Sand, Sea and Sound Bites Don’t Usually Go Together
I’m bronzed and relaxed. Recently I media trained Dr. Brian Alman Ph.D in clinical psychology on the beach in San Diego. This was a first for me as sand, sea and sound bites don’t usually go together. I loved it!
The beach is where he does his private sessions. All day. He does 20 years of work in 2 days. Guaranteed. He’s helped everyone from celebrity stars to people who Deepak Chopra refers to him, or are sent to him from and doctors as a last resort because they aren’t getting better and yet they don’t die. I have a lot to learn from him.
Brian packed a delicious vegetarian lunch, two towels and other necessaries and we zoomed off in his super fast Corvette. I admit I LOVE fast cars. Fast cars are a lot like sound bites. When you move at high speed you need to be super-focused so you can control the car and it takes concentration and ability to go smooth without doing yourself (and your passenger) in. Brian’s road savvy translated easily to sound bite skills.
One of the reasons he is so successful is that he’s already been creating sound bites with the messages that he records for his, Kaiser Permanente and clients. They are streamlined to get to the heart of what’s not working in your life.
So I would understand why his work is so effective with people for weight loss, quitting smoking, healing relationships and developing self love I subscribed to his service to get support calls three times a week. I didn’t really get why people were so devoted and looked forward to those calls. Now I get it. I’m one of them.
The 10 minute calls are delivered to you at the time, day, and number of your choosing. Once you take a personality test developed by two leading experts, one in weight loss, the other in personality, your profile is personalized so you get calls tailored to your needs and goals. The calls never repeat, are interactive and have an immediate lasting effect.
You’re given tools, techniques and practices that are simple to incorporate into your life seamlessly. I’m using one right now as I write. The surprising thing is, the results don’t just manifest in those problem areas, but translate to all areas of your life. That’s why this system will help you be a better media guest. Your presence, the sum total of your experience and who you are, shows up, and in three seconds your audience has already evaluated you and made a decision. Do they like, trust, and respect you. If so, they are primed to become your loyal supporters.
Brian is the Zen Master of self-acceptance. Which is why I’m recommending his program for all of you no matter what your issue or desire. Who among us doesn’t dislike some part of ourselves or those around us? The bottom line is that whatever ails you will dissipate and you’ll become happier, calmer, and more loving toward yourself and others on a daily basis.
This will help you greatly to help get you ready to put yourself in the public eye, do media interviews, speaking engagements and handle the high-stress of media pressure-cooker situations.
You can try the calls, this self-acceptance system for yourself here.
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