Business Viralocity: Facebook Fan Pages
Tired of having to read about who just walked their dog, sent a gizmo to a friend, or raced to the bathroom? Do you want instead to focus on marketing your business, book, product, service or cause to the people who are truly prospects?
You may not think so, but Facebook is the answer. There is a critical gap in most people’s Facebook strategies — if they have a strategy at all. For entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and consultants who want to use Facebook for business, it’s not well known that fan pages can be automated and set up to be income generators. Here’s how.
1. Stay Single Minded.
The most productive fan pages are focused on a single product. Don’t dilute your impact by listing several products on one page. Instead give as much information as you can that will serve to interest people to click through to your website to learn more about your offer.
2. Mind your brand.
Keep your fan page look consistent with your website’s look and feel so people feel comfortable that they know you. You don’t want them to wonder where on earth they’ve landed if your fan page looks like a college student’s crazy collage.
3. Support a Cure.
Jason Deitch, an expert in creating automated Facebook Fan Pages asked, “Can a Facebook Fan Page Cure Cancer?” He noted that Philadelphia Eagles WR Desean Jackson is sure going to give it a try. “In honor of Jackson’s father who suffered pancreatic cancer, Jackson is using his Facebook fan page to auction off his gloves from last Sunday’s game and donating proceeds to Pancreatic Cancer Research. With over 3K fans it appears Jackson is doing a great job connecting with his fans and donating to a cause he believes in” says Deitch. No reason why you can’t follow suit to create awareness for your own favorite charity or cause.
4. Go Viral.
Are you using the virus to spread your message? Walgreens is. They’ve tapped into a topic of great concern, the H1N1 Flu virus, and created awareness on their fan page. Now over 350,000 fans know to “Arm yourself”™ so that together “we can fight the flu.” The campaign includes specific action to help avoid the flu and news that comes directly from the Center for Disease Control. According to Deitch “Walgreens is doing a great job spreading it’s brand message: There’s a way to stay well.”
5. Give something away.
By offering a free downloadable gift you’re automatically gathering leads that may eventually turn into sales. Once people determine that you’ve given them something valuable they are more likely to trust you when you offer them something to buy. Giving gifts shows them that you’re serious about serving them. Giving away something that peaks their interest should also intrigue them to learn more and engage more deeply with you.
You can visit my fan pages created by Jason’s team here:
Get Booked on Oprah
Get a 6 Figure Book Advance
Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul – Promote Yourself With Integrity & Spirit
And I would be delighted if you were to become a fan.
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