3 Radio Pitch Letter Templates Guaranteed to Get a Producer’s Attention (And get you booked!)

The following are 3 radio pitch letter templates courtesy Steve Harrison and Alex Carroll. (Thank you guys!)

Steve shared these brilliant radio pitch letter email templates and Alex created the amazing examples. You can just copy these and fill-in-the blanks with your topic or subject matter.

Also, if it isn’t obvious, all of these fabulous formulas double as as story headlines for pitching TV, magazines, newspapers and online to feature you or whatever you’re promoting.

And, if you’re planning on attending the National Publicity Summit (the event where you get to meet the media in person and pitch all the big TV and radio show producers face-to-face), these will be a big help to get prepared.

(Please forward this email to anyone you think it would help).

1. Radio Pitch Letter Template #1:  Is/Are __________ getting too ___________?

Here’s how you might apply it:

Show Pitch:  “Are China & India getting too many of our jobs?”

Show Pitch:  “Are parents ruining their kids by letting them get away with too much?”

Alex notes: “This formula can be used any time you identify something that’s gotten out of control … or could be getting out of control. It  opens up a debate because regardless of what position you take, others will oppose you … which is exactly what you want. Remember, radio shows love anything controversial.”

2. Radio Pitch Letter Template #2:  The ___ toughest questions your _________will ever ask you … and how to answer them without getting
into trouble.

Here’s how you might apply it:

Show Pitch:  “The 5 toughest questions your kids will ever ask you … and how to answer them without getting into trouble.”

Show Pitch:  “The 3 toughest questions your attorney will ever ask you … and how to answer them without getting into trouble.”

Alex notes: “This is one of the best and most universally applicable pitch formulas around. You could fill in that blank with virtually anyone. Banker, accountant, spouse, wedding planner, in-laws, doctor etc., etc.

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Apply now: https://prsecrets.com/publicity-summit.html To meet the media in person at the National Publicity Summit

3. Radio Pitch Letter Template #3: These ____ common ____________ actually do more harm than good!

Here’s how you might apply it:

Show Pitch:  “These 3 common apologies actually do more harm than good!”

Show Pitch:  “These 5 common forms of exercise actually do more harm than good!”

Alex Notes: “Why is this formula so compelling? Because it goes against the conventional wisdom. It says that something that everyone thinks  is a good thing … is actually not a good thing at all. This really catches the media’s attention. They absolutely love these kinds of pitches. They are guaranteed to grab a producer’s attention virtually every time …

BTW when you attend the summit you’ll have a chance to get a 1 sheet media makeover with Alex in person (free). Be sure not to miss it as this is his genius. I was stunned with what he did with mine…
Keen to put these templates into practice ASAP?
Apply for a spot in the publicity summit.

Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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Disclosure: Some of the above may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no cost to you. They are products or services I’ve either used, vetted or trust. Enjoy!



Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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