two sentences long.
It takes only a few seconds more to mention your forthcoming book. Is it worth doing?
Independent professional Michael Cannon began using this method consistently with new prospects as soon as he started writing his book’s first draft with me and my team.
Cannon reported, “I’ve been getting 30-40% more first meetings with CEO prospects and a 25% increase in those who closed. I’ve also been getting less negotiation on price, because they perceive me as an authority.”
Do the math and you will see it’s a geometric increase in his results.
Photo Credit: Anne Marthe Widvey
4. Use Two or More of these Methods and Multiply Your Results
Another secret behind these insider techniques is that they use the power of a book to leverage your existing marketing methods… the things you are already habitually doing.
In other words, they don’t require any new expenditures of your time or money. And using two or more of these simple methods can multiply your results.
Laura Cardone took me up on this idea and reported, “I generated an additional $150,000.00 in new business just by using a few of the no-cost marketing tactics John taught me, and that was before I even finished the first draft of my book.
“Remember, within a few days from the moment you commit to creating your book, you can have a good working title and subtitle. You can then use them in these simple, proven ways to attract new clients and extra income immediately.”
So if you have ever considered writing a book, or are writing one now, here is a teleseminar you can’t miss. Join John Eggen and me and learn how you can create a client attracting book quickly and make money from it before it’s even published.Click here to discover everything we’ll cover during the call and to reserve your place now.
Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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