Beyond the Mask: Learn How to Lose Imposter Syndrome
Beyond the Mask: Learn How to Lose Imposter Syndrome – Interview by Kat Ramirez – Stand Out & Grow Podcast
Hi there, this is Kat, and thank you for joining my Stand Out and Grow Live Podcast. Today, I have a very cool guest and topic: Beyond the Mask: Learn How to Lose Imposter Syndrome, and I think that you will thoroughly enjoy it. If you do miss this live podcast, don’t worry; it will be available on the Standout and Grow Podcast Channel for reference.
So, I’m happy to have Susan Harrow on today. She is a media coach and marketing strategist, and she wants to talk to you today about letting go of imposter syndrome. This is such a great topic because it’s something we always need to address. As we move and evolve through our business and life, we’re always questioning our own authority, our own ability, and whether we are an expert or a thought leader. So, let me bring out Susan because I am super excited to have her.
Imposter Syndrome: A Common Experience.
Susan: So excited to be here. I’m happy that you said that we all experience this because sometimes people feel like they’re all alone in this, but it is something that we all, especially the ambitious, feel.

Kat: Yeah, for sure. You know, I think for a long time during COVID, I used to hear the imposter syndrome name and dialogue a lot. Probably more so than before because we were all isolated, and we were using digital media to get our voices out there. And I think the biggest thing for people is having the confidence and feeling like they’re not an imposter and that they are the real experts.
Susan: It’s so widespread. Some studies show it affects 95% of us, while the most conservative ones show it’s 75%. I know that women often think they experience it more, but the reason is that men often take action in spite of imposter syndrome. They feel it differently. Men are more worried about being disrespected, while women are more concerned about being liked and accepted. We can learn from men, especially if we feel this way; still, we should move forward. One way to do that is to set a goal in the future, like a TED talk or a video, to give yourself something to aim for.
Kat: Yeah, that makes sense. Before we dive deeper into this conversation, can you give my audience a little background about yourself and how you came to be where you are today?
Susan: I majored in Shakespeare as an English major, which may not seem very practical. However, I also have a background in startups and worked at several startups, including ones focused on smart buildings. I sold hundred-thousand-dollar systems in Silicon Valley. I eventually shifted into the role of a publicist. When I was booking people in the media, I realized that merely getting them placements wasn’t enough; it mattered what they said, how they said it, and how they connected with the audience and the media. I started focusing on media training and found it to be my true passion.

Kat: That’s amazing! Your journey from Shakespeare and startups to media coaching is fascinating. So, let’s get back to imposter syndrome. I’ve heard you talk about three ways people of all genders, ethnicities, and sensibilities can overcome imposter syndrome. Could you share those three ways with us?
Susan: Certainly! The first way is future pacing. Imagine who you want to become and reflect on that daily. The second is micromanaging your mind. When you feel jealousy or triggers, acknowledge those thoughts and let them go. Shift your thinking to admire the positive aspects in others, which will elevate your energy. The third way is about using affirmations effectively. Instead of stating affirmations like “I’m so great,” ask questions like “How can I feel more confident in my own skin and be relaxed and engaging in this interaction?”
Kat: Those are valuable strategies to overcome imposter syndrome. Your focus on self-awareness and self-reflection is crucial. So, Susan, what types of businesses and individuals do you help within your media coaching?
Susan: I mainly work with socially conscious entrepreneurs, women founders, innovators, and individuals with businesses, books, products, services, or causes they’re launching. I look for people who are genuinely making a positive impact on the world. My clients come from diverse industries, from tech to medical and wellness. It’s not about the industry, but about whether they are media-worthy and have something that can help many people.
Kat: That’s fantastic. I’m sure your expertise can benefit a wide range of individuals and businesses. Do you still work in the PR business, or are you primarily focused on media training?
Susan: I don’t handle media placements directly. Instead, I partner with PR firms and collaborate with clients’ internal marketing teams to ensure their messaging and media presence are effective. I also refer clients to PR firms when needed.
Kat: That’s a great approach to ensure that clients receive comprehensive support. Could you tell us more about your book, “Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul”?
Susan: The book was the foundation for my course, “The Zen of Fame: Your Genius Gone Viral.” The course covers three parts. First, you learn your messaging. Then, you set up systems to welcome potential clients and develop a 25-day marketing campaign tailored to your style and energy. The book emphasizes that you can promote yourself without feeling like you’re bragging, begging, or compromising your values. It’s about being your authentic self while still achieving your goals.
Kat: I love the concept of promoting yourself authentically. It’s true; people buy from people. If you can be yourself, you’re going to be more successful. For those in the audience who want to connect with you and learn more about your services and courses, how can they do that?

Susan: You can find me at my website,, where you’ll find a wide range of resources. I have free videos and special reports available to help you get started. You can also schedule a free 15-minute consultation if you have questions or are interested in what I can offer. I’m here to help.
Kat: That’s wonderful, Susan. Thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your insights into imposter syndrome, media coaching, and your course. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have you on the Stand Out and Grow Live Podcast.
Susan: Thank you, Kat, for having me. I’d like to leave you and your listeners with a powerful Aikido practice. When you get up in the morning, imagine that you are opening a door. Expand your energy and take up space in the world. I want you to feel like you are big and powerful in your own life. Confidence comes from competence. So, go out and practice!
Kat: That’s a wonderful note to end on. Thank you, Susan, and thank you to our listeners for joining us today. We hope you found this episode inspiring and empowering. Remember, confidence comes from competence and practice. Have a fantastic day, everyone.
Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity
Thank you for joining us on the Stand Out and Grow Live Podcast. We’re live every Monday at 2 PM Central Time. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Susan for media training and PR expertise. Remember, you’ve got this!
About Kat Ramirez.
Kat is a serial entrepreneur who loves to solve problems! She is the CEO and Founder of adBidtise, #SocialBuzZ, 10X Business Broker, and Golfing Buddy. Susan will be the first to tell you that starting a business is HARD and you will make mistakes. She has coached and mentored several business owners to master a plan for their startup journey. Reach out to Kat and find out how she can help you with your business success!
She has over 30 years of entrepreneurial, marketing, business development, and sales experience training and coaching hundreds of businesses to Stand Out and Grow! Kat is one of the Best Marketing Leaders in the industry. She will coach and train you about the best Marketing Options available to you and your Business. You will also learn how to find your best target audience, how to handle challenges and objections, how to upsell clients and so much more!
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