The Missing Link In Manifesting Everything In The Media – Susan Harrow on Heart Sells! Podcast

The Missing Link In Manifesting Everything

Christine: Hey gorgeous! This is Episode number 345 and we have the wonderful Susan Harrow back on the show.

Susan: Hi, everyone, I’m Susan Harrow, and you are listening to Heart Sells! with Christine Schlonski. Enjoy.

Christine: I’m so happy that Susan Harrow is back today and she’s going to share something amazing with us today. So you are in for a treat. It’s all about The Missing Link In Manifesting Everything. This episode is special – so you want to be in a quiet place. You want to have the opportunity to close your eyes and to do the exercise with us. It’s not a good idea to drive or to handle heavy machinery or to be out for a run. This episode is really for just sitting down comfortably and tuning in.

So Susan Harrow is a world-renowned media coach, a marketing strategist, a martial artist and the author of the bestselling book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul™. Over the past 31 years she has trained 1000s of CEOs, celebrity chefs, startups, speakers, entrepreneurs and authors with her media consultancy, Harrow Communications. So I am so excited that she is back on the show today!

In case we have not met yet, I’m Christine Schlonski, the host of Heart Sells! Podcast where I talk with inspirational successful heart centered entrepreneurs and business leaders about how they have built a wildly successful businesses. Some of my amazing past guests include Natalie Ledwell, Ann Wilson, Kate Erickson, Pia Silva. Melanie Benson and Jill Stanton, just to name a few. This episode is brought to you by Heart Sells! Academy, where we inspire heart centered ambitious entrepreneurs, to redefine sales and to sell with ease grace and confidence while being authentic and having fun.

So if you want to learn more, hop on over to and find the Heart Sells! Academy. So let’s dive right into today’s episode to find The Missing Link In Manifesting Everything with Susan Harrow. Well, I am so excited you are back today, Susan, welcome.

Susan: Thank you, I’m so happy to be back.

Christine: I loved our conversation about confidence – the first episode was so much fun. It really had me thinking because, you know, I see that people are struggling with confidence. I just feel for myself, after I was able to let go of the thought of what others might be thinking of me, everything became easier. I was able to kind of turn inside and just analyze: what do I like about myself? What don’t I like about myself? What do I want to change? What can I accept? And I just feel that oftentimes I’m in that state of confidence where don’t even think, where I’m focusing on the other person, I’m just trying to be of service and I’m trying to be curious about who they are. I can stop worrying about me and how I’m going to be perceived.

Do you have maybe liked a practical tool you could share that would help our listeners to kind of get to that place with ease and with grace and have something to think about so before the next sales conversation or before they go on to a stage or before they are featured on media or TV, that they really can come to that state of just being authentic and truthful to themselves, which will be confidence at the end?

The One Command Process Introduction

Susan: Yeah, I think as we experience ourselves, I think as we go higher and higher in our level of business, that the practices are more internal versus external. The external things that we need to do are very technical or practical to get our message down. We need to roleplay, we need to experience that, we need to practice what we are not doing as well. So one of the things that I’ve been sharing with all of my clients and my subscribers as well and the participants in my courses, is something called the One Command. And the One Command is really the missing link in all of self-help because it’s not the law of attraction, it’s the law of creation.

And what it does, is it actually is a process that changes your biology and neurology in your head. That rewires your brain and rewires your DNA. I know that sounds like, oh my god – how is that possible? And it’s actually very simple, because normally we’re in what’s called the beta mind, which is our thinking mind. This is putting you into theta, which is your dream state, where it’s your unconscious. What you’re doing is bypassing the conscious mind, and opening up the possibilities to all it is and the greatness that’s already in yourself. So it’s not outside of yourself, you’re not attracting something in, this already exists. Everything that you want already exists and it’s about that coming together within this moment in time with who you are, if that makes sense.

The 6 One Command Steps

So there’s six steps, and I’ll outline the six steps, and then we’ll actually do it. So I’ll say what they are first, and then we’ll go through it. So number one, is to ground. That is to settle yourself into the earth to be centered. Number two is to align in your heart with whatever you want. This can be something specific, it can be a specific sale or a specific circumstance that you want, or it can be a quality. Whatever it is that you want.! You align in your heart, and then you go into theta. The way that we do that is that we just simply look our eyes up with them closed as if we’re looking through the top of our head and that mechanically puts you into the theta state.

And then we state the One Command, and the One Command is stated in such a way: “I don’t know how”. The reason why we say that is because you don’t know how. If you had known how, you would have it. And whatever you have created thus far, whatever you have in your life thus far, you have created. Some of it may be unconscious. So now what we’re doing is we’re making it conscious, so we are consciously creating. Then after we state the one command, I don’t know how and you state, whatever you want. “I don’t know how I feel confident in every moment of my life, and especially in a sales situation.” So it’s as simple as that! And then after that we say, “I only know that it is now,” because there’s only the present moment, “and I am grateful and fulfilled”. So we give thanks.

So that next step is to then expand whatever we have, to really feel it in our bodies. And then the last step is to receive, to really be open to receiving that. This is a process that you can do every single day, twice a day. It can be a short as five minutes. We’re going to do more than one command, you can either do one command per time, but you can stack them and do a number of commands, which is what we’ll do together, so you just get a sense. They don’t have to even be on the same topic. And with the One Command, the other thing that’s important to know is you only need to state the command once because it is done!

How the One Command Has Worked in Practice

So there may be iterations of that, there may be variations of that because what happens then, is you see what happens and comes back. I’ll give you a short example of me. So one of the things that I want to do is, I want to work with celebrities who have foundations who are really doing great in the world. So I’ve been doing the One Command on that. And you know what came back? I actually got two connects with celebrities. However, one was a celebrity who was a celebrity way in the past, he is a little older and is doesn’t have a clear vision of where he wants to go in the future.

And the same with the other one, which was something got revived from the past that’s now put him into the spotlight and made him become famous in this moment. So not exactly what I want. Right! So I need to continue to work on it. I’ve gotten two celebrities but they’re not the kind of celebrities that I want. So I’m not going to work with those two people and I need to look at okay, well, what’s wrong? What’s up with my programming that I got them? I’m getting there, but it’s not quite right. Right?

Christine: So it’s about the message right? The message that needs to be really, really clear and may the message be what you deliver or may message be like, what you desire to the universe?

Susan: Yes, and what patterns, beliefs and experiences are holding you back from those. So that’s part of what we want to identify, too. So you ask the question. I don’t know how I identify what’s holding me back from getting the right kind of celebrity celebrity clients that I want. So that’s my next level of One Commanding because I don’t know what it is, but obviously, I got two of them. And so there’s a tweak, there’s tweaking that needs to be done.

Christine: So it’s working.

Susan: It’s working, kinda right. Yeah.

Christine: Yeah. Yeah. Wonderful. So how can we do that, so that the listeners can actually sit down and do it with us?

The One Command Being Done – Setting The Groundwork

Susan: Yeah, so let’s do it. So let’s just do it together, right. So be sitting down or laying down, it doesn’t matter. And if you’re sitting down in a chair feel the back of the chair supporting you. Put your feet firmly on the floor and if you’re laying down, just imagine your feet are on the floor. At this point, you can close your eyes to begin to imagine this. And then what we want to do is imagine that at the bottom of your feet are roots going deep, deep, deep into the earth. You can also visualize if it serves you, crystals or, beautiful emeralds, or sapphires that go deep, deep, deep down into the earth, and they’re sinking way down, deep into the earth. You’re supported by the Earth.

You can feel the back of the chair or the bed or wherever you’re laying, against pillows fully supporting you. And the Earth has been supporting you for your entire life. You feel yourself dropping way deep, down into the earth. And the earth contains the ancestors, all of the ancestors and the people who have come before you, who have done already and have the wisdom of what you want, and we can call on that earth energy and those people and the minerals and the animals. All of that’s available to you now. At the same time, imagine that there’s a beautiful beam of light coming down through the top of your head, through the center of your body, all the way deep, deep down into the earth so you’re connected both to the heavens and to the Earth at the same time.

Then begin to draw that earth energy up through your legs, your knees, your thighs, to your solar plexus. All the way up to your heart. When we get to the heart we align with what it is that you want. So right now, we’re going to say: “What I want is to be confident and comfortable in who I am to connect with the right people, who are my perfect clients, my perfect customers in sales, and that I have the kind of confidence and comfortability that makes me go through life with ease and grace,” then draw in a breath, take a deep breath in and bring it up to the top, the center of your forehead and hold, hold, hold. And then let it out.

And as you let it out, imagine: light before you, light behind you, light to the right of you light to the left of you, light above you, light below you, light inside of you light, light, light, light. You are the light. And then begin to just roll your eyes up into your head as if you’re looking into your forehead. Toward the top of your head. And then begin to travel up outside the top of your head, up out of the ceiling above, up into the sky, up, up, up into the universe, up, up, up past the galaxies, up, up, up past all the universes, up, up, up past all of the stars up, up, up past to the open potential of what all there is.

So you see the black luminosity of everything that existed, everything that is possible for you now. Anyone who is there to help you and then you pop up into the white luminosity of all that is. Everything is available to you here, right now, in this moment.

The One Command Being Done: Example Phrases

“I don’t know how I feel comfortable and confident in myself, no matter what my weight, no matter what I look like, no matter who I feel I am right now or what level I’m at. I only know that I am now and I’m grateful and fulfilled.”

“I don’t know how the next time that I really, really want to have a customer or a client, it just unfolds really naturally and we have this beautiful conversation and we decide together whether we’re a good match and the whole process is really natural, and really wonderful and a such a great conversation. I only know that it is now and I’m grateful and fulfilled.”

“I don’t know how I have the kind of perfect clients and perfect customers that are right for me, that they find me, that they wherever they are they, there we find each other and it’s so easy, and it’s so fun. I only know that it is now and I’m grateful and fulfilled.”

“I don’t know how any of the patterns or beliefs, or stuck places become visible to me now, that I see what I need to work on. I just know that they become visible now. And I’m grateful and fulfilled.”

“I don’t know how I open my mind to the next level of possibility, I only ask that I be shown how and I be shown the next step and it is now and I am grateful and fulfilled.”

“I don’t know how to even ask the next question for what I need, but I only know that I’m going to ask it and be open to the answer. And it is now an embryo from fulfilled.”

“I don’t know how I absorb all the information and the knowledge and the skills that I need now. And I take the right steps to move me forward to what I say that I want. And what I know that I want. I only know that it is now and I’m grateful and fulfilled.”

The One Command Being Done: Unwinding

And then begin to relax and expand that idea and expand into whatever is possible. Be open to all of the things and the possibilities that are already there for you. Then you can relax your eyes. And then we’re going to unwind, unwind, unwind anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. All of the fears of the things that I can’t do it. “I’m not ready for media,” “This client is too big for me.” Unwind, unwind, unwind. “I’m afraid of sales.” “I think I can’t do it.” “I have all these blocks.” Unwind, unwind, unwind.

The One Command Being Done: Rewinding

Then rewind, rewind, rewind the DNA. “I feel comfortable within my own self.” “I love myself and I give that kind of non-judgment and love to other people as well.” “And we connect really deeply.” Rewind, rewind, rewind. “I have the right kind of clients and customers, they find me wherever they are.” “We’re such a great match together and we know each other when we meet.” Rewind, rewind, rewind.

Then just take another breath, relax, and absorb everything and see your new holographic self and all of the possibilities that are there for you. Then let in the visions, the light, the see, feel, hear, sense whatever is available to you, that’s here now for you and that you’re ready for. When you’re ready and open your eyes and come back to them.

Christine: So powerful. I hope everyone has really enjoyed that and go back, listen again, twice a day.

Susan: Oh, and I was going to leave a space for them to put in what they wanted. And I forgot.

Christine: So that’s fine, that’s fine. They can go, you can put in your own wish, your own command. I think that’s so powerful. Just thinking about possibility. I love how that exercise talks about the possibility because so often we forget, and everything is about possibility when we see it. But if we are not open to it, we don’t see it.

Susan: And we don’t even know what it is! We can’t see it! Because we don’t know. That’s the beauty of the saying, “I don’t know how,” because you don’t know how in all of these different ways. That’s what opens you to the next thing, to the next thing, to the next thing. And that’s why I love that process so much.

How do you get the message right & Signature Stories?

Christine: Yes. So I have one more question, especially in regards of the message because I know the message is so important. It’s the message like for your command, right? What do you want to ask for? It’s a message to your soulmate client, to your ideal customer, it’s a message you have for you, the self-talk. Let’s talk about how do I get the message right, so that other people can understand the brilliance I’m bringing to the world?

Susan: I think it’s actually very specific, because in media, there’s certain questions that you’re always going to be asked. One of my clients is about to be on a podcast, and I said, everybody’s going to ask you: “Why do you do what you do? And why did you start your business?” She goes, “he already asked me that to prepare?” And I’m like, that’s right! That is what every single person is going to ask you first, because why are you here? Why are you on our show? Why are writing this? I mean, it’s not necessarily if it’s writing in print, but any kind of broadcast. It’s like, why do you do what you do? So you need to have your signature story down, and there can be many of them.

Signature Stories: Why You Do What You Do & Success Stories

So it’s not just one signature story, his signature stories for the particular angle that you’re going to be talking about. I want to ask everybody to open their mind to that too, to have a number of signature stories. Why do you do what you do? It can be from your childhood. It can be a new hobby that you created. So why do you do what you do, that’s your number one signature story. The other message that you want to have, is success stories. And this reverses the bragging because you’re not talking about yourself, you’re talking about what you have produced for your clients.

So one of my clients, for example, was on like a national TV show, and because we had practiced the sound bites so much – it was a very tight situation where it was something a very controversial topic and so that could have easily have gone awry – and we had practiced really super tight sound bites and answers. That had been vetted through his legal department, as well, because it was it was a very high-profile case. We then he made sure that he said only that, even though off-camera. And walking down a hallway the producer asked him 30 different times to try to get him to change his answer and that’s what they would have aired. But he kept to that key messaging. That’s part of the confidence and being centered in yourself and the self-discipline to stay with what you know.

So the next story way that you want is success that you’ve had through a client. So I might say, one of my clients, after taking the soundbite course with me, and working with me, spoke to an audience and got $200,000 checks. People were inspired to support his foundation, his caused, his school and him and wrote him a check on the spot. He wasn’t asking for money.

So that’s a success story, right? Because he said the right thing and connected to his audience, he got that money. So you want to have a success stories like that, either quantitative, or transformational.

Signature Story: Unique Advice

And then the third thing that you want is typically, if you’re on the media, they want you to give advice of some sort. So you want to have your advice down. What is it that you’re going to share that people don’t know already, that’s super valuable, that only you can give that you specifically. I think that’s super important in today’s environment because everybody’s taking from everybody else. Instead, you really want to develop your own self, your own key messages, not be looking at everybody else and what they’re doing on social media and what everybody else has said. What is it that you’re saying in such a way that’s different, that is valuable, and that connects directly to their audience so they’re inspired to engage with you and buy. And that’s really key.

And there’s different messages for different audiences even if it may be the same program, product or service that you’re selling. You may be speaking to different audiences or different segments of the audience so you want to have messages for all of that already prepared that you can just pull out. One of my clients that we’re working with right now for her next media appearance, we know that she’s going to need some statistics and she’s going to need some stories. So we’re just mapping them out.

She can even have them like little note cards in front of her that she can just look down at – because it’s on Zoom – but we’re planning all of those out because we really want to tap into several aspects of her needs. One aspect is clients. Another aspect is funding. We want to have those messages down for the both of those audiences.

Christine: So important to set your intention, and then also prepare, basically, now know what to…

Susan: Set your intention and prepare! Yes, that’s right because that goes back to your deepest intention and then everything has to step up and follow that.

Don’t Wing It! Plan, Prepare & Practice

Christine: Yeah, I love that. That’s so valuable, just reminding ourselves, you can wing it, sometimes, but those you…

Susan: No! Plan, prepare and practice, so you can be free to be spontaneous. It takes a lot of skill to get your message out and you can do an interview, and it’ll be over and you haven’t gotten any of your messaging out. Don’t wing it! It’s the same with founders, people who have starting companies do not want to wing it when you’re asking for money. You want to plan it out and prepare for any kind of challenge or any situation that could possibly arise. That’s the key thing – that’s the role playing in the practice, and then be comfortable. That’s part of confidence – is being able to know that I’ve already run through all of that and if it’s something that’s unexpected that comes up next – well, I’ve run through all these other scenarios, I think I can handle this one.

Christine: Yeah, totally. I so agree. I remember, you know, STERN Corporation, I always practice with new team members. I always practiced. What is right? How can you handle this? And I remember that when I started. I was so impressed with people who already were working in the job for a year or two. I was like, “Wow, they’re so spontaneous.” Right? And I was like, well, hopefully I can get there. And you know that when other people look at you like, Wow.

Susan: And you always want it to sound spontaneous, even if it’s scripted. That’s super key. Like some of my clients memorize things exactly. Then I’ve got another client right now and she’s like, ” I say it differently every time and it’s fine.” That’s totally fine, as long as it’s the core of the point that you want to make.

Christine: Yep, 100% agree. So going back a little bit, what was the very, very first thing that you ever sold?

Susan: Ice skating.

Christine: Ice skating?

Susan: I was an Ice Skating teacher? Yeah. As a kid. Yeah. I remember do ask that question, it was ice skating. I was ice skating teacher. So that was the first thing that I sold. Because, you know, the kids had to have fun, or they wouldn’t want to come to your class, right?

Christine: Yes. Great. Do you remember how it felt when you received the first time the payment for, like your own money?

Susan: That’s so exciting to get your own money for that, isn’t it? Yes. Yeah, I thought it was really exciting. I thought, oh, my God, this is so fun. And I’ve always thought every job that I want, I want it to be so fun and like money is just incidental. Like, oh, my God, I get paid for this. And you know, I taught ice skating, I taught tennis as a high school teacher and I just feel like that was that all in that same realm? Oh, my God, I get paid for this.

Christine: Yeah, Yeah, I love that. And I also feel like today with what we do, it’s so rewarding. Obviously, we get paid for it, we get well paid for it, but it’s like that feeling of you do something that’s so fulfilling and so fun, that you just love every minute of it.

Susan: Right, yeah. Yeah, that’s the goal.

The 100 Word Email That Can Get The Media To Call You

Christine: So for people to get like more opportunities, let’s put it this way or create possibilities. You brought us an amazing, amazing gift. And it’s a 100-Word Email That Can Get The Media To Call You and brag and title, but it’s like, it’s so intriguing. So what are people getting when they go and get that PDF?

Susan: And that goes back to what we were doing with the One Command, right? Because you want to have this, what you’re putting out into the world is getting you to receive what it’s what it is you said you wanted. And so the 100 word email is a very succinct way of doing that. Journalists today, they want to know, you know: Is your topic relevant to them? Are you the right person to speak on it? And are you going to connect with their audience? And we give you three templates that you can use super easily that show you how you can write up whatever your offer is, your product, your program, your service, your business, book, product, service, or cause, whatever that is. You can write that up super succinctly.

So the media then say, you’re the right person, this is the right topic for me, and they contact you. Then you have the opportunity to have a conversation and give them more information so they can book you or interview you. So they want things in a very concise way and a specific format and that’s what these three templates do.

Christine: Beautiful, beautiful. So how do you want to finish off this wonderful conversation? What kind of tip, quote, do you want to leave us with?

Susan: I have a couple of super favorite quotes. You know my first favorite quote is, “My Life is My Message” by Gandhi. I really think that everything you do, say, are and think, from your words to your website need to be in alignment in order for you to have your offer come back to you in the way that you want it. And that, that kind of consistency, that’s why the breath work, the One Command, that kind of practicing, and the roleplay is all about alignment and consistency. So that’s my very favorite, saying, and it’s something that we practice every single day because all of those things are a practice, again, with the thoughts in your mind. And then you know, so it is you know, as above so below kind of thing. What you’re thinking and what you’re thinking about yourself is so important as well not only for what you want and your “sales process.”

Christine: Yes, so, so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, your energy, your love for what you do. I hope that we inspire a ton of people to really take it to the next step and to think about not just think about but to take action steps to get themselves into media so they can get their message out to more people and have the influence that they desire. Thank you so much for having been here.

Susan: Thank you, Christine. I love it.

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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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