Too Introverted to Appear on TV? Why the Media Craves People Like YOU


In America, loud and extroverted personalities dominate the media, but introverts excel in deep interactions and interviews. Studies show introverts may make successful CEOs due to their thoughtful nature. Even shy individuals like author J.K. Rowling and actress Emma Watson have found success in the media by staying true to themselves. Businessman Guy Kawasaki and comedian Steve Martin also shine in the spotlight despite introverted tendencies. Performica CEO Alex Furman and Tekpon CEO Alexsandru Stan have embraced publicity to grow their businesses.

Are You Too Introverted to Appear on TV? Here is Why the Media Craves People Like YOU

If you’re in America, all you have to do is turn-on the TV or turn-up the radio to discover that loud and extroverted personalities usually take the cake—stars like Ryan Serhant and his staff of Owning Manhattan, the women of Real Housewives, the big personalities on Queer eye and even self proclaimed “global irritant,” Piers Morgan of Piers Morgan Uncensored are personalities writ large—no matter what kind of audience they may be targeting.

the media love media introverts
Quiet: The Power of Introverts Photo Credit: zilverbat

Introverts tend to excel in situations that demand sustained attention and introspection, such as media interviews. In a world where outgoing and outlandish often seems to win people over, it’s important for the more serious and contemplative crowd to understand that they are needed, they are wanted, I’ll even go as far as to say they’re yearned for by the media.

Introverts tend to build deep relationships and connect on a meaningful level. In media settings, this translates into interviews that are not just informative, but also resonate deeply with the audience. Furthermore, while introverts may have a natural preference for solitude, many have excellent social skills when engaging is necessary. Their ability to read the room before speaking can lead to more impactful communication, as seen in a Harvard Business Review article.

Notably, a study highlighted by The Independent suggests that introverts may be more likely to become successful CEOs. The qualities that contribute to their success in leadership, such as thoughtfulness and the ability to listen, are the same traits that make them shine in media interviews.

“And even in business, sometimes you just have to go for it. Introverted PR professional Kimberly Marquet, founder of Marquet Media, suggests shy business-people who are afraid of PR go on and do it anyway. The more you push through the fear, the easier it becomes to combat feelings of introversion.” 

So please, my introverted media darlings, take heart and don’t give a second-thought to changing who you are—the right interviewers and news opportunities are out there and aching for the likes of you.

Have an inkling of doubt?

The following 7 people are examples of how the soft, shy, gentle and reserved have found just as bright a spotlight in their field—and in the media:

JK Rowling.

She’s a self-proclaimed introvert and one of the most beloved authors to date as writer of the addictive Harry Potter novels. But the media wasn’t always kind to Rowling. In the beginning of her fame The Telegraph reports that Rowling deliberately ‘tidied herself up a bit’ as a result of the insults [from the media]. She was accused of being “unkempt.”

Introverts and extroverts alike are subject to the sometimes cruel and critical eye of the media who holds them to celebrity standards of glamour.

Introverts who share their feelings of fear often endear us. Rowling began her Harvard commencement address titled, ‘The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination’ with “The first thing I would like to say is ‘thank you.’ Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and nausea I have endured at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight. A win-win situation! Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindor reunion.”

We don’t think bestselling authors are fearful or get sick at the thought of public speaking. Nonetheless Rowling is listed as a speaker with Celebrity Speaker’s Bureau, and continues to makes media appearances and go on book tours, even though she might prefer to cozy up in a café and scribble another bestseller.

Why introverts can make the most of media appearances
How You Can Appear on TV Photo Credit: DG Jones

Emma Watson.

To stay on this book theme for a moment, the adored Harry Potter alum tries to stay out of the media spotlight but only succeeds in the public wanting to know more about the secluded insider. She chose getting her degree at Brown instead of an over-booked media appearance schedule. Watson frequently notes how she prefers quiet nights at home over red carpet events and was also named the highest grossing paid actress in the last decade at just 19. From the looks of it, staying true to herself paid off (literally).

Guy Kawasaki.

The “Godfather of Silicon Valley” and entrepreneur extraordinaire, Guy Kawasaki is an excellent example of a mellow-minded business man who frequents the media spotlight despite his more reclusive nature. I once chatted with him in a bookstore aisle where he was snuggled in a chair happily reading. He was charming, easy-going and didn’t have a braggy bone in him. With 1.3 million Twitter followers and counting, he’s anything but a nobody—the media and people across the world, love him.

Steve Martin.

One of America’s most cherished comedians and movie stars to date admits to introversion with absolutely no qualms. And why should he have any? He has his music stylings and several of the world’s most esteemed awards under his belt. His latest TV show with dear friend and fellow comic Martin Short, Only Murders in the Building is currently in its fourth season on Hulu, and the recently released documentary about his life on Apple TV. He’s a man with more media credits than most of us could ever dream of.

Alex Furman, Performica CEO. 

 A self-confessed introvert, Furman had to reframe the idea of publicity in his mind. Instead of experiencing it as “inauthentic communication”, Furman reimagined himself as a storyteller who was helping his tech startup grow and get in touch with potential customers.  Performica opened its first round of seed funding in December 2012 and was oversubscribed within a few months, raising $3 million by the time they closed in February of 2023

Lady Gaga.

Yes, one of the world’s most fascinating and bold musicians is indeed a quiet-minded soul who prefers to keep her private life out of the media glare. That doesn’t change the fact that she has taken home 13 Grammy’s, makes regular talk show appearances and was hailed in Time as the second most influential person of the decade, ranking above President Barack Obama, and took home an Academy Award and Oscar for Best Original Song in the highly praised movie A Star is Born.

Alexsandru Stan, Tekpon CEO.

The naturally shy CEO of Tekpon, a B2B SaaS marketplace, shed his fear of approaching people he didn’t know with this strategy: don’t try to meet everyone in the room. Before a conference, he would find out who the most influential person in the room would be and work on befriending them. Stan’s strategy focused on quality over quantity. 

Still not certain that the media wants the reserved?

The truth is, you may not be until you get booked yourself. Make your own proof.

Introverts unite! Join me and learn how to get the media’s attention and tap into your ideal audience with my publicity course The Zen of Fame: Your Genius Gone Viral®.

Take a peek here and pull up a chair in our inner circle.

Publicity for Introverts Photo Credit: Brett Jordan
Publicity for Introverts Photo Credit: Brett Jordan

Extroverted, introverted, modest or assertive…

There’s a need for you—your audience and the media is out there, searching for you—but you have to take the first-step and put yourself out there.

Go out into the world as you are, unadorned, letting the truth of you be what it is—and people will love you for it.

Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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