How to Get Your Brand Featured in Oprah’s Favorite Things

How to Get Your Brand Featured in Oprah’s Favorite Things

Being featured in O, The Oprah Magazine is a coveted milestone for brands across a wide variety of industries. Perhaps even more coveted is getting your brand selected for Oprah’s Favorite Things list. From food products to fashion accessories, including home, health, wellness, anti-aging and more. In the words of Creative Director Adam Glassman, “…Since this list is a must-have holiday shopping guide that features the most decadent dessert, ingenious gadgets, and the finest finds in home, fashion and beauty. There really is something for anybody on your shopping list.”

If you have a product or brand that benefits women, this is the best placement on the planet to get a big boost to your business.

The exposure gained from billionaire media mogul Oprah’s endorsement can be a game-changer, often leading to skyrocketing sales and a heightened brand profile.

But how can a brand break through the noise and capture the attention of the editorial team, especially when Oprah’s Favorite Things list is such a sought-after spot?

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Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to position your brand for inclusion in “O, The Oprah Magazine,” with insights from successful case studies and practical advice.

1. Understand the Power of Oprah’s Influence

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most influential figures in media, and her endorsement carries significant weight. Brands that make it into her magazine or onto her Favorite Things list often see immediate and dramatic increases in sales, brand awareness, and credibility.

For instance, Grace Eleyae, the creator of satin-lined caps, saw her sales skyrocket after her products were featured in “O” during the 2020 holiday season. “Our sales of Warm Slaps in 2020 were the largest ever,” Eleyae says. “From the beginning of our business, we knew we wanted to be a part of the much-coveted list, so getting selected was such a dream come true.”

Similarly, Musee Bath, a company that makes luxurious bath balms, expanded from a small business to a large operation after Oprah endorsed their products and they had to hire more staff.

oprah's favorite things musee

2. Case Study Insights: What Worked for Others?

Zach & Zoë Sweet Bee Farm

oprah's favorite things Zach + Zoe

•      Background: Zach & Zoë started beekeeping to help their son with allergies. The surplus honey turned into a business, which eventually caught the attention of “O”.

•      How They Got In: The O Magazine team reached out to them, and after multiple requests for honey samples, Zach & Zoë were surprised with a Zoom call from Oprah herself, sealing their place on the Favorite Things list.

•      Impact on Business: $401,000 sales in 2020, $1 million in 2021

•      Takeaway: Sometimes, the editorial team will reach out to brands they find interesting. If this happens, follow through diligently, be patient, and maintain high standards for your product packaging and quality.

Grace Eleyae

oprah's favorite things grace eleyae

•      Background: Grace started her business selling satin-lined caps on Etsy. The caps were designed to protect hair from breakage, and she saw steady growth before landing on Oprah’s list.

•      How They Got In: During the 2020 lockdown, Grace Eleyae’s products were included in Oprah’s Favorite Things list, particularly because they solved a problem many people faced during that time.

•      Impact on Business: After being in O: “We keep having to restock the Amazon store with product because it sells out in a few hours.”

•      Takeaway: Addressing a current issue or trend can make your product stand out. Additionally, having a well-crafted story that resonates with Oprah’s values of self-care, empowerment, and practicality can significantly boost your chances.

One More Cocoa

oprah's favorite things one more cocao

•      Background: This gourmet chocolate shop from Canada, owned by Jamaican-born Kenesha Lewis, began as a passion project during the pandemic.

•      How They Got In: Kenesha sent a sample of her chocolates to Oprah, which was approved by Gayle King, Oprah’s close friend. The approval led to the brand being featured in the winter edition of O Quarterly and later in Oprah’s Favorite Things.

•      Impact on Business: Big boost after being in O, publicity and placements in other media outlets like Black Dollar Magazine and The Caribbean Camera.

•      Takeaway: Know your audience within Oprah’s circle. Gayle King’s influence is substantial, and if she champions a product, it’s likely to get Oprah’s attention. Study what Gayle loves and tailor your pitch accordingly.


oprah's favorite things brightland

•      Background: A women-owned luxurious olive oil and vinegar company.

•      How They Got In: Brightland was first featured in O Daily during Women’s History Month and later made it to Oprah’s Favorite Things list in November of the same year.

•      Impact on Business: Global net sales 2023 – $16m, Expanded product line, publicity and placements in other media outlets like Reese Witherspoon’s gift guide.

•      Takeaway: Timing your pitch with relevant themes, celebrations, or awareness months can increase your chances of being noticed. Brightland’s success highlights the importance of aligning your product with Oprah’s editorial calendar.

3. Crafting the Perfect Pitch

Crafting a pitch that resonates with Oprah’s team requires a blend of storytelling, product excellence, and alignment with the magazine’s themes and values.

Tell a Compelling Story

Your brand’s story is as important as the product itself. Oprah’s team looks for stories that resonate with their audience—stories of resilience, innovation, and purpose. For example, Zach & Zoë’s story about starting beekeeping to help their son with allergies wasn’t just unique; it was heartwarming and aligned with Oprah’s focus on health and wellness.

Highlight Quality and Uniqueness

Oprah’s audience expects the best, so your product must be of exceptional quality along with gorgeous packaging. Whether it’s the luxurious feel of Grace Eleyae’s satin-lined caps or the exquisite taste of One More Cocoa’s gourmet chocolates, the products that make it into “O” are those that stand out in their category. Ensure that your product not only meets but exceeds industry standards.

Align with Oprah’s Values

Oprah is known for promoting products that emphasize wellness, empowerment, and social good. Musee Bath, for example, was featured not just for its luxurious bath balms but also because it is a women-owned company that employs vulnerable populations. If your brand has a social or environmental mission, make sure to highlight this in your pitch.

4. Timing is Everything

Oprah’s Favorite Things list is released annually, usually during the holiday season, but the editorial team works months in advance. Getting into O Magazine puts you on the team’s radar so when it’s time to evaluate and choose products you’re in the running. To increase your chances, pitch your product well ahead of time, ideally aligning with relevant themes in the magazine’s editorial calendar.

Download the Editorial Calendar

Oprah’s team plans content around specific themes each year. By downloading the magazine’s editorial calendar, you can tailor your pitch to fit into a particular theme, whether it’s a celebration month, a holiday, or a special event.

Pitch by Season, Holiday, or Celebration Month

If your product aligns with a particular season or holiday, make sure to highlight this in your pitch. For example, if you have a health-focused product, March (Women’s History Month) or October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) might be good times to pitch.

5. Leverage Trade Shows

Trade shows are an excellent way to get your product in front of Oprah’s team. Adam Glassman, Oprah’s Creative Director, and his team often discover new products at trade shows. Make sure your booth is visually appealing, your product is well-packaged, you have professional, interesting photos, and you have a compelling story to tell.

6. Utilize Digital Platforms

With the increasing importance of digital platforms, getting featured on O Mag Digital (O Daily) can be a precursor to making it onto Oprah’s Favorite Things list. Brands like Brightland and One More Cocoa were first featured on O Daily before being included in the more prestigious Favorite Things list.

Engage with O Daily

O Daily is an extension of O, The Oprah Magazine in the digital space. Being featured here can serve as a stepping stone to greater exposure. Engage with the platform by submitting your product for consideration, and be active on social media with creative and visually lively images and text to catch the editorial team’s eye.

7. Follow-Up and Patience

Persistence is key when trying to get your brand noticed by Oprah’s team. Zach & Zoë’s journey from initial contact to final approval took several months. After sending their honey samples, they followed up multiple times before getting a confirmation. This persistence paid off when they were surprised with a Zoom call from Oprah, cementing their place on Oprah’s Favorite Things list.

8. Pitch a Philanthropic Venture

Oprah has always been passionate about giving back, and brands that incorporate philanthropy into their business model are more likely to resonate with her. Musee Bath, for instance, caught Oprah’s attention not only because of the quality of their products but also because they hire women in recovery, people with disabilities, and those who have lived in chronic poverty.

9. Be Ready for the Oprah Effect

If your brand does make it into O, The Oprah Magazine, be prepared for a significant increase in demand. Many brands report selling out their products within hours of being featured. For example, Grace Eleyae had to restock her Amazon store multiple times after her caps were included in Oprah’s list. Brightland, too, had to quickly adapt to being featured on Amazon as part of their inclusion in the Favorite Things list.

Plan Your Inventory

Ensure that you have the capacity to meet the sudden spike in demand. This might mean scaling up production, securing additional suppliers, or even setting up systems to handle increased website traffic and orders.

Leverage the Exposure

Being featured in “O, The Oprah Magazine” is a golden opportunity to expand your brand’s reach. Use the exposure to build partnerships, enter new markets, or launch new products. Zach & Zoë, for example, used their Oprah endorsement to expand their product line and enter international markets.

10. Final Thoughts

Getting your brand featured in O, The Oprah Magazine is not just about having a great product—it’s about telling a compelling story, aligning with Oprah’s values, and being ready to seize the opportunity when it comes. Whether you’re pitching directly to Adam Glassman, Gayle King, a member of the editorial staff, or through a trade show, the key is to be persistent, patient, and prepared.

Remember, the brands that succeed are those that not only meet Oprah’s high standards but also resonate with her mission of promoting wellness, empowerment, and social good. With the right approach, your brand could be the next big thing to grace the pages of “O, The Oprah Magazine” and enjoy the immense benefits that come with Oprah’s endorsement.

Now that you’ve learned a bit about what it takes to become one of Oprah’s Favorite Things the next step to giving yourself every advantage to position yourself for success among the thousands of people who are your competitors, I invite you to enjoy the O Magazine System for Success Course that shows you everything you need to know to be a contender.

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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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