How to Be a Fabulous Public Speaker: 7 Inspiring Tips

SUMMARY: Becoming a standout public speaker involves more than just crafting speeches—it requires media exposure, enthusiastic delivery, and effective branding strategies. From captivating your audience to booking dream speaking engagements, these seven articles offer invaluable tips and insights for speakers at any level. By mastering communication skills, managing nerves, and honing storytelling abilities, you can elevate your public speaking prowess and leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Table of contents:

How to Be a Fabulous Public Speaker: 7 Inspiring Tips

Whether you’re attempting to break into the world of public speaking, or you’re already a seasoned professional handling large crowds with ease, you need to have an edge over your competitors — and be seen as the speaker of choice in a league of your own — in order keep bookings coming.

Being in the news and writing a book are two sure-fire ways to gain the attention of meeting planners, speakers’ bureaus and organizations. Having a book adds major credibility to your skillset, and the traction gained by news coverage can make choosing your brand a no-brainer. 

Why is this? People naturally gravitate towards speakers they have heard about. They feel like they know you already, and are coming to catch up on what’s new, or get the inside scoop on your latest offering. When you appear on TV, on the radio, or in print, to the average person, you’ve already been “vetted” by the media. A mention on a national show or publication serves as a badge of honor if you’re not already famous. And being able to put that logo on your website and speaker’s materials automatically sets you apart.

How to Create a Great Speech.

But that’s not where it ends. Now that you’ve got some media exposure and a few gigs booked as a public speaker, you have to deliver the goods. Creating the bones of a good speech is not only necessary, it’s also a crucial part of your winning strategy. However, that’s not all it takes — a truly great speaking engagement is a work of art in structure and delivery. The audience wants to see that you’re enthusiastic, authentic and humorous. Your value as a public speaker is increasingly enhanced if you have a great product or service to sell and the lovability to get booked again and again.

Here Are Seven Articles to Send You on Your Path to Public Speaking Greatness:

1. Capture and Keep Your Audience’s Attention.

In this piece, speaking pro Chris Widener covers everything. From a simple media training technique to get 20 to 35 percent of your audience to buy, to how to know what to charge and creative ways to get hired even when associations, corporations or companies claim they don’t have a budget.

2. Develop into a Top Professional Speaker.

This article is perfect for those of you looking to break into the professional speaking field, covering the 10 steps to becoming an impressive motivational speaker. Joel Brown, a successful CEO in his own right, breaks down the media training tools you need to succeed and make the most from your speaking arrangements.

3. Build Your Brand by Starting Small.

This round-up is useful for entrepreneurs of any level looking to book speaking engagements. The Young Entrepreneur Council goes over points even the most developed of us forget, like the ultimate Do-It-Yourself PR training strategies, make it happen meetups, and how to start local, then go global.

4. Book Your Dream Speaking Engagement.

In this article, Susan Tardanico goes over how we can do what the pros do and book the speaking engagements of our dreams. Given that over 90 percent of communication is nonverbal, Tardancino shares media training tools that can help you communicate better with body language. The article also discusses the pitfalls of PowerPoint and how to find your most useful personal stories to create memorable encounters with your audience.

5. Make People Want More of You.

In this piece Tim Ferris public speaker and famed author of the New York Times Bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek goes over the perfect formula to be the best professional speaker in town. These masterminded media coaching tips include how to prepare seamless 10-minute segments, what not to do before heading on stage, and what jokes are better left for the break room.

6. Cope with Your Nerves and Rock Your Speech.

Sweaty hands, dry mouth, the trembles? Find out How to manage your anxiety – and your body – to rule the stage. With the right media training techniques, standing up in front of a large crowd doesn’t need to be daunting.

7. Prep Your TED Talk.

Guy Kawasaki gives his take on Carmine Gallos’s advice from the book, Talk Like TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds. If you’re itching to be a thought leader or have something creative or provocative to share with the world, work on your TED talk. In the speaker’s realm this is one of the fastest ways to becoming known, followed, loved – and booked.

One of the fastest ways to becoming known, followed, loved and booked isby hostign a TED Talk.

Bonus: 10 Ways to Master Your Communication Skills.

Solid advice for both beginners and experienced speakers about how to manage your inner life as well as your outer actions. “It’s about helping others by meeting their needs, understanding their concerns, and adding value to their world.” Ultimately, this is what all good speaking is about.

Share a favorite moment (or blooper) from one of your public speaking engagements. Our mistakes can often be a catalyst, creating the best connections with our audience. 

Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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