How to sell 26 million books: Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki shares tips
By Steve Harrison
A while back, Robert Kiyosaki, one of my most successful and famous clients, invited me to dinner at a time when we both happened to be in New York City.
You may know Robert as the co-author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, a personal finance book which at the time had already sold over 26 million copies and been on the New York Times Bestseller List for almost seven years.
Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad
Photo Credit: thetaxhaven
So while he’s famous today, he wasn’t back in 1997 when we first began working together. In fact, Rich Dad Poor Dad was turned down by many publishers, literary agents and distributors who advised dropping the idea because they felt it would never sell.
After getting all these rejections, Robert and his wife Kim felt they had no choice but to self-publish the book themselves. Once Rich Dad Poor Dad was published, they needed to get the word out about it, so they began working with us and advertising in our Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), which helped them get the publicity which put them on their way to the New York Times Best Seller List.
How to get a book deal
Photo Credit: DeepLifeQuotes
In any event, so much for 1997 … let’s go back to dinner in New York….
Kim was in New York because she was attending my National Publicity Summit conference to promote her own book, Rich Woman. (Note the lesson here: Even after selling 26 million copies she doesn’t think she knows everything about book marketing. Are YOU that open to learning?) Robert kindly asked, “Would you like me to come and share a few words with your seminar attendees?”
How to get a book publishing deal
Photo Credit: DeepLifeQuotes
It was a very generous offer. This is a guy who rarely talks about his path to publishing success. He’s so busy he routinely turns down many big-fee speaking engagements and here he was willing to come to speak at my event at no charge! Boy, was I flattered!
True to his word, the next morning Robert came to the Summit and along with Kim, shared some thoughts on what it takes to succeed as an author and entrepreneur. People were blown away by this surprise and they even got a standing ovation.
Get a book deal
Photo Credit: DeepLifeQuotes
As we walked through the streets of Manhattan, Robert paused for a moment and looked up at the tall buildings. Then he said, “I used to come to New York and look at these big buildings and wonder to myself, “How will anyone ever know who I am?”
Then he looked straight at me and said, “You changed that for me! You made me famous.”
A few minutes later, as we continued down the street a guy saw Robert, did a double-take then yelled to a friend, “Hey it’s Rich Dad!”
I smiled because in that instant, I realized what a quantum leap Robert has made, starting as a self-published author trying to sell the first 1,000 copies of his book to becoming so famous he’s recognized on the streets of New York.
Speaking of which….are you ready for me to help you make your own quantum leap?
If so, consider applying for one of just 50 open slots in the upcoming class of our Quantum Leap Publicity & Marketing Program so my team and I can work with you personally over the next year to achieve your own particular goals.
While I obviously can’t guarantee you’ll sell 26 million books like Robert has, I can promise you’ll discover how to get a whole lot more publicity, sell more books, brand yourself as the expert in your field, market your information on the Internet and make your own quantum leap in income and influence as an author/expert.
How to get paid speaking engagements
Photo Credit: Jeff Kubina
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