Media Coaching Tips for Anthony Weiner – Twitter Photo Scandal

Media Coaching Anthony Weiner







1. Don’t deny the obvious.
How can you not know your own weiner? In or out of underwear I challenge any man not to know his own organ intimately. The married representative Anthony Weiner, denied sending a photograph of his “bulging briefs” to a 21-year-old college student from his @RepWeiner Twitter account last Friday. Mistake number one: Stating he couldn’t be 100% sure that it was a photograph of his manhood! Don’t ever deny the obvious when it’s literally in your face.

2. Don’t joke about a serious allegation.
Anthony Weiner took what could be a career take-down as a lark. He tried to downplay this serious situation lightly by responding with defensiveness mixed with wit and humor. Rather he should have had a sound bite strategy to prove that the photo was not his particulars, and proof positive that he didn’t send it.

It won’t be so funny if he’s stripped of his high-profile position. Weiner not only should have been prepared with a response about the personal photographs he keeps of his privates that could have been manipulated, but also why he has Twitter connections with a porn star, and comely college co-eds. When you’re on the spot take it seriously and carefully plan for every worst-case scenario question. Make sure to role play the most inappropriate, personal and intimate questions so you’ll be prepared for the worst in order to do your best.

Media Coaching Anthony Weiner3. Don’t pull a Mel Gibson.
Weiner inflamed an already ignited media by calling a CNN producer a “jackass”.  We don’t expect a legislator to be as hot headed as actors like Mel Gibson, known for his media tantrums and name-calling. We expect dignified behavior. Always keep your equanimity no matter how ill-mannered the press or any one else is. Even though you’re not a representative of congress you represent yourself and your business.

4. Don’t let your reputation lapse.
Mark Twain said, “A lie can circle the globe in the time it takes truth to put on its shoes”. Weiner’s team should have immediately begun an investigation to prove that his Twitter account was hacked in order to preserve his integrity. His proof  should include the kind of serious tweets he’s known for on issues that are important to him to show that he’s not the kind of man who would send a photograph of his largess to a college co-ed. The New York Daily News reported, “the nano-second it takes to send a tweet, Rep. Anthony Weiner’s political career has short-circuited.”

Overall the public is not just questioning whether or not there was a Twitter hack-in, they are questioning Weiner’s character. Would it shock us that such a man would do this? That’s the bigger question.

Whenever an allegation, untruth or rumor is spread about you or your company you must take instant action to quash it. Anthony Weiner said he was going to do an “investigation” but hasn’t. In a situation like this you must state what action you’re going to take then follow through. Once you take action keep the media apprised. Its essential to get your side of the story out to traditional media outlets as well as through social media so you can help truth put on it’s shoes before that lie can circle the globe.

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Hi, I'm Susan

I’m a media coach, martial artist + marketing strategist who helps you communicate your values, mission + message during media interviews to multiply your revenue while building your brand + business. I believe that you don’t need to brag, beg or whore yourself to get the publicity you want. Nor do you need to be an axe murderer, a shamed sports star, or be involved in a sex scandal. There is another way…

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