To Serve Have a Heart Full of Grace

I love this quote by one of my heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:

“Anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve… You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”


Speak your message and fill your seminar Photo Credit: Value_Verantwortung

I think that’s one of the biggest motivators of people who want to speak. They (you) want to serve. And, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. knew, the best way to serve was to get down into the trenches with the people. For him it was rallies and big public gatherings, right? People are naturally inclined to gather and like-minded people find themselves together in many different kinds of gatherings that suit their particular longings.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’ve been on a bit of a tear – creating stuff like crazy for those of you who want to speak – whether it’s to move people into thinking differently and motivating action like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or in small intimate workshops or on a huge stage or a quiet retreat. The important thing is, if this is something you want to do, then do it.

Start small.

A gathering in your living room. After our weekly writing group at her house, my friend Andrea Scher told a story about this woman who was moaning about not knowing how to start a workshop and a friend of Andrea’s blurted, “Just bake a pan of f-cking brownies and invite 10 people over.” You can begin anywhere if it’s something that’s calling you. And you don’t even need the brownies.


Speak at your own live event Photo Credit: Kevin Dooley

So this entire ezine is devoted to giving you resources to get you started, keep you going, and completing and filling your talk. I hope it’s what you’re yearning for.

So for starters here is The FASTEST Way I Know to Get Clients into Your Programs: (It’s free!)

Below are links to more resources for you. Keep in mind, you don’t need to be a master of your material (or yourself) to start. I remember Frank Kern saying that anyone could be a consultant – you just need to be one step ahead of your customer or client. The only thing you need to be able to do is to get them to where they want to go faster than they could by themselves.

I like that. It means you can create and deliver a talk to people who don’t know what you know, and they will eagerly listen and want more of you. And you only need to be one small step ahead of them to give them something that they don’t already have.

 If you feel called sign up for Callan Rush’s program to discover how to create, deliver and fill your live event hop over here:

I’ve got some big rewards for you as my encouragement and belief in you for purchasing Callan’s program. I want to see your work out in the world.

Here they are:

• Your Signature Sound Bites Course + Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul Course (Value $3,500)
• The Ultimate Guide to Getting on Oprah Super Kit ($897)
• Free 1 hour consult with me. (Value $500 – but really priceless)
• RTIR ad to book you a radio interview ($400)
• 1 Year Membership in my upcoming program in January ($300)
• Get a 6 Figure Book Advance E-book ($197)
• Get Into O Magazine E-book ($197)
• 10 Proven Press releases Product PDF ($97)
• Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul Audio ($29.95)
• Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul Hard copy ($29.95)
• Girl on Fire ($9.95)

Total Value: $6,100+

Get Callan’s program & I’ll be sending you the above:

(Fine print). I’m supporting you in your investment in yourself. So I’ll deliver my gifts to you after the 30 day guarantee period so I know you’ll stay in Callan’s program and do what it takes to create an fill your workshop and fulfill your longings.

The FASTEST Way I Know to Get Clients into Your Programs

As you’ve noticed I’ve been singing a solo song about Callan Rush for a week….

If you don’t want paid speaking engagements or to speak at your own live event then don’t read any further because this is super focused for those of you who do. (And yes, I said for you who want to speak for a fee, too).

This is only for those of you who want to laser in to FILL your live workshops and seminars.

Imagine, there you are, radiant, microphone in hand on stage (or lawn, or…), ready to speak about your favorite topic. You feel happy inside (maybe a little nervous), and you look out and see all of these shining faces looking up at you waiting for you to deliver your brilliance. Your venue is packed. Not a single seat is available. And you are ready to do this (even if you’re scared).

5 Simple Steps to Craft Marketing That Magnetizes Your Ideal Audience

Callan shares the First 5 Steps to Take to ensure your live events are packed to the rafters 🙂

Save your seat now:

A Sort of PR Spa Nourishment To Plump up Your Mind…

Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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Disclosure: Some of the above may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no cost to you. They are products or services I’ve either used, vetted or trust. Enjoy!



Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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