Embracing your red jacket moment
SUMMARY: Many people hide or hold themselves back, fearing visibility. Are you avoiding your “red jacket moment?” Is it holding you back from owning your space? Sometimes all that is holding you back from embracing visibility and stepping into your power is putting something on that makes you feel powerful.
How Do you Embrace Your Red Jacket Moment?
Are you hiding, shrinking, holding yourself back in any way? Most people are! The paradox is that we say we want to be seen—but we want others to only see the spiffed up us. Let’s locate the areas that are sneakily keeping you from expanding into your boundless, fabulous future self. How about you being seen, respected and cherished this year? Yes? I invite you to see if we ignite together by commenting YES! in the comment section.
Hi everyone, Susan Harrow, media coach, marketing strategist, author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® , published by HarperCollins, and CEO of prsecrets.com. Here today with your one minute media training tip, which is: How do you embrace your red jacket moment?
One of my clients, Kimberly Faith, told me the story of someone she was training to move into her leadership brand. And she had wanted to speak to 100 people with confidence. They had gotten all the way through that and she was doing really well and then Kimberly identified that she needed to have new headshots done. So she said, Why don’t you wear a red jacket? The woman balked and it suddenly, BING! dawned on her, she said, “Oh my God, brides in India, when they wear red, all eyes are on them! I don’t want to have all eyes on me.”
And she discovered that she was holding herself back from that red jacket moment. So I want to ask you, is there something that’s holding you back from having your red jacket moment? Something that is not allowing you to step into the space that is already yours? To express what you want to express in the world? I’d love to hear what you think.
And if you have stepped into your red jacket moment, I would love to hear that as well. So please join me on prsecrets.com you are welcome to book a free 15 minute consult, to enjoy my free goodies, or to also enjoy a course. Speak with you soon.
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