3 Tips on the Power of Podcasting


by Kris Gilbertson

Did you know iTunes has over 1 Billion podcast subscribers?

5 Reraseons you simply can't afford not ot partner with iTunesTip #1) Podcasting Creates Leverage

With the rise of technology to the tune of over 1 Billion podcast subscribers in just iTunes alone, there is a new age of content curation available for every day entrepreneurs to position themselves in front of the mainstream with your message, programs, products, services, entertainment, and information.

More importantly, technology has allowed you to connect with consumers, and that is more powerful than any other form of marketing out there today.

Stitcher radio has now partners with major brands like GM, Ford, Subaru, Mini-cooper, etc . . . Making it so easy today to easily have mainstream consumers Find and connect with your business and your products!

So imagine this scenario:

The rise of the PodcastYour prospects wakes up, brews their pot of coffee, gets ready for work, and jumps in their car for their 30+ minute commute to work.

And before they have even pulled out of their driveway, they have already – with a simple touch of a button on their dash from Sticher – turned on your podcast to listen to for their enjoyment, entertainment and education on their commute to work.

They are looking for people to help them with problems they have in their life, or solutions they are looking for, or just plain entertainment and to better themselves through personal development.

So now you have their undivided attention.

You become the solo expert that is helping them, and that they’re connecting with and what does that mean for your business?

Reach the Global Audience you DeserveIncreased PROFITS and Revenue!

Tip #2) Podcast Create EPIC Connection

You see the real power of podcasting is the epic connection that happens for you and your business.

The top podcast providers are reporting that the average amount of time a listener will tune into a podcast is for 30+ minutes.

This creates a REAL connection with your listener and what allows you to Build TRUST on autopilot.

Be Found, Be Heard, Start leaving your impactSo how does that exactly translate into clients for your business?

We only buy from people that we TRUST. The power of the podcast allows you to create EPIC connections on auto-pilot and how you are able to turn listeners into clients from your podcast from the connection you make.

That level of connection is what allows you to stand out in this crowded marketplace – standing out as THE expert for your prospects and listeners.

There are many marketing strategies that can grab the attention of your target audience; however, are they all as effective as you think they are at holding it?

And turning the prospect into a HOT lead for your business?

The shift to Portable ContentTip #3) Podcasting Can Shorten Your Sales Cycle

Today the advertising space today is just plain loud.

As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with noise about new products and services that distract us from the last advertiser we were interested in just 30 seconds ago.

If your website does not captivate someone in less than 10 seconds, they head back into the cyber space black hole, probably never to return to your webpage again.

Audio Content: Why it works and is dominating the MarketMost squeeze pages result in less than 5 percent of buyers. A great direct mail campaign produces only about a 3 percent response rate. Radio and TV advertisements are being skipped over. Radio advertisements are being avoided all together following the birth and merger of SiriusXM and Pandora.

So, in a sea of today’s technological advancements, how do you get around that ADD consumer personality and create a loyal, tribe of followers for your brand, message, product, or service?

The answer is Podcasting.

Today’s market is driven by the consumer and in a world where everyone’s voice can be heard through social networks, having a podcast is going to allow you to connect and engage with your clients to keep them extremely satisfied, happy, more loyal than ever, and tweeting your praises to the world for you!

Be Discovered!Most importantly, a podcast is the only way to create a one-to-one relationship, with thousands of people at the same time, more than any other form of marketing.

This is exactly why a podcast is going to be your secret weapon for your marketing strategy and allow you to connect, build trust and rapport, with your consumers on auto-pilot and on demand!

Join us for a free master class webinar where Kris actually SHOW us exactly how to use these strategies to get you 5 figure clients and high-powered Lead generation with iTunes

Register now: http://bit.ly/kpodcast

About the Author

Kris Gilbertson

The power of Podcasting to your BusnessKris Gilbertson is the Best Selling Author of Podcasting for Promotion, Positioning, and Profit, Founder of the www.LifestyleAcademy.com, and host of the popular Business Lifestyle Entrepreneur Podcast.

She is a leading expert in how to create a world-class podcast. Her clients praise their podcast enables them to reach their ideal customer, create a thriving tribe, increase their traffic to their website from over 40%-5000% and do what they love by simply using the power of their voice.

To learn more please head over to www.LifestyleAcademy.com to learn the power of podcasting for your business!

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