publicity campaign

Your 12-Month Publicity Plan: Right Resolutions for You

Resources I mentioned: Get Your 12-Month Publicity Plan + 100+ Magazine Editorial Calendars + The 100 Word Email that Can Get The Media to Call You. Get Your 12-Month Publicity Plan here (It’s free) Click To Tweet Get 100+ Magazine Editorial Calendars (Free PDF download) Click To Tweet The 100 Word Email that…

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radio interview tips

My Radio Show Disaster

I just did a radio interview and totally muffed it. It was a huge disaster. I didn’t take my own advice – and even some of the advice I’d planned to talk about – on how to interrupt someone! I completely forgot in the moment. Here’s what happened… The phone rang on my landline. There was…

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PR tactics of Donald Trump

8 Things Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Courting Publicity

Guest Post By Victoria Greene It’s fair to say that America is a fairly divided place right now, with wildly differing ideas about what’s right and wrong. Whatever your views, our blundering, boastful President does seem to have mastered one thing, and that’s showmanship. As he appoints more than a few questionable characters to office, many…

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