Be a Media Darling Podcast Introduction

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THE BE MEDIA DARLING PODCAST: Publicity made easy introductory episode
Hello and welcome to the Be a Media Darling Podcast!
I'm Susan Harrow, your host and media coach, marketing strategist and author of the bestselling book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul published by(HarperCollins) and CEO of, and I’m so thrilled that you found your way over to this program.
If you’re listening to this podcast, chances are that you run a business of some kind.
Maybe you run a brick and mortar business, like a bakery or a yoga studio.
Maybe you run a virtual business where you consult with clients via email or Skype or Facetime.
Maybe you’re a self-employed writer. Or a freelance graphic designer. Or a wellness or personal coach.
(Or maybe you don’t have a business set up yet—but you intend to get your business rolling fairly soon.)
No matter what type of business you run—whether you work in the health and wellness world, or fitness, or food, or personal development, or finance, or you name it,—one thing is for sure:
You want people to know about your work—and you want people to purchase your work! Right?
You want people to buy your books, products, programs, purchase tickets for your events, hire you for projects. You might also want to get booked for speaking engagements, find a literary agent and get your book picked up by a top publishing house. You want clients. You want customers. You want to build a following. A fan base.
Also, as part of your overall marketing plan, you want to get featured in the media! Ooh, yes!
You want to see your products featured in top blogs, magazines and podcasts. You want to get invited to appear on the radio. You want stories about your projects to get sprinkled throughout local newspapers and trade publications. You want to build relationships with journalists and producers so that you are their go-to resource when they’re doing a story on your area of experience or expertise. You’re tired of seeing your industry competitors get all the media attention. You want some time in the media spotlight, too! You want to become a Media Darling!
You might be thinking, “YES to all of that, obviously… but how?”
Well, showing you how to become a media darling is what this podcast is all about.
A little backstory about me:
I’ve been working as a publicist, media trainer and marketing strategist for over 26 years. Over that time, I’ve shown thousands of people in my courses and in private consulting sessions how to reach out to journalists and producers, how to get booked to appear in the media, and how to make sure that every media appearance you do actually translates into SALES. (Because what’s the point of getting tons of media exposure if none of it actually inspires people to visit your website, hire you, or buy your work?)
My clients have gotten featured in places like CBS’ 60 Minutes, Oprah, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, Larry King Live, Maury Povich, The Food Network, Extra!, New Attitudes, CNN, C-SPAN, PBS, National Public … and hundreds of print and online publications, including TIME, WIRED, USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Forbes, Parade, People, O, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Bazaar, Self, Mademoiselle, Redbook and Seventeen… the list goes on and on.
If you feel like you’re just a “nobody” or a “small fish” and you could never possibly get featured in publications or programs like the ones I just mentioned, I’m happy to tell you:
You’re wrong about that!
There are thousands of media platforms—radio shows, newspapers, blogs, podcasts, columns—in the US alone.
Hundreds of thousands of journalists, producers, and bloggers who are hunting, DAILY, for interesting people and ideas and stories that they can feature. These people who work in the media are looking for knowledgeable experts. They’re looking for heartwarming stories. They’re looking for neat innovations and time-saving ideas that their audiences will adore.
They’re looking for things to feature.
Why NOT your products?
Why NOT your work?
Why NOT you?
THAT is the attitude that I’d love for you to adopt as you listen along to this podcast series.
Instead of, “Oh, I could never do any of the things that Susan is talking about… I could never get featured in the media, I’ll never get chosen, I’m boring, I’m not special, my work isn’t that interesting…”
Think, “I can do this. Why not me?”
That attitude will carry you a very long way.
You’ve got a sense of what this podcast is all about.
Before I sign off, I want to share a little smidge of info about how this podcast is set up and what’s going to happen in each episode:
The Be a Media Darling Podcast gets released 4 times a week.
I’m going to be with you every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
We’ll be covering different topics each day. You can listen to everything, in chronological order, or hop around and choose the specific episodes that appeal to you.
On Media Coaching Monday, I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to prepare for specific types of media appearances, including written print interviews, phone interviews, radio appearances, TV appearances, speaking engagements, Podcasts, panel events, and more. Tune in every Monday to get your sound bites set for your time in the spotlight.
We’ll talk about the verbal preparation (figuring out what you intend to say) and we’ll also talk about what to wear, etiquette tips, and how to make a terrific impression on your audience so that they vividly remember you and want to know more about you and take action to connect and buy from you. We’ll spend quite a bit of time discussing body language, as well, which is just as important as your verbal communication.
I’ll share examples from my clients, course participants, celebrities, politicians, artists, authors, actors and the thinkers of our day who express themselves in an enchanting way. I’ll show you how you can ethically “steal” some of their strategies so that you can masterfully hold a media audience’s attention, too.
On 10 Line Tuesday, I’ll read a short poem—just ten lines—from Maya Stein or one a bit longer from Alison Luterman, two friends of mine who use language in an extraordinary way so you can expand your thinking about how you speak and think. Even if you don’t think that “poetry” is your “thing,” I encourage you to listen to at least one of these 10 Line Tuesday episodes… because inspiration for your business can often come from unexpected places. Like poetry! Tune in every Tuesday for dazzling diction surprises.
On Work Your Story Wednesday, I’ll walk you through the specific, nitty gritty storytelling steps that you need to take in order to get noticed by the media, get invited to appear in the media, and my secrets to getting invited back. We’ll also chat about the 3 ps. How to Prepare, Package, and Position yourself before you email or pick up the phone to pitch the media. Tune in every Wednesday for tips about how to pitch producers and editors so they email or call you back ASAP.
A LOT of this comes down to storytelling: how you package and position your personal story and the story of your business.
So on Work Your Story Wednesday, we’ll discuss how to tell your story on your website, how to share your story in a brief sound bite that’s just a few seconds long, how to share pieces of your story during media interviews, how to weave an intriguing story into a press release or an email, what types of stories appeal to journalists and media audiences, and which do not. All kinds of storytelling essentials.
And then on Fly Your Freak Flag Friday, we’ll discuss how to keep steady and be yourself during a radio, TV, or print or podcast interview or whenever you’re in the spotlight or under pressure. I’ll show you how to let your spirit and personality shine through in any situation — without selling your soul. Tune in every Friday for ways to stay original, keep your quirks and live into what Dr. Seuss says which is, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out.”
How to be authentically YOU as you’re writing language for your website. How to be the true YOU when you’re emailing a producer or journalist. How to be absolutely YOU when you’re being interviewed on the phone or live TV. How to let your spirit and personality shine through in any situation.
So many people think that getting media attention means “selling your soul” or forcing yourself to behave in an awkward, slick, or sleazy manner, but that could not be further from the truth.
You can become sought after, influential, even world-famous, purely by being yourself…whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, while keeping your values and integrity intact. I’m excited to show you how.
OK. That’s the low down!
To recap:
You can look forward to 4 episodes per week. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I hope you’ll join me all throughout the week for inspiring lessons, true stories, advice, and fun challenges for you to complete… all to help you become a Media Darling.
To reiterate something I mentioned earlier in this episode…
There are thousands of blogs, shows, newspapers, magazines, TV stations and other media platforms with thousands of journalists and producers and other staff members hunting for interesting people and projects and stories that their audiences will adore learning about.
Someone’s going to get featured.
Why not you?
See you next time for another episode of the Become Media Darling Podcast. I’m Susan Harrow, your host, signing off.
Until we meet again…
Speak your mind. Stand your ground. Sing your song™.
Download The 100 Word Email That Can Get The Media To Call You (It's free!)
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Are you enjoying the Podcast? Then I invite you to hop on over to iTunes to subscribe, rate + review it. Here’s a quick video on how to do a podcast review on iTunes. (It’s simple if you follow these directions). Note: It can take up to 24 hours to show up on my Podcast. You're welcome to send this to anyone you think it would delight. May good fortune always follow you!
Want to know how to subscribe on your phone? Watch this video.
Want to be a guest on my Podcast? Jet me an email with your topic and a link to your bio here.
Send Susan a Voice Message!
Click below to send me your voice message with a question or topic you’d like to hear more about in my upcoming podcasts! I will answer the most pressing and popular ones in a future episode. (I’ll mention your first name ONLY to protect your privacy.)
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