Onstage Oversights – How Successful Women Trip Up in Media + Speaking

Summary: Are you as intentional about your speaking and media appearances as you are about your business?

I was surprised to find out many successful women founders, entrepreneurs, authors, business owners and thought leaders aren’t. It’s a phenomenon. A trend I’ve been noticing for a while.

I want to shift that.

I share how you can incorporate your deepest intentions for your professional and personal life organically into any public presentation, including any TV, radio, print, podcast, panel, meeting, speaking engagement or social media live to you grow your business (and life) in the direction you want.

One of the ways you can be intentional is to prepare the one story the media will ask: Why do you do what you do? Why did you write your book? Why did you start your business? Why did you create this product? etc. Hundreds of people in my live and online workshops and my 1:1 clients have literally done this in 5 minutes. Here’s how. (It’s free!)

Table of Contents

Onstage Mistakes Women Make – How Successful Women Trip Up in Media + Speaking

Hi everyone!

Today, I want to talk about on stage oversight, how successful women trip up in media and speaking. It seems to be a phenomenon. A lot of women that I’m speaking to both in workshops and personally who want to become one-on-one clients when I speak to them about what their deepest intentions are and what their intentions are for doing media. In other words, the results that they want for their business and their personal growth in all the different areas professionally, personally, physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, which the world can open up to you when you do.

A lot of women are telling me, you know what? I never really thought about that. I’m doing speaking. I’m doing podcasts. I’m getting booked in the media. I’m doing panels But I didn’t realize I’m not doing it intentionally.

I just talk.

I just riff.

I have things I want to say. I just go with the flow.

And I was just recently doing a workshop in Tulum, and several successful women, these women run multimillion dollar businesses said, you know, I have done so many podcasts, and I realize now I have not done them intentionally. And they say the same thing about their speaking.

I even spoke to a potential client who had spoken at Davos and was doing lots and lots of business for lots and lots of speaking for her business and for her startup, and hadn’t really considered the whole effect it was going to have on the audience and on her business.

In other words, do you want more speaking engagements?

Do you want to sell books and products and courses, then your speaking needs to be structured as such to reach those people in the audience and those different people and to be able to skillfully without being salesy, interweave stories and statistics and facts and the whole shape and framework of it to inspire people to engage with you on the levels that you want to grow your business intentionally in the direction that you want in all those different areas.

A woman came to me recently. She is looking for a PR firm. She’s focused on the PR because she’s got a book coming out and growing her business. She has over fifty thousand Instagram followers. She is speaking all over the world to thousands of people. And when I talked to her about media training, she’s got a speaking coach. She is like, “You know, I’m so intentional about my business, but I realize I have not been intentional about my speaking.” And she’s like, a light bulb went off. She’s like, I really need to think about this. Another woman who’s my client who, gets thirty thousand dollars a speech. And she also, we’re working on her speaking right now as well as her media, and they interlace, they overlap because she hasn’t done that either.

I said, do you want more speaking?

Do you want more business for your company?


Because she’s got that’s where the bulk of her business is. It’s not just speaking engagements, but what her company sells to other corporations, right? for millions of dollars.

And yet, I watched her speaking, and it didn’t have any of those touch points to encourage people to become her clients or to book her as speaking. Another one of my clients who is, very highly skilled doctor and had several PR firms booking her she had the sense. She’s like, I don’t know what I don’t know. And she came to me to be more intentional. And then she’s like, “I never even thought about any of these things.” You know, she had different sections of her business. She consulted with startups. She had her own a Medi spa, and then her own, practice as well.

And so we need to look at all of those vertical markets and construct messaging for each specific vertical market as well and framework and to be also considering the audience that you’re in front of that connects with some part of what where you want to grow the business. And sometimes it’s very clear verticals like that.

Sometimes it’s, a mix, and we need to really combine the messaging to reach the different audiences. I media trained, two CEOs for they were speaking in front of an audience of it was like TEDx for, high-tech in their industry. And they had five minutes, five minutes on stage and they had three different audiences.

So we really needed to construct super tight messaging, which we did to reach all three of those sectors who could hire them or to partner with them or have opportunities for that. And so that was highly, highly condensed to reach those different markets.

Before you give a speech a panel at TEDx Talk, any kind of media interview or podcast, or even if you’re in a meeting, right, at your company, the first thing is to look at what do you want the results to be and look at it in the big picture. All of those results: personally professionally, whatever applies, sometimes they don’t all apply, but it’s personally, professionally, physically, financially, spiritually, emotionally, because when you start to consider all those parts of yourself, then you’re, you’re crafting, messaging, and beingness to encompass your wholehearted self.

So that’s something to very deeply consider before any kind of public speaking, including a video just like this.

So I hope this is helpful.

I’m Susan Harrow Media Coach, Marketing Strategist, Martial Artist, CEO of PRSecrets.com, and, and author of the best-selling book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®, published by HarperCollins. So I look forward to speaking with you soon. Bye bye.

Create Your Signature Story

One of the ways you can be intentional is to prepare the one story the media will ask: Why do you do what you do? Why did you write your book? Why did you start your business? Why did you create this product? etc. Hundreds of people in my live and online workshops and my 1:1 clients have literally done this in 5 minutes.

Discover the 5 winning formats to create Your Signature Story for the media or speech—in 5 minutes or less. (And make your audience love you!)

Go here now to download your FREE fill-in-the-blank (almost) done for you PDF: Signature Story (It’s free!)

Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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