I have a media coaching a client who is a whistle blower
It’s intense. The story, which includes deception, sex, celebrities, heiresses, spiritual leaders, gambling and lots and lots of money is unsettling. The challenge is to find the core of the story while telling the truth — no matter how hard, ugly or disturbing. My client is risking everything so other people won’t get hurt like she did.
I’ve never done crises management before so I advised my client to hire a PR firm that specialized in these types of difficult cases. We are working with one of the best who has experience with politicians and other controversial clients who are frequently in the news.
While it’s always important to have your facts, statistics, dates and stories straight for any type of media, it’s crucial when you’re dealing with the legal system, people’s reputations and the history of wrongdoing to be exposed in an investigative piece. To keep things in order we’re creating a TimeLine and fact sheet with supporting documents as proof.
Although your life or lifeblood may not depend on getting the facts and figures right it’s a great exercise when preparing for your media appearances to put all of this in order. You will be a much more credible and valuable guest if you can bring not only your perspective, but a larger world view that supports your area of expertise to your media appearances. Next time you’re asked to be a guest on a show or give a quote think about including information that effects people nationally or globally and you’ll begin to position and establish yourself as a thought leader.
Even though you’re not a whistle blower you can never be too prepared for a media interview. If you want to polish your interviewing skills to promote your book, product, service or cause for TV, radio or print, please connect with me here.
If you like during our sessions we can incorporate the distinctive way that I create effective fact sheets that strongly establish you as a thought leader and give you an edge over your competitors as a source for the media.
What facts have you used to bolster your credibility and/or brand you as a thought leader?
Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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