National Publicity Made Easy: 5 Must-Know Strategies

SUMMARY: The National Publicity Summit provides a valuable chance to connect with top journalists and producers, either virtually or in person, and gain national media exposure. With over 75 media professionals attending, participants can pitch their stories and stand out. Preparation is key, including concise pitches, appropriate attire, and impactful visual props. Gaining permission for follow-up communication can enhance opportunities to get an interview or be booked on a show. Early registration and strategic planning are essential due to limited spots available.
Table of contents:
National Publicity Made Easy: 5 Must-Know Strategies
You can get big-time national publicity by personally meeting top journalists and producers face-to-face – and now, since COVID, via Zoom – at the National Publicity Summit held by Steve Harrison.
At the National Publicity Summit, participants will discover how to get featured in America’s prestigious Magazines, on big blogs, and interviewed on the top TV, radio and podcast shows.
After a quick review, states that it believes this event is a tool that can help people get more publicity and recognition. By being at the National Publicity Summit , publicity hopefuls will get to meet some of the most influential people at top media outlets. These relationships are what will give the participants the exposure they need to get booked and appear on national TV and in major magazines, newspapers, radio, and podcasts.
Meet Over 75 Producers and Journalists.
At the event, guests will meet over 75 producers and journalists from America’s top media outlets. Anyone looking to get exposure would be wise not pass up this opportunity. Unfortunately, as most people who have tried to get publicity know it’s usually very difficult to get top journalists and producers to even take a phone call or open an email.
However, by joining Steve Harrison’s virtual, closed-door National Publicity Summit, guests will have the opportunity to learn the secrets to garnering coverage as well as meeting with top editors and producers one-on-one.
Consider this your media speed dating. And prepare accordingly.
You have two and a half minutes to “get a date.”
There are a limited number of spots available so that everyone gets enough one-on-one time with the media. The summit is currently offering 100 spots, and they always go fast!
Plus, he has an early-bird special, so you can save by applying early.
Stand Out
Although you will be one of 100 participants, you still have to stand out and gain the media’s interest. So, here are 5 ways that you can do that:
1. Prepare your pitch.
Keep it simple and be ready to explain your business, book, product, service or cause in 20-30 seconds. Position yourself in the marketplace so the journalist or producer understands what sets you apart from your competition. Have statistics to prove your point. Facts speak loudly in a sea of hype.
2. Look the part.
Dress as you would if you were actually appearing on TV. This means not only being well-groomed with clothes that fit you like a fashion model, but be sure to choose an outfit that represents your brand. You want to give the look and feel of whatever you’re representing and promoting. If your product is humorous, you might have a piece of jewelry or clothing item that makes someone laugh.

3. Make it visual.
Cameras love costumes. Cameras also love tactile. The great thing about props is that they are a shortcut to sound bites. Visuals can often explain a complicated concept or idea more quickly than words. So plan your shortcuts and bring eye-popping props that help tell your story. Stuff that the media need to interact with is a plus.

4. Create a beautiful, moving, stunning or shocking experience.
Experiences are what people remember. That’s why perfume ads show a glamorous man or woman lounging in a tropical island all smooth and beautiful and looking languorously happy. Perfume promises us a luxurious experience with the man or woman of our dreams. It’s not about smelling good to cover up the stink after you’ve been cooking onions, is it? No. You’re selling an experience. So create a scenario where you can take the journalist or producer through an experience where they get the FEEL of whatever you’re promoting.

5. Open the door.
Even if a journalist or producer isn’t interested in the idea you pitched, ask permission to connect with them again when you have another idea. Sometimes your pitch just needs a twist, a different angle, or a timely event to make it right. Getting explicit permission helps ensure your follow-up call or email will get considered. And to be memorable when you reconnect, mention your visual or the experience you created to jog the media’s memory.
Here are 10 more tips from a three-time attendee:
“The National Publicity Summit was easily one of the most worthwhile events I have attended – the speakers were inspiring, the topics were relevant, and Steve Harrison runs a world-class organization. Not only did they provide insider information and actual training, but we had meetings with the decision-makers on the spot. I have had several interviews for Project Happiness as a result, and many more in the pipeline. A rare and valuable opportunity for anyone interested in jumpstarting their PR campaign,” says Randy Taran, founder of Project Happiness.
To get immediate access to a ticket for the National Publicity Summit and make your experience a profitable one follow these five strategies and make your mark with the media.
Apply here to attend:
Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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