Turning Facebook Fan Pages into an Income Generator
Something crazy happened this weekend. My sweetie and I got two new kittens. We had decided to wait until the spring to choose kittens from the pound, but when a woman aikidoka at my dojo told me about two strays that showed up on a friend of her’s doorstep I knew we had to see them — even though they weren’t really even kittens. She told me that they were the most loving cats she had ever seen, affectionate to each other and to strangers.
It was pouring rain when we arrived in Petaluma where she has a household that includes llamas, 7 cats, a dog and a chicken. Do you know when something just feels right and you have to take action ASAP? I had a sense that these cats were meant to be ours. I call this following your gypsy spirit and in this instance I had to follow mine. But, this doesn’t mean that doing so will be snag free.
In this case the girl torbe (a calico and tabby combo) we named Moonbeam, was in heat and the gray tabby, Lucky , was taking full advantage. We scheduled a quick trip to the vet to stop the howling and accompanying activities that lasted all night long without a break and continued during the day as well. Overnight our carefully constructed serene lives were gone. Things have calmed down a bit, but having 10 month old kitties is a handful.
Wait, did I mention that Lucky chewed through his box on the way home from Petaluma? It was like a scene from The Shining with Jack Nicholson. See him here. First gigantic paws with long nails reached out of several holes to snag my coat. I had the box on my lap so I could make soothing sounds when I saw giant fangs chewing through the cardboard close to my head. Nothing could calm him down. A few minutes later he had his entire head poked through a huge hole.
We had to pull over get him out of the box and onto my lap to pacify him. As you can see by this photo harmony has been restored to the household. They are great examples of loving spirit in how they respond to each other and to us. I’ve already found their good natures inspiring. He’s funny, smart, dominant and overbearing. She takes him in stride. When he pushes her out of the food bowl she either goes to another bowl, or waits another second and edges her way back into her bowl. There is no tiffing. Just easy re-organization. Noted.
This same kind of gypsy spirit, or instant knowing that happened with the cats, happened too when I talked to Jason Deitch, the founder of FanPageGenerator. I had a good feeling about Jason right away. I agree with poet Robert Frost who says, “Always fall in with what you’re asked to accept. Take what is given, and make it over your way. My aim in life has always been to hold my own with whatever’s going. Not against: with.”
Going “with” was easy with Jason. He contacted me to see if I wanted to team with him on his new creation. He clearly laid out in an email what he had and angled it to directly to my need. Plus, he has a confident, calm manner that made me trust him instantly. He explained how creating automated fan pages on Facebook worked and what it could do for my business and the businesses of my ezine subscribers.
Then he generously offered to create some for me. As you know I only endorse products and people that I believe in and that have proved their worth and effectiveness. I’m really new to this fan page stuff and am eager to learn. There has been much written about monetizing social networks but few case studies that are easy to replicate for a small business.
You can visit my first fan page created by Jason’s team here, and I be delighted if you were to become a fan.
I think that FanPageGenerator is a revolutionary product that can help all of us sincerely engage with people on Facebook while growing our businesses. Notice what resonates with you and follow your instincts. We call have keen internal sensors if we choose to tune into them and pay attention to their messages.
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