Are you properly packaging yourself?
I spoke at a Film Angels event, a program that matches filmmakers with venture capitalists who want to support the film industry — while making a profit. My topic was how to present, pitch, package and publicize yourself and your film.
There’s ample money out there, but not so many projects get funded. It’s not that there is a shortage of talent or great films. It’s that any project, no matter how great, has to be packaged properly for the audience it caters to. Most creative artists, authors, speakers, entrepreneurs and even experienced thought leaders, are focused on what’s important to them, and not what’s important to their audience. This fundamental shift in strategy and perspective is essential, not just to get backing for movies, but for the media.
Thinking from the perspective of your audience takes some imagination. Ask yourself, what is most important to them at this specific time, right now. What is the pain that I’m relieving, what problem am I solving for them? What would I need to do to present my information so it peaks their interest? What stories, statistics, and facts are most relevant? In what order?
These questions are also applicable to your programs and products. Lisa Sasevich, who gave a teleseminar on using preview calls for any type of launch to build a 6 or 7 figure business doing what you love, used these principles to show you how to find the right people who are a match for your products, service or cause.
The key here is you can stay true to yourself and your principles while properly packaging yourself for YOUR audience, the people you want to connect with.
What is the biggest challenge you have in properly packaging yourself?
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