Be Yourself – Everyone Else is Already Taken!
People often believe they need to be like someone else in a media situation, but this is not true. Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” Embrace your unique knowledge, personality, and quirks. We want to see the authentic you.
Be Yourself
Hi everyone! Susan Harrow, media coach, marketing strategist. author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul®, published by HarperCollins and CEO of bringing you today’s one minute media training.
Our topic is how to be yourself. Now that might seem really odd, and yet I find it’s the thing that comes up the most and first with my clients and course participants. They think they have to be like someone else. Like another leader, or an influencer, or someone who they think is popular, who’s gone viral. Nothing could be further from the truth. Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” Yes! We want to see your knowledge, your personality, and even your quirks we want to see the original you!
If you’re excited to learn this today you know what to do. Give me a thumbs up, comment, subscribe and make sure to ding the bell. I invite you to join me on And I also invite you to schedule a free consult if you like. And there are lots of free goodies, or I invite you to take a course. So I’ll see you soon on
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