Preparing for Your Media Appearance: Getting fit to look fabulous
The first thing people are concerned about when they are doing a TV interview isn’t about their inner beauty. They worry: How do I look? They want to know what clothes to wear, how to do their make-up and hair (yes men too), how to sit to look their best. After we discuss all the cosmetic stuff we get down to media training.
But before that my most successful clients have done their internal work, unearthing the stuff of self so they can make that alchemical transformation and turn the dross into gold. It’s not an overnight process where they magically emerge whole, pure and golden.
Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido says, “Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment.” Through daily practices you can “manifest your innate enlightenment.”
Mostly, this flurry of “how can I improve my appearance” happens in a last minute rush, even if people are committed to doing inner work. But if you have even a bit of time to prepare I have some recommendations for inner and outer beauty so you get out your message while you glow. I haven’t used Western medicine except aspirin for over 30 years so everything I recommend below is safe, natural and good for you. And I’ve used every one of these products and services so can highly recommend them.
1. Dial Into Your Inner Beauty
Inner beauty shows up first even before you open your mouth. I highly recommend that you deal with your fears, apprehensions, past emotional and physical pain by doing the Sedona Method whenever you need it. I use this method daily for everything from letting go of impatience to dealing with back pain.
Order your free two-hour introductory Sedona Method DVD, CD and MP3 and learn to instantly release uncomfortable or unwanted feelings on the spot including long standing physical and emotional pain. Excellent preparation to do in advance of your media appearances, and to create a happier, freer life on an ongoing basis.
2. Lose 2 Dress or Pant Sizes in 30 Days
You’re a month away from a smaller, more toned you. I went from a size 8 to a size 6 in a month (I’m now a size 4), Lisa Earle McLeod lost 2 dress sizes and got back the flat tummy she hasn’t had for 10 years. If you’ve got a media appearance coming up and you want to get in tip top (T-Tapp) shape ASAP, click here to order either Total Workout, Basic Plus, T-Tapp MORE or Total System. (Read the descriptions to find the right program for you.) If you need help deciding email: Also check out WhiteBrite, a teeth whitening spray that doesn’t make your teeth sensitive and hurt (like all those other whitening kits), so as a TV guest your smile can be as bright as your information.
3. Look Healthier and Get “The Glow”
You know that creepy little neck jiggle under the chin? Well mine is now smooth and taut. I’ve been using the Somme Institute line of products that have made a big difference in my skin. I’ve tried a lot of expensive products that guaranteed results, but didn’t do a darn thing so I was skeptical when Edward Fallas, Director of Communications for the Somme Institute, asked me to try his products before taking him on as a client. He insisted I be a believer. He said, “We don’t claim to be the fountain of youth but we will ‘ Transform Your Skin ‘ which will in turn make you look younger and healthier.” He was right Somme is different.
My wrinkles are actually smoothing out Publicist Cynthia Stine said her neck is smooth as silk. She can’t stop touching it. And neither can her husband. The difference from other products on the market that make these claims is that they are unsupported. The Somme Institute tracked over 5000 people over 7 years using MDT5 – Molecular Dispersion Technology 5 which is a proprietary technology that allows the vitamins to penetrate the skin so they can actually repair it from the inside out. The results are visible, definite, and proven through the use of ultra violet technology photographs that show the actual damage and then repair of the skin after using the Somme products.
4. Rejuvenate Your Face & Body
Most of my clients feel self-conscious about being on camera. They think that they don’t look good enough on TV. To help you feel comfortable in your own skin I recommend Dr. Bissoon who brought the Cellulite Cure to the U.S. from France. In addition to curing cellulite he uses innovative techniques to help you look refreshed and at your best by using safe, proprietary solutions that are delivered with a consistent and systematic method that are actually GOOD for you–to help your body lose fat and stimulate collagen, get rid of cellulite, and/or sculpt and shape your face and body and rejuvenate your skin.
Many people who had tried liposuction to get rid of their saddlebags with disastrous results sought out Dr. Bissoon who turned their horror stories into happy endings. Mesotherapy is safe, fast and natural. Offices in New York, Los Angeles, Palm Beach & the San Francisco Bay Area.
5. No Botox Wrinkle Remover
Hypnox is a 25-minute hypnotherapeutic audio CD developed as an alternative to Botox. Botox works by paralyzing the facial muscles making it nearly impossible to frown. Safe, all-natural Hypnox targets and re-trains those same muscles. Hypnox uses hypnosis to stop the habit of frowning, allowing wrinkles to ease away, often permanently in many cases. I listen to this CD regularly to relax my face and mind.
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Disclosure: Some of the above may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no cost to you. They are products or services I’ve either used, vetted or trust. Enjoy!