Change Your Business, Change Your Life: 5 Questions to Transform Your Bottom Line
On the way to Philadelphia for the holiday I met a stewardess who made my day, and inspired me to reflect on what I wanted to bring to bear for the new year. First, she soothed the ruffled feathers of my sweetie. We were flying first class and were a bit late to the gate for boarding so all the space in the overhead bin was taken. In a few minutes she re-organized the stuff in the bins quietly and efficiently so she could fit our carry-ons close to where we were seated. Calm restored.
That was just the beginning. I noticed that she did her job with extreme attentiveness and made each of us feel like we were privileged passengers. She gave us her full attention and noticed instantly if we needed another refreshment. Every once in a while, just in-time, she came by with treats and told us which ones were the tastiest.
Then something else happened. When I got up to stretch we got into a conversation about our cats. Hers had just passed away and she teared up as she told me the story. I teared up along with her and told her about one of our cat’s death and we shared Kleenex and sorrow. When we landed we hugged and she took my head in her hands and told me I was an angel. At that moment I was thinking that very same thought of her.
So much of what happens in the world is a reflection of how we think. I’m constantly reminded of Albert Einstein’s question “Do you believe that the universe is friendly?” Of course rotten stuff happens, that’s just a part of life. But while I have many fears, tremendous anxiety, nervous tension, a busy mind and an active imagination for worst case scenarios, at the core I believe that people are good, that I’m lucky, and that the world is a beautiful place.
My experience with the stewardess was a reflections of many of my beliefs. That if you give people full attention, try and make things right, share your vulnerabilities and deeply connect that happiness and fulfillment follow. To that end I wanted to start the year with a woman who is similar in many ways to the stewardess, Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert. Jeanne started out as a client, then became a colleague and a friend. She sends me pecan pies, and spa gifts.
Of course I love food and pampering. I’m not one to put “no gifts” on a birthday invitation, but Jeanne’s pampering goes beyond the physical. Like the stewardess helped make my trip an easy and pleasant one, Jeanne has helped me make my business better. With her help I’ve been able to attend more closely to the needs of my clients. She was able to anticipate their wants to develop products that what would make me more effective and, consequently, their business lives more fruitful, a circle of give and receive.
Behind the scenes Jeanne crafted a survey to assess what people really wanted in the Oprah Kit. In addition, she found an intern to do research for projects of mine that needed to be done quickly and accurately. She anticipated some of the problems I’d run into in the social networking realm, found solutions, and paved the way for smooth traveling in this rocky terrain.
To start the year off living Gandhi’s words, “My life is my message” you can access Jeanne’s genius on how to serve your clients and customers to grow your business and yourself simultaneously with methods she’s used successfully behind the scenes for companies like The Tony Robbins Companies.
You’ll be able to access high-level strategies that Jeanne has adapted from her corporate clients specifically for entrepreneurs, small businesses, independent contractors, authors, speakers and Internet marketers. With her guidance you’ll be able to be in meaningful conversation with your clients year round with little effort so you can give them what they are looking for so you both prosper.
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