Musk, Walton, Reich! What Kind of Thought Leader Do You Want to Be?


Here are 3 ways to define your CEO brand as a thought leader: 1. The Innovator – like Elon Musk, who creates new things and thinks about the future. 2. The Decision Maker – like Sam Walton, who makes informed decisions based on years of experience. 3. The Explainer – like Robert Reich, who simplifies complex ideas and makes them understandable for anyone. Developing your CEO brand through media appearances is a fast way to become a thought leader. Learn how to develop your CEO brand with media appearances.

3 Ways to Define Your CEO Brand as a Thought Leader

One of the fastest ways to become a thought leader and develop your CEO brand is through media appearances. It’s also important to know what kind of leader you are. What is your CEO brand? There are three main types:

Number 1: The Innovator
Number 2: The Decision Maker
Number 3: The Explainer.

The Innovator

Number 1, the innovator, would be somebody like Elon Musk. People who create new things, and new ways of thinking, and that are future oriented. Like, beginning to think about how our world is going to evolve, and to take us on that path there.

The Decision Maker

Number 2 is the decision maker. That would be someone like Sam Walton. He comes to mind because I remember hearing a story about where he was planning where he would put his stores. He was up in an airplane, and he’s like, right there, when he passed over some city. And the person in the plane said, “well, how can you make that decision? You don’t even know where that is!” He said, “the decision is not made in this moment. It’s from all of my years of experience, and the bulk of my life. Where I can then suddenly make what seems like instantaneous decision.”

And some of what happens when you are building your CEO brand and becoming a thought leader is that we depend on you for your life experience, for your breadth of knowledge to be able to bring that into a moment of precision, to comment on what’s going on in the culture today. The future trending so to speak, that’s going to be happening in our culture as we expand and move toward that future.

The Explainer

The third type is the explainer. That would be someone like Robert Reich, who actually makes really difficult things understandable and someone who is willing to be available to comment and to start to put a framework around things that may not be so easy to understand, but it makes it understandable for anyone, at any level. That is really a key and a gift. One of my clients, Larry Magid was like that. He is a technology and computer expert. And he can take the most complex ideas, and make them simple for anyone to understand in the simplest terms. He zenifies it down, which is really beautiful.


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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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