My 5 favorite E-zines That Thrill Me
These are my favorite ezines that have nothing to do with PR. And yet, of course, they have everything to do with PR or I wouldn’t know about them! Because if their work wasn’t out in the world, I wouldn’t have discovered them.
If we look at PR as the simple act of connecting, first with one, then with dozens, hundreds of people it’s not to big and assuming. It is simply what Zen master Suzuki Roshi calls making a connection from warm hand to warm hand. So from my warm hand to yours….
An amazing collection of words, music, art, science, design, history, and the “usual miscellanea.” I feel so uplifted (and smart) when I read this weekly ezine. The images are gorgeous, the articles enlightening, and I love getting an inside peek into writers’, artists’ and other creative people’s lives. Their troubles and triumphs and insights make me feel more like myself.
A fantastic storyteller plus every ezine ends with a joke (I love jokes!). He has the rare quality that combines heart and humor and he always throws in some fascinating news or sciencey stuff to pull it all together. His style is kind of a cross between People and The New Yorker. Watch for a guest blog post of his coming soon to
I’m compelled, yes compelled to read every one of her missives. She’s obsessively readable. You’ll see why. Want to start a conversation with a stranger? Say “no” in a tough situation? Find a new tune or type of chocolate? Alex is your gal. She’s turned me into a speed-reader so I can power through all of her beyond-her-years-advice. She’s only 30 for God’s sake. Watch for her coming to your city soon as she’ll be teaching some workshops on how to get your business (and life) in order by using the right words. Alex says, “Words are like magnets. When you say something that isn’t true, you get something that isn’t right.” You’ll want to punish yourself if you miss her.
This was my very favorite home décor magazine before it folded. Now they are back in hard copy and online! Every issue was irresistible (I have a stack of Domino magazines in my bathroom that I never tire of perusing). Total eye candy. They have specials every week. I’ve hidden my wallet.
My friend and writing teacher Laurie Wagner knows how to spin a yarn – to make you laugh, cry, and feel uncomfortable, like you’re peeping in on something you shouldn’t. Yup, she digs down into the underbelly of stories that most people find unspeakable, but find the connection to in themselves. Can you say voyeuristic pleasure? Compulsively readable.
A loyal group of us write together every Thursday and beg her to send us the poems she chooses to inspire us. If you’re not in the San Francisco Bay Area you can take one of her courses online. And if you’re a writer you should. Truly.
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