Don’t Practice in Front of the Mirror!
When preparing for a media appearance, it’s better to practice in front of a camera instead of a mirror so you’re not fixated on how you look. This allows you to focus on your internal thoughts, feelings, and the message you want to convey to your audience. By practicing in front of a camera, you can observe and make adjustments to any distracting habits or expressions that may affect your delivery.
Don’t Practice In Front of The Mirror When Preparing For a Media Appearance
Hi everyone, its Susan Harrow, media coach, marketing strategist, author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® published by HarperCollins and CEO of Here today with your one minute media training.
Don’t practice in front of a mirror. Why? Because you’re going to be thinking about you. What am I looking like? What is my face doing? Am I blinking too much? No. Practice in front of a camera. And I’ll tell you what the difference is: I just heard an interview with Hugh Grant talking about creating an internal process of thought, of feeling, so it shows on your face. And that’s what we want to do too before a media appearance. What do you feel internally? What do you want to communicate to your audience? And you want to be thinking about them and how you want to connect with them.
Practice in Front of the Camera For Your Media Appearances
And what is the thought, feeling, body, embodiment that you are expressing through how you look. So that’s really a big difference than: Am I squinting? And the point why you want to practice in front of the camera is to see how those internal practices, your internal thought process and what you’re giving is showing up on the camera. So then you can modify it for the kinds of things that you didn’t realize that you’re doing. Blinking too much, or smiling too much, or a tick, or whatever that may be. We do want to eliminate that so it’s not distracting to your message and who you who you are – what you came to give.
Trainings, Consults and Courses!
I hope that’s helpful to you. If you would like more visit my website, I have lots of free master classes and other trainings for you and also other courses. Or you can book a free 15 minute consult with me to see if we might click together. If you’re excited to learn this today, you know what to do. Give me a thumbs up, comment, subscribe and make sure to ding the bell. Look forward to talking to you. Bye!
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