Feng Shui Your Mind For Media Interviews
I’ve had so many conversations this month that end up being about mind-set. Feng Shui-ing your mind is more than just clearing clutter. It’s about discovering and then organizing what the heck is in there in the first place.
Mind-set is about how our conscious and unconscious minds work together well – or not.
One of the biggest barriers to completing a program, course, webinar, website, or getting a book deal, or doing media training to prepare for a print, radio or TV appearance is….
Yup, mindset.
I told my friend that it took me three entire days to find new agents to send my query letter to about my memoir. Each one had a different submission guideline so it was excruciating to have to do every single query differently according to their request.
She said, “Well that would probably take another person ten times as long because they’d never even be able to get over their fear of sending out their work.”
I was a bit startled by this. Then, when I sat and thought about it I sensed that she was right.
The video training from Mary Ann Robbat (who is hosting a telesummit I’m in) is just the thing for getting over that fear or any other mind-set issue: 3 Major Mindset Shifts to Increase Your Business Prosperity. (It’s free).
So if you’re holding back on getting media coaching, doing media appearances, or something, anything, start with this to free your mind.
I also like this free training that’s included in the tele summit: Feng Shui your home and office to receive abundance
And this training too: Launch and monetize your YouTube following (Think of this as your mini-media training gig).
Check out our PR and Media Training Workshop to Jumpstart your Publicity

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Disclosure: Some of the above may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no cost to you. They are products or services I’ve either used, vetted or trust. Enjoy!